
Chapter 3

(Ara's POV)

Today is just another day for me, I get up, take a bath, eat breakfast prepare for work, same routine like every people who has jobs.

After doing whats need to be done I am now going to Mr. Lee's house, yes you heard it right I'm going directly to his house since I'm a stay in Employee.

When I enter the house I see Mr. Lee together with his wife having their breakfast. I come near to greet them.

"Good Morning Mr. Lee, Madam Lee" i said with the smile on my face.

"Oh your here Ms. Ara, come join us, lets get you a plate" said madam Lee

"Oh no ma'am I've already done eating breakfast" i said

"Oh really then how about coffee, wait let me call the maid to prepare you one" she offers again

"She doesn't drink coffee hon" Mr. Lee interrupt

"Oh right I forgot your allergic to coffee" madam Lee said with an apologetic face

"No its okey Ma'am, thank you for your kind offer" i just said.

"By the way Ara today is your first day as Tae's assistant right" Mr. Lee said

That's right i totally forgot today is my first day as that assholes assistant, anyway where is that guy i don't see him anywhere.

"Ahm sir sorry if I ask but where is young Mr. Lee? "

"I think his still in his room" Madam Lee answered instead

"I think his still asleep go wake him up for me Ara, I have something to tell him before you two go" said Mr. Lee

Me? Why me? I don't want to. Why is that guy so self centered, can he just wake up by himself, gosh how nerve wrecking.

(Upstairs in front of Tae's Door)

"Okay take a deep breath Ara i know your first meeting with him is not good but maybe the second time around will be different.

(Knocking on the door)

"Sir are you up? " i said with politeness in my voice you know his my bosses son after all.

But no one's answering, maybe he doesn't here me, I'll knock again

"Sir, its your first day at work, your dad wants to talk to you" i said again with a little bit loader in my voice. But no one's answering.

This guys is getting into my nerves now.

"Sir" i bang the door loudly now, but them again no answer from the other side.

"Sir, wake up... " i bang the do more loudly then suddenly the door open

"WHAT? " He shouts at me

But his shout is not the one bothering me right now, its his half naked body and wet messy hair, i can also smell those after bath soap. I can't imagine that a person can be hot and sexy at the same time, i can't even take away my eyes on those 6 pack abs it makes me want to touch it.

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU WANT? " He shouts again, it almost burst my eardrums.

"Ah, hmmm" i clear my voice first before speaking again

" ahm, your dad ask me to wake you up, and we need to get going where going to be late" i clear my throat again.

"Yes i know that, what do you think I'm doing, I know my time more than you do Ms. Ara i don't need you to remind me. So Piss of"

Yeah i forgot behind those perfect body and angelic face lies a devil, how can i forget. Total different from Mr. Lee

"And by the way Miss Ara, i don't need you, I only grant what my father wants but that doesn't mean i will be good to you, so stop acting that polite attitude drama of yours and stay away from me. Got that."

What his just say to me Polite attitude drama,

"What did you just say to me? "

This guys really got into my nerves now.

"Look Mr. I don't care if your the son of my boss, I won't let you judge me as easy as that. I work for 8 years with your dad but i never once heard him say that to me or to anyone of his employees and yet you who didn't even know me judge me and say those word to me. Your really is a jerk."

"What did you just say to me"

"Yeah you heard me your a jerk who haven't done anything and yet already have a big ego in him. "

"You don't have respect"

"Peace of advice SIR, if you want respect, you need to respect others first, got that"

I turn my back on him and go downstairs without looking back.

Different the second time around yeah right..

Dear Readers:

Thank you for reading please give me your opinions about this chapter. I'm sorry if my grammars are wrong. I will do better next time.

Thank you and happy reading

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