
Massacre in the Classroom

People ran in every direction, hoping to find safety, but it wasn't the case, it wouldn't be this easy.

The figure was now in the classroom and had already killed 16 students from this explosion alone, their bodies lying on the ground in a bloody mess.

The others that survived were shivering in fear and tried to unlock the doors that were stopping them from going to safety, but it was in vain.

"DID THAT MAX FUCKER LOCK IT?" they tried to blame the only person that was lucky enough to have gotten away, but deep down they knew it wasn't possible.

"Nobody will hear your screams, accept your fate and I promise you will be in a better place," the figure pulled out two daggers from nothingness and slashed 8 students with a single movement, increasing the death counter to 24 out of 31.


"Please no!"


One by one, the students were dying, some even trying to beg for their life, but it was too late, and more importantly, the thing that was the cause of this massacre didn't seem to care, instead murmuring words about "better world" and "you are heroes".

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" one of the students was foolish enough to try to stop it though, it was David, the class president.

He tried to protect the last remaining students who were lucky enough to still be alive, but it was futile as the figure didn't even bother looking at him, instead just cutting his head without much care, there was no such thing as talking yourself out of such situations after all right?

"Trust me... You will not die... Not this time at least," the murderer finished the last person that was still alive and contemplated its work, "it is time to summon them to the other world it seems..."

The figure removed the locks on the door and the "noise canceling" magic before pulling out a mystical-looking book from its pockets.

"You all are the heroes of this next world, use your powers right and you will be rewarded with things beyond your comprehension," it knew none of them could hear, but it didn't care.

And it's exactly at that time the door of the classroom opened again, and beyond it was... Max.

He felt like he didn't need to go to the infirmary for such a small problem, so he turned back halfway and decided to attend class again, a mistake that would result in his undeniable death, he was lucky enough to have escaped using this miracle worthy timing, yet he came back to ruin it all.

What was his surprise though when he saw the corpses of all his classmates and the walls of his classroom splattered in their blood, he was a big fan of animes and the such, but he couldn't understand how such a thing could occur in the real world.

In the middle of it all, he saw the black figure, and it immediately looked back at the average-looking boy with its red eyes, ones that felt like they pierced your soul.

But looking at this scenery, Max didn't even bother running, instead, he entered the classroom and closed the door behind him, taking aback the figure as it didn't expect that.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not sure myself..." the boy responded calmly, he was scared of them, but surprisingly he knew it was futile to run, "if you managed to kill them all, I'm not sure I would be able to outrun you..."

"You're not scared?"

"I'm terrified, but I know this isn't the time for that..."

"Then what are you waiting for, you have 20 seconds left to live," the figure didn't know why it was wasting its time talking with him, but it was interested in the fearless boy and that determination he had.

The stranger approached Max and spoke as it put one of its daggers up to his neck, "Any last words boy?"

"..." Max had nothing to say, but then he smiled as his life flashed before his eyes, "I am happy that for the first time, I wasn't the first to lose..."

"Amazing..." these were the figure's last words before it swiftly cut the boy's neck, unaliving him in the process.

It stared down at Max's dead body and smiled, "You are very interesting Max Evans, I will be watching your achievements with a lot of attention."

And to complete everything that it had done, the figure opened the magic book in its hand and chanted for a very long time.

After five minutes, a giant blue magic circle appeared on the floor of the classroom, something any avid isekai fan would immediately recognize as a summoning circle.

"Good luck otherworlders," it bowed before disappearing into thin air, taking the bodies of the class members except the teacher alongside it.


Max opened his eyes, something he didn't expect he could do as he clearly remembered his head being separated from his body after his encounter with that strange figure.

He also remembered his recklessness and his actions, he had shown fearlessness even though he didn't believe he had any in the first place, and look at where it led him: death.

"I'm so stupid..." he cursed at himself for being too stupid and weak to try to run away, and for coming back to the class even though the teacher had asked him to go to the infirmary.

"Good luck otherworlders," he perfectly remembered those last words for some strange reason, even though he was sure he had died.

'Wait a minute, if I can open my eyes and body... then where am I?' he wondered as he realized that he was standing on something that could be compared to solid ground except for the fact it was soft to the touch.

"AHHH? WHERE ARE WE?" his thoughts were cut off by a feminine scream, and when he turned his head, he saw his classmate, Alicia, agitated and scared.

"Stop being so loud," another person said, he was part of what Max considered the 'gangster cast' as he had tattoos and looked like one.

Max looked around him and was greeted by the sight of all his classmates getting up one after the others from their deep slumber.

After everybody woke up and had already realized that they were trapped in some mysterious place beyond their comprehension, another figure appeared in front of them all, bringing a golden gate alongside it.

"Hello otherworlders," It had the voice of an angel and her beauty was enough to blind any mortal, she had blonde hair and eyes the color of the sea, her curves perfectly drawn and her revealing dress specially used to emphasize them, most of the students thought that she probably truly was an angel as she also had two wings coming out of her back.

And before they could comprehend anything, the angel spoke again, "You all have been selected to be transferred to another world, where you will receive powers and blessings beyond your understanding."