
My Beast Boyfriend

Most believed the beast is ment to kill, Absorbs, distruct and destroy but a girl from a small town village proves them wrong, as the advantures goes on she belived the Beast is the one keeping people safe from other Creatures, Their journey together ended up falling for eachother.

milliyfah · Fantasy
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42 Chs

A Murder Story

Milan reveals his true form in front of Jasons he turned his eyes into light red while staring at Jason as his customer appears and wears itself on his body along with his mask. Jason was shocked as he remembered him and everything back then how they fought and everything.

"So it was you all this time?" Jason was shocked

"There's a lot thats going that you don't understand Jason"

"I got nothing but time beast" Jason prepared to fight and took out his swords.

"You and I have some unfinished business Beast the last time we fought you ran away, now let us finish our final round"

"We can do that t first we have to find Tine and Caroline they are more important right note and their sister definitely needs them right now" Jason returned back his swords

"Lead the way beast" Milan turned around and started walking first heading and following the tracks.

Early in the morning the other day Tine opened her eyes she saw her sister tired in front of hers they were tired to face each other.

"Rise and shine beauty" Ishaly showed up Caroline also opened her eyes.

"You creature What did you do to Belle?"

"Nothing i just gave her what she deserves to have the power"

"It's the curse i saw how people like you being treated and your gonna have a slowly hard death" Tine speaks Ishaly was laughing.

"Really and who's going to kill me?"

"There's no one else except Milan he's the one who's going to kill all of you" All of them started laughing.

"Do you even have an idea where this place is?" Tine looked around as she remembers it was the same building where she was kidnapped before by Joseph and Stella.

"I remember this place it was filled with crowd of monsters and i also remember watching it going down and how they were killed each one of them i saw everything on how this place was set to fire" Ishaly moved close to Tine.

"And you know exactly who did that right?" Ishaly was smiling asking her.

"Who Elise it was my Beast Boyfriend" Caroline was shocked as she heard from her sister's on mouth that Milan was a beast.

"You have given your side of story now let me tell you who really Milan is, this place those people he burnt those he buried alive here all of them they were out brothers and sisters all of them. We were all raised here together Milan was brought here as a boy who was lost, he was all alone as he lost his parents and had nowhere to go. Our master brought him to us we took him in as our brother considered his as part of family member, we lived in so much pain as we were learned how to use our powers Milan was one strong beast and angry whenever he used to turn into a beast he lost his control and he ends up killing one of our own. This place he burnt it's the same place where he got a name, it's also a dam place he knew how to control his powers. Until one day he shows up again just for girl and decided to kill everyone one who was his family members and burnt down the place where he used to call home once, do you think Milan loves you my dear just because you accepted the fact that he is a beast? Just because you two made love?" Tine was shocked and quiet

"Do you even know what he did before?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"When we reached teenagers all of us were given task to do, we killed for our master, innocent people we killed."

"You guys were controlling him back then"

"No, you are wrong we didn't control anyone he used to be happy on what he was doing, one day night we were given task to go in Midgard to kill and burn down the village along with its people" Tine and Caroline were shocked.

"Yes your village 25 years ago we were the ones who came and killed your people there for Of us were sent Milan, me Elijah and Hannan. We killed all of them and at that time Milan was enjoying killing he entered into the chief's house and killed both the chief and his wife as he left there for kids all alone and decided to hide them " Tine started shedding tears hearing that as she didn't know that Milan was the one who killed her parents.

"Yes Milan was the one whom you have been looking for all this time, he is the beast who killed down your parents and that day I was the one who showed up inside and saw him trying to hide you but I left knowing that you would die with fire as you were small kids back then"

"The beast who killed our parents was anguish and it's eyes were pearly light blue" Ishaly stood and showed them something.

"You this powder that surrounds this building this is wolfs bane its poison to beast once Milan sniffs this one then you gonna see for your self what kind of a beast he is" Suddenly Milan and Jason showed up to them Milan started changing as the powder was disturbing him he turned into a beast as he was very angry and his eyes were pearly blue.

"No this can't be" Tine and Caroline saw for their own eyes as they were shocked