
Chapter 53: Strange changes

Lucien's final attack left the ground and his body trembling. The head of the Black devil was reduced to a bloody paste while the rest of its body remained intact, laying there lifelessly. As much as Lucien would have loved to deny this, his victory was only thanks to the shadow cloak shill. The fact remains that a magic beast like the black devil has keen senses and it will be very difficult to launch a surprise attack, unfortunately for the magic beast, the shadow cloak completely masks one's presence and with the lingering effect still on Lucien after he exited the cluster of black clouds, he was able to land a decisive blow that made him the winner of the battle but at a cost.

"Damn!" Lucien muttered as he tried to get on his feet but his body won't let him. His body was aching and his eyes were weak and heavy. Lucien felt like death would be better than going through all this pain.

"So this is what happens when I go overboard" Lucien muttered.