
Chapter 54

"Ryder," I breathe.

I'm not dreaming, am I?!

He's standing in front of me, smiling!

Ryder grabs me and lifts me, kissing me passionately. He walks back into the bathroom, locks the door behind him, turns, and slams my body against it.

I don't want to stop kissing him! I rake my hands through his hair to make sure it's him. I inhale his vanilla scent. Oh, how I missed it!

All the dreaming and sadness were worth it! I have him back in my arms, and it's like we were never apart! I never want to let go of him!

I stop and look down at him, out of breath.

It's him!

I kiss Ryder one more time to make sure I'm not dreaming. I smile as he puts me down gently.

"You look beautiful," he says, touching my cheek and neck.

I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my cheek on his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat. I close my eyes as I sigh.