
My Assassin Divination is Evil

Everything changed for Max and his classmates when they were summoned to another world, with the sole goal of saving it from the wrath of the demon king and celestial beasts. Each of them were granted a divination, which is the embodiment of good and power. Unfortunately enough, Max didn't get one and was soon kicked out and sent to a dangerous place, left to die. But... [Divination of the Assassin - Evil Ranked] "Huh... what even is this?" [It is time to become the best assassin Host!] ------------------- Feb-Mars WPC Entry! Show your support by adding it to your library and giving powerstones! 150 Powerstones: +1 Bonus Chapter 300 Powerstones: +3 Bonus Chapters 100 Golden Tickets: +1 Bonus Chapter

Endratox · Fantasy
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Divination of the Assassin

As Max was holding the sharp stick in his hand, he couldn't help but feel scared, after all, he never fought before in his life, he had always been an extra from the background in class, so he had never been bullied or received any type of physical injuries from the others as he tried his hardest to hide his presence.

So now, as he stood in front of the giant fire bear, he felt like his legs were shaking and that he was unable to move, he was terrified of the monster and what it could do to him, he could still feel the blood from his previous wound on his back, and the pain was only numb enough for him to still move, otherwise, he could have already collapsed.

And yet...

Something else took over that fear when he knew he had to fight for his life: determination and... killing intent.

[The Host cannot be scared of such pathetic monsters, calm down and focus!]

He took a deep breath as advised by the system and his legs stopped shaking, it felt like the fear he previously had was disappearing in the air and was replaced by a desire to kill, he didn't know why, but he wanted to see the beast die, he needed to see it dead.

"GRARRR~" the fire bear roared and rushed towards Max, who held the stick in his hands tightly, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The monster opened its mouth and prepared to shoot flames, but the boy dodged with speed he didn't have before and stabbed the beast in the eye with the sharp stick, making it roar in pain and anger as blood poured from the wound.

"Fuck you," he smirked, "you're gonna pay for hurting me."

He pulled the stick out of the beast's eye and stabbed it again, this time in the other one, blinding it completely.

The bear was furious, it couldn't see anything anymore and was being attacked by the weakling it was supposed to eat, so it did the only thing it could do: it swung its claws in a random direction, hoping to hit something.

[The divination of the Assassin calls upon you, use its powers.]

Max avoided the attacks the best he could with his current stats and stabbed one of the beast's claws, making it unable to feel anything but the pain that was inflicted upon it now as it was tired and on the verge of death.

So using its final willpower, the bear opened its mouth again and summoned fire, concentrating everything it had in this final attack, one that would be sure to hit its target.

But before it could shoot, Max appeared in front of it and smirked.

"No... not today."

He hit the beast's jaw from below, closing its mouth right as it shot, and what had to happen happened: the monster's head exploded upon the impact of its own fire, its attack returned against it in the most unexpected of manners.

And just like that, the monster died, leaving Max standing there covered in blood, breathing heavily as he stared at the corpse.

"Hahahaha~" he laughed, "I-I did it! I fucking killed it!"

[+2 levels for killing "Fire Bear"]

[+15 Assassination Points (AP) as reward for the kill]

[Divination of The Assassin unlocked]

[Unique Ability of the Divination unlocked: Assassination]

Max didn't know what was happening, but he could tell that he had gained power, and lots of it, maybe he could actually live in this world now, he thought.

'Maybe I'm not so useless after all,' he smiled, 'but first, let's check my status window.'

And just like that, he murmured "status window", and a new screen appeared in front of him, one significantly different, not because of its appearance, but because the many things that were previously hidden were now available to be seen.

[Host: Max Evans]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human (Evil Confirmed)]

[Level: 3]

[Divination of The Assassin - Evil Ranked]

[Special Ability: Assassination]

[Skills: Perception (S-Ranked)]

[Strenght: 3->5, Speed: 4->8, Endurance: 2->7, Divination Power: 0->2]

[Assassination Points: 15]

His race now showed that the status of "evil" was confirmed for some strange reason, but this wasn't what attracted him the most, after all, why would he care about that when there was so much more to see?

First of all, his level had increased, and his stats alongside that, the biggest one was endurance, probably because he had received some hits from that damn bear, there was also the divination power, but he had no idea how it worked, so he didn't stay too much on it.

His Divination was "Evil Ranked", something that bothered him a lot as he remembered the king's words: "Divinations are the reincarnation of good and prosperity as they help humans and other races face evil."

If a divination isn't supposed to be evil, then why was his...?

He just shook his head and looked below that, noticing his special ability, every host has a special and unique power given to them by their linked divination, it cannot be changed and it is the best skill they have to become stronger, even though they could indeed unlock new ones just like he did with "Perception".

'What's "Assassination"? And is it linked to those Assassination Points?' he wondered, and as soon as he did, another screen came to the rescue to explain everything.

[Special Ability - Assassination]

[The Divination of the Assassin calls upon you and gives you its power, upon usage, this passive ability makes it so that each time the host kills something, whether it is a monster or human, he gains Assassination Points (AP) depending on that things level and power, everything can be used as a weapon to do so, but be sure to pick a good one.]

[Assassination Level 1: grants a boost in speed, strength, and endurance.]

[Assassination Points can be used to upgrade this ability and make it much more powerful as it is currently only in its beginning stage.]

[Next Upgrade: 15/1000 AP's]

'Well, that explains a lot...' Max thought as he remembered his sudden surge of speed when the bear tried to attack him.

But he also couldn't stop himself from smiling, after all, the people that had rejected him because they thought he didn't have a divination were completely wrong, and now he was completely free from their grasp, able to do anything he wanted in this new world, filled with fantasy and all the things he dreamt of doing in his past life.

His only objective now was just to...

[Goal: Escape the "Flavip Forest" alive]




[Author Note]

Took 8 chapters, but we're finally starting the good stuff, hope you all enjoyed it, if you did add this book to your library and gift powerstones :)