
My B-F not my BF

Jeana is a college student who decided to keep distance from people in order to live in peace. After years of being a popular girl, she now wants to experience a life of an introvert. That was the goal she came with when she first stepped in college. until, "I know right. Eiffel tower looks like a dick!" only minutes later i realized -I said that to a stranger !!- "You are like a magnet. you can't avoid people because they will be attracted no matter how hard you try!" Luke says. "I will move in to live with you!" Clara affirms. "You don't want to avoid people, you want to choose whom to be around. that's the key my darling--"

Heajin · Teen
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The New Friend

"Ann!" I shout as I throw myself on her the minute I see her in class.

"Oh- seems like someone missed me a lot!" she replies wrapping her arms around me. She kisses my cheek. It's a habit she picked trying to learn the French culture I guess.

"Gotta get used to your sudden cheek kisses from now on huh?" I comment on her behavior heading to our usual seat. The back corner next to the window. There will be only two classes today and none of them will be at the theater. A RELIEF! Because that place is just too crowded.

"Well, I got used to you throwing yourself one me without a heads up, didn't I?" she says after kissing almost all the girls in the class.

"You need a lip balm or your lips will get cracky from all the kissing, and please stop doing that in front of the dudes. Look at them wanting some!" I say pointing at the guys on the next row whom I have spotted checking her out every time she kisses someone.

"Uh- fine! No more kissing." She replies rolling her eyes.

"That's my baby!" I add patting her head with a smile.

It's Oral session again. Everyone is excited because it is the only session they feel free to say whatever and it will still be counted as extra in their final mark. After that incident, I never liked this session anyways. Speaking about it only jinx my day.

"Jeana!" the teacher calls me cheerfully.

Didn't I say that speaking about it only jinx my day, here we are! It's only 9 am and my day is already messed.

"Yes sir?" I reply faking a smile wishing he is only going o greet me and pass to another student.

"Would you please share with us some of your ideas? We are out of topics today, so please help us find one?" he asks gently always smiling.

"There are a lot of interested students, sir, why would you ask me that? Or just speak about skills and talents. That's usually what people like bragging about." I answer.

"We have already dealt with that topic Jeana! See, you are never present in the session."

"But? Sir, be honest, do I irritate you? Does looking at me sitting peacefully, all calm and quite bothers you?" I say while Ann pinches my hip to shut me up because I think I spoke in a disrespectful manner.

"YES! It does bother me to see such a talented and creative girl like you wasting all of that just looking outside the window." He claims.

"Creative? I never actually gave such impression, why would you assume that I am?" I continue not minding Ann whose pinches are getting stronger and I am sure I will go to my room later with a black spot not even red.

"I can see it all in your eyes!" he comments "now, up to the board and express some of those thoughts. I can see the cloud inside your head little one." He add placing his ass on his seat.

"Sir, can we please start the session. We are wasting a lot of time, she doesn't seem to care!" some student says.

"I don't know why teachers look up to her. She is such a pain!" another whispers.

Does avoiding people causes such rumors or impressions? People see you as arrogant, selfish and show offer once you avoid any contact with them. How typical! … I go on and face all these judgy faces, small minds, ignorant creatures. I get bothered by their looks, so I just look at Ann. Her angelic, smiley face worh dying for.

"Well, if you think that I can be of a use so why not? However, I expect a good mark by the end of this semester okay?" I bargain with the teacher.

"You got that! But the topic should be useful and involving." The teacher sets his requests.

"Deal!" I affirm.

I look up trying to see clear through the cloud inside my head as the teacher mentioned earlier. There are actually a lot of topic that I could suggest but I am only thinking about one now. One that I need help to get the clear picture of it.

"Imagine you are responsible of an event where you are asked to present a cultural club to new comers to university. The presentation should be catchy and informative so you can gain some participants by the end of the event. How would you organize such a thing?" I ask.

I could use some help. This is all I have been thinking about and having lots of point of views is great. You only see the full picture when you gather all the missing pieces. People's views are the missing pieces no matter how wrong that seems. We just need to pick the right ones for this puzzle and keep the odds out.

"Marvelous topic!" the teacher claps "Now guys, I will give you half an hour to present your thoughts. Jeana is the one to correct all of that and mark them." He adds stading right next to me holding me by the shoulder.

I look at him like "COME ON!" but I am not going to say that. Taking their thoughts and read them intensively is going to be a huge help. So I just excuse myself and go back to my seat.

"What is the club about?" a student asks.

"Yeah, and what its name?" another adds.

"Also, where the event is going to be held? So we can design a suitable one!" another questions.

A flood of questions came up. I look at the teacher with worry, like hellooo what am I supposed to do? He just sits there and moves his head signing me to go around the student and answer their questions as if I am the teacher. I look at him again frowning "Thank you" I whisper then just go my way. TO THE WAR OF MAD QUESTIONS. Ann is helping me out as she knows about the club more than I do. Based on the fact that she has been here longer than I did and Luke must have told her about it before.

By the end of the session, after talking to the students and seeing the way each group tackled the subject differently, I could notice the many gaps I left behind. There are so many things I am unaware of about the club. And that question about where the event is going to be held, is the huge one. How did I not think about that? I gather all the papers and promise that I will take good care of them. Some of the students gave me chocolate bars bribing me to give them higher marks and so on. I felt like a teacher and that was fun.

"Nice job little one! I will trust you with the correction and do put some notes. The kids love that." the teacher says patting my head "I told you, you have something special in you so don't waste any time and start working on yourself. You will be something great in the future, I can see that!" he cheers me up then waves goodbye.

"Let's go----" Ann says pushing me from behind.

The next session is an hour away so we can just walk around or go to the library until it begins.

"You looked cool when you were monitoring the students. It's true that you are the youngest but something about that energy of yours if mesmerizing. I felt jealous for a moment!" Ann tells me.

"Jealous! Pffft, I would be jealous of how calm you can react to those jerks. I saw how the guys were talking to you, and I assure you, if you had my temper at that moment, you would have killed one!"

"Ah- you saw that? God, that was embarrassing. But you know what, with time you will learn how to ignore such actions. They are young so I don't mind them."

"You don't mind them. You don't have to, let your fist greet their faces that's all you have to do!" I say my anger issues arising.

Ann bursts into laughter and hugs me lightly "Oh you little angry bird! You know that you look cuter when you are angry. It's impossible for anyone to get mad at you."

"I have heard that before!"

"MORNING!" Luke separating us shouts "How dare you two walk all lovely dovely like that leaving this single man behind?!" him being himself again –the drama king–

"Morning Luke." Ann replies giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Didn't we talk about kissing this morning?" I say.

"Sorry, forgot!" she smiles.

"What's wrong with a cheek kiss? Wait a second! Anyone bothered you this morning?! Who's that bastard? Lead the way!"

"Calm down you forest bear! She was just kissing everyone she meets and the guys were looking at her … you know!" I try to explain.

"What do you mean by forest bear? Is there a home bear or something?"

"So you totally ignore my explanation and you only focused on that!"

"Your stupidity can't let me focus on anything else! I am worried about you, what would happen when I am no longer around to monitor this stupid brain. Omg just thinking about it is making me feel heart broken." He harasses me acting all goofy making those strange facial expressions.

"I am done here! Ann, let's…" I look around "Where is Ann?"

"I told you! I can't leave you behind …she is there! There!! Look, look right next to that tree. Are you turning blind now?" he tells me holding my whole face in one hand turning it to the left where Ann was standing.

I take off my bag and hit him with it so he frees me "You good-for-nothing!" I go to Ann and he is following me.

"Finally, you guys finished you discussion?" she asks walking away.

"Who can have a discussion with a person like him!" I look at him growling my teeth.

"Another fight and I will leave you behind. You two behave!!" she shouts at us. Our mother!

"YES, ma'am!" we both salute her then walk behind her.

We go to the cafeteria instead because we only have half an hour left now and going to the library is not an option with Luke around. He is just too noisy!

"Iced coffee for me. Strawbery milk shake and chocolate muffin" he points at me "lemon tea and honey biscuits." He points at Ann "right?" he asks.

"At least you have a good memory!" I smile trying to tease him.

"You little ignorant creature..." he holds his hand as if he is going to smack me.

"Guys!" Ann glares at us

"Sorry Ma'am!" we both say lowering our heads.

Luke brings our snack "Guess what Ann?"

"If it's another stupid unrealistic story I will leave!" she threatens him but still smiling.

"NO! this one is fresh and …" he looks at me "You and Julien are dating now?"

"What?" Ann spits the tea on Luke's face.

"God! This t-shirt is new!" he shouts.

"I will buy you another…"

"We are not dating. No need to craft a story okay!"

"I saw you both yesterday at that coffee. You were matching outfits and sitting next to each other laughing and enjoying your time!" Luke attacks me with facts but still not facts.

"It's not like that, we had to meet in order to discuss the event…"

"Is that why you ended the call so fast." Ann helps Luke with the attack.

"No! I didn't end it. It was.."

"Say what now? She hung up on you?" he puts his hand on his mouth acting shocked.

"ARGH! I am out of this conversation. I know you won't hear me out." I pout and slurp my milkshake avoiding any eye contact with both of them.

"Just kidding! You know I like to mess around. But you seriously looked like a couple." Luke adds after calming down.

"So, you figured how you will be tackling the event? Wait, is this why you proposed that topic today?" Ann asks.

"Of course! What else would I present such a topic then?" I smirk.

"You fox!" she cries.

"But seriously, why don't you just hit on him?" Luke come again at me.

"For god sake man! Just when I say you can act normal, you do this!"

"I told you I will find you a boyfriend and now you found one yourself. Why are you screaming at me?"

"I wondered why I didn't miss you like Ann over the weekend and now I got it."

"You didn't miss me! You didn't miss your older brother? Shame on you!!"

"My roommate is like the female version of you. Like every action and reaction. She is you!"

"Introduce me----------" he jumps off his seat.

"You mean Clara? Are you guys roommates now?" Ann questions me.

"Not exactly but kind of yeah. Oh, she did my hair yesterday. African Braids and they looked amazing. It took me a while to unbraid them at night. Then she came by and she saws what I did to her work and she smacked me!" I tell Ann laughing and totally ignoring Luke.

"Stop ignoring me!" he rests his head on the table trying to grab attention.

"You deserve that! I heard that you can keep them on for a long time. You can bath with them and that would be just okay. It would have been amazing to see you with that hairstyle." Ann comments on my story and again ignoring Luke.

"You guys are too harsh!" he says again.

"She has a boyfriend! So, shut it!"

"So what? Ever heard of break up?" he jokes around.

"Luke!!" Ann scars him.

"Okay fine! Lucky you, I am all yours!" he hugs us.

We say our goodbyes and run to class. We only have five minutes to make it there being ten minutes late. That's the rule, you only are allowed to enter the class if you are ten minutes late, more than that you should stay out.

We arrive two minutes later which makes us 12 minutes late. We bump into Julien who was absent in the first session as usual. Not a morning person that's for sure.

"Don't bother ladies. She already said no one is allowed to enter after the door is closed." Julien blocks us.

"No way!! It's psychology--" I cry because that's my favorite session.

"It's our first time being absent. It wouldn't leave a bad impression don't worry!" Ann says trying to cheer me up.

"Not worried about the impression. I just love this session and it feels a waste that I missed one course!"

"If this is your first time being absent, then prepare yourself for future absentees. Hehe!" Julien comments.

"What do you mean? I will never skip another session, plus I only skipped this because we lost track of time." I say confidently.

"We will see about that!" he challenges me.

Ann is already on the phone with her boyfriend which means I am stuck with Julien now. Maybe I could use this chance and have him help me with the correction of the oral session assignments. He is also involved with e so he knows what to do. I grab my bag and start gathering the papers into one pack in order to show them to him. A girl's bag is like a jungle. You would find anything and everything in there. That explains Dora's bag. If Dora was a boy, she wouldn't have made it through that Cartoon alive. I sense someone passing by then stops to chat with Julien, I look up and I see this cute guy. He has a baby face but dark features. He is the same height as Julien and a bit skinnier. He must be his friend. Finally, I gathered all the papers submitted earlier and I step closer to the guys.

"Let's work on this since we are free now!" I say to Julien then face the new guy and greet him with a smile "Hi, you must be Julien's friend!" I extend my hand to shake his "Are you also a member of the club?" I ask thinking that would be a great way to open a conversation with him.

I am still extending my hand but he is just standing there not minding me. He didn't even bother to look at me.

"See you later mate!" he waves goodbye to Julien and simply leaves me hanging.

"Don't mind him please!" Julien tells me shaking my lonely hanged in the air hand "He is a bit of an introvert and he has other reasons to avoid girls." He adds defending his friend.

"Well, I was only trying to be friendly. I only thought it would be rude to ignore him and I also thought he is a part of the club so why not get to know him and introduce myself." I say bothered by the incident just happened.

"You have never been ignored before, right?" He asks me casually.

"Yeah! I think so. Is this how it feels to be ignored? I feel sorry for Luke, I didn't feel like it hurts this much!" I say disappointed.

"You better get used to that! Plus, ignoring Luke in a friendly way doesn't hurt like this one ha-ha. Anyways, the guy just ignored you is Jake. As I said, he is an introvert and he is not that much into hanging with girls." He explains.

"Wait---" I shout.

"Not what you are thinking! His girlfriend prohibited him from making any contact with girls that's all."

"What?? I have never seen a guy that follows his girl's order so sincerely. Like no girls at all? Even classmates???" I exaggerate.

"Long story short, she is his childhood crush. They have been together since kindergarten and neighbors so they have quite long history and his love for is deeper than just ruin it for some girls." He tells me the story of this JAKE so passionately it feels like he is talking about his own love story.

"A-ha! So I just have to avoid him anytime I see him around?"

"As simple as that, yes!"

"I would love to, but I don't think I can if he is going to be around so often!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Why? Can't you just ignore talking to people?" he is a bit annoyed.

"What does that have to do with you? It's my problem to deal with! Now, let's get to work!!!" I shove the papers on his face.

"What work?" he checks them.

"In order to get more insight about how the event should go and how would people enjoy it, I proposed the subject to our classmates and these are their suggestions. Well, please don't mess with them because we have to correct and return them later okay. These are counted like an assignment." I explain to him leading the way to the library where we will be spending the rest of the day putting a solid plan for the event so we can finally get moving.

"Interesting! How did you get them to do this?"

"The oral teacher made me do his job today and that's how we got this!"

As we get to the library and we are about to get inside I spot Jake standing next to a girl and chatting looking all shy. I turn to Julien and grab him to hide behind this pillar on the right side of the library door.

"What's wrong now?" he asks trying to free himself from my clutch.

"Shush! Stay quiet, look there!" I whisper pointing at the couple. "Is that his girlfriend?" I turn and find his face too close to mine so I just turn back again.

"Is my face that ugly?" he laughs.

"Shut up and answer the question!"

"Yes, that's her." He smiles "Are we going to spy on them or get to work?" he says walking ahead inside the library.

As I follow him I could see the girl clearly now "OMG!! I know her!" I shout.

Julien rapidly comes back to me and we are back to the pillar "Why are you shouting?" he whispers holding me against the pillar.

"I know the girl." I whisper.

"So what if you know her? You think you can talk to him just because you know her now? Are you that eager to get to know him or what?" his tone is getting higher, you can tell he is getting mad but why would he? Did I embarrass him by shouting in public like that, I wonder?

"No!! Not that. I know her, she has two other boyfriends. I have seen her before with two different men and she was intimate with them so you can't just assume they were friends. And even if they were friends, she shouldn't keep contact with male friends if she forbids that poor cutie from talking to females!" I state my mind.

"So?" he replies coldly.

"What do you mean by 'so?' he is your friend no? You should tell him the truth. Tell him that she is just playing with him. He probably deserves better than that at least. What the hell was that? 'So?' you said!" I comment on his reply angrily.

"You shouldn't meddle in people's business! Stay out of this." He orders me in a serious tone.

I push him away "you call yourself a friend! If you are really his friend, you should do what I said! I can even prove that to you if you think I am lying. She always meets them on the same days but on different times. It's like a calendar. Even Ann saw that!" I argue.

"I understand what you are trying to do and I believe you…" he comes closer to me "but remember what I told you, she is his childhood crush and they have been together for too long. You think he doesn't know?" he says trying to defend where he stands.

"I believe he doesn't! Since she is his childhood crush, he probably think she loves him the same way. So even if he sees the red flags, he will be ignoring them!" I continue defending where I stand in return.


"What are you agreeing with me now?" I question not understanding the sudden change in his facial expressions and that was not the answer I was waiting for.

"No! it's the other way around. You are agreeing with me now!" he smiles.

"No, don't smile at me like that! Explain what you mean!"

"He might be ignoring the red flags which means he might already know this but because his love for her is too deep, he won't let her go. What do you think would happen if you casually face him with that fact you are holding in your hands. He would be ashamed and it would feel like you are adding salt to the wound and not healing it. So, stay out of this!" he claims patting my head.

I am taking long moments analyzing the reality I have been just hit with. It feels like I slapped myself so hard and I can't be sad about it because I did it to myself. In this moment exactly I hear "Hello there love birds!" I turn to see who's that even though I already know from the voice but again I wished it wasn't true.

"Luke!" I shout throwing Julien's hand away! "Ha-ha what bring you here?" I act awkwardly and Julien is standing there just laughing.

"You said you are not dating and here I catch you flirting behind this pillar." He tells me "Next time take her somewhere more romantic than this dude, you need some suggestions?" he tells Julien.

"I said we are not DATING!!" I shout and now Jake is coming our way.

"How long are you going to deny this?" Luke keeps teasing me and I am getting worked out.

"ARGH! You are not helping here mate!" I tell Julien and he just doesn't' do anything. In fact, he is enjoying the view. I hold my bag in the air then turn it to hit Luke but I end up hitting Jake in the face.

"Ah!" he cries falling to the ground.

"Omg! Are you okay?" I bend down checking on him.

"Jeana!! Can you be less fussy? Act like a lady for once!" Luke keeps getting on my nerves.

Julien helps Jake stand up again. His face is all red. I didn't think the hit was that hard and now he would never want to talk to me anymore. I ruined my last chance maybe.

"Damn girl, do you work out?" Jake shouts at me.

"Ha-ha you speak!" I reply. – For real? For real Jeana! - This is all I think about right now. The boy just talked to me and look at me attacking him at the very first try.

"Funny!" he tells me then turns to Julien "If you are free, let's go meet the gang. There is a match today!" he says all excited about this match which I am curious to know more details about. But unlucky him, Julien and I have some work to get done.

"Sure!" Julien affirms high fiving him.

"Say what now?" I glare at Julien.

"Come on! We can do this tomorrow. The match is quite important and we have to watch it." he tells me.

"We have to get started you know! Plus, there are plenty of…" he interrupts me.

"Take the day off! Once the work begins, you will wish for a minute of freedom. Now, see you later Luke!" he runs away with Jake.

I look at Luke and I can see him holding his laugh. He is all red now and he is avoiding eye contact.

"What did I even sign up for? This is because of you! If you hadn't obliged me to join this club, I would have been in my room resting now or doing whatever! Ugh!!!" I cry.

"Nobody obliged you sweetie!"


"I introduced you to the guys and yes we insisted and we put you in the front line. Yes, we did! But the final decision was yours. You could have insisted on 'No' if you really didn't want to. People don't oblige others actually, they seduce them but in the end it's the other part who makes the decision. Blaming others for the wrong decisions is just a habit we humans formed to feel good about ourselves. Don't let that habit take control of you or you will grow into a dependent, full of regrets person." He lectures me.

"WAW!" I clap "did you come up with all of this just to convince me that it's not your fault! You have to teach me this skill. The skill of making other believe everything I say."

"Sure baby!" he smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder "Let's get some ice cream now!" he says in a serious tone.

"Just when I thought you are all serious! You say this!" I lost hope in him "Let's just go." I sigh.