
An Update

Raelynn sat in the corner of a cozy café near her apartment, surrounded by soft chatter and the sound of dishes clinking. She stared at the glass of iced tea in front of her, watching the condensation drip down and gather on the coaster below. Her fingers absentmindedly traced the wet circle, her thoughts miles away.

It had been a few days since she had walked into Elion's office and dropped the bombshell of her pregnancy. And since then? Nothing. No calls, no messages, no dramatic confrontations or resolutions. Just silence.

She leaned back in her chair, her hand resting lightly on her stomach. What was she even doing? Was she expecting some kind of grand response from him? She sighed heavily, her fingers curling slightly against the fabric of her shirt. The DNA test must have been completed by now, but there had been no word. Did that mean the results weren't what she thought? Or was Elion just taking his sweet time?