
My Backyard Is Connected to Another World

The fruitless Adams was detested by the neighbors. Since he had made some mistakes, he had to hide in his grandma's house in the countryside. He didn't expect that his grandma's backyard is connected to another world! He opened the door to another world by accident. It was a world full of magic. The real world's small commodities had become a rare thing in the eyes of mages! Adams, who was not talented, was scrambled by the tutor mages to be their last disciples. In the real world, he defeated the underground fist king and ruled the underground world with his underlings. The streets were controlled by the police during the day. But at night everyone had to listen to him.

Daoist6e1yG7 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 Take a Risk with the Gun

This shocking finding made Adams a little panic. He guessed that those missing people had also stepped into the door and disappeared!

He gritted his teeth. Finally, curiosity triumphed over fear. He raised the shotgun and pushed the door open again.

It was completely dark on the other side of the door. Adams walked slowly in the darkness with the dim light from his mobile phone.

Soon he saw a pool of dry blood and a shoe stained with blood at a corner.

Perhaps that group of people had encountered some terrible beasts. Their footprints were very messy. With hunting experience, Adams tried to tell which kind of beast it was from the footprints.

However, he found many footprints that were a little smaller than human feet. The footprints were similar to humans, but a little different. It was indescribably weird.

Thinking of all the legends, Adams felt a little cold on his back. It had bare feet with four bone toes. What kind of monster was it?

Not long after walking along with the footprints, Adams saw the owner of the shoes. It should be the corpse of the owner.

The scene was unusually bloody. His limbs were torn off, his stomach was gouged open, and most of his internal organs were eaten.

Adams closed his frightened eyes with his hands and prayed.

Just as he was about to bury the corpse, a heart-wrenching wail came from not far away.

And there was a roar.

The roar was so weird that he had never heard it before.

The other party is not only one, but a group!

They grabbed two girls and the other two girls were begging for mercy.

Adams pulled down the bolt of his shotgun, raised it, crawled over, and looked forward slowly.

Following the scope, Adams saw a group of green-skinned little monsters abusing two modern women.

His eyesight was good. He could see this group of green-skinned monsters with irregular yellow teeth and sharp noses. They were very similar to goblins described in some novels!

They held sharp spears and stabbed at the girls' arms, nailing the crying women to the ground.

The more women struggled, the more painful the wound became. They quickly gave up struggling and began to sob in pain.

The green-skinned monster drooled and rushed forward.

They tore up those women's skirts and underwear. And then took out their penises with thorns from the trousers made of animal hide.

In the woman's frightened eyes, it pierced into her body!

Adams wanted to shoot to stop them. There seemed to be a fire burning in his heart. And a burst of anger was spurting out.

Just as he was about to shoot, the woman's painful and rapid breathing attracted more green-skinned monsters. The leader was tall and big with golden horns. And his neck was surrounded by a set of teeth.

Roughly calculated, there were 15 green-skinned monsters. They were nimble, with all sorts of weapons in their hands, including spears, bone sticks, and simple bows.

Damn it!

They also joined the party, with their blood-colored penises coming in and out of the bodies of the two women.

Soon, the two women stopped making any sound. Even so, the group of green-skinned monsters did not intend to let go of the two bloody women. They dragged the women's feet and pulled them into a cave not far away.

Two bloodstains were left on the ground.

Until all the monsters that looked like goblins disappeared, Adams still didn't dare to shoot. He was upset. If he was brave, maybe...

He was sure that he would also die at the hands of these monsters.

He went back to the old house in a depression, closed the door, and locked it from the inside.

Thinking of the miserable death of the man, Adams lit a cigarette. His mind was in a mess.

On the other side of the door was a new world full of monsters.

Ordinary people would call the police. And then the police would think he was a madman.

Perhaps some ambitious men would kill him in the name of not causing the panic of the residents, in case the secret on the other side was exposed.

The best result was that the passage in the old house was exposed. Then the plutocrat and politicians would find a way to make a profit from it. As a helpless boy, he would soon be kicked out.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind. He would definitely revenge for the death of the three people. He would definitely kill this group of goblins!

But he would keep the secret of his old house. Except for him, no one would know that his backyard led to the other world.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door:

"Adams, are you inside?"

A sweet woman's voice came from outside the door. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't tell who she was.

He hurriedly put all the weapons into the dark box, wiped his hands, and opened the door.

"Ella, it's you!"

"Adams, you're back."

The woman was his childhood playmate, Ella. They often played around hand in hand when they were children. He didn't expect that the little girl with freckles in her childhood had grown into a graceful woman.

The two hugged each other excitedly. Adams couldn't help but touch Ella's buttocks.

Then he was caught by Ella and pressed to the ground.

"Humph, Adams, you really haven't changed."

Only then did he notice that Ella was wearing a police uniform. Just now, he was only looking at her beautiful body.

"Ouch, Ella, let go of me. My arm is almost broken by you."

Adams shook his arm and complained, "Ella, why are you a policeman?"

"Haha, You'd never think of this. Do you still dare to take advantage of me?"

As she spoke, Ella raised the handcuffs in her hands.

"Haha, I just touch it. I used to touch it a lot. I remember that when I was a child, someone cried that she would marry me when she grew up."

"Humph, you really haven't changed at all."