
Chapter 7: Torn Dreams

Niha's POV

The sun was casting a warm glow over our family's cozy living room as I sat down to join my family for breakfast. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, though I couldn't quite place why. I noticed my parents exchanging glances, and my younger sister, Ananya, seemed unusually quiet.

My grandfather, a wise and gentle soul, cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention. "Niharika," he began in his characteristic soothing tone, "you know how much your family values tradition and family bonds."

I nodded, my curiosity growing. What was this about?

My grandmother, a beacon of strength and grace, chimed in. "We believe that family is the cornerstone of a happy life. It's a bond that brings warmth, love, and support."

My heart sank as I began to suspect the direction this conversation was headed. Ananya couldn't contain her excitement any longer and blurted out, "Niha, you won't believe it! Mom and Dad have been talking to Arjun Rana's family!"

I felt like the ground had shifted beneath me. Arjun Rana? The name I had associated with a chance encounter, a fleeting moment, was now a part of my family's discussion.

My parents started praising Arjun, extolling his virtues, his family's values, and his stature in the business world. They spoke of him as if he were the epitome of perfection.

My mind was in turmoil. Marriage? This was something I hadn't even contemplated. I had dreams of exploring the world, of becoming an independent woman, and of pursuing my passion for writing. Marriage wasn't in my plan, at least not now.

As my family continued to shower praise upon Arjun, my thoughts drifted away. It felt like a message from the universe, a reminder that there was more to life than conformity.


  At night

Find a person, not just a face, 

Whose soul in yours finds a space, 

In laughter, joy, and in embrace, 

A heart whose rhythm your heart can chase...

The words flowed from my pen onto the digital canvas, forming a poem about soulmates. It was a reflection of my thoughts, my musings about love, and the elusive idea of finding that one person who would complete you.

But as I penned down the lines, my mind was preoccupied, distracted by the weighty conversation I had just had with my family. They had dropped a bombshell, a marriage proposal from the Rana family.

I closed my laptop, unable to concentrate. My family's praises for Arjun Rana had echoed in my ears, his virtues and qualities lauded. But I was not ready for marriage. I had dreams, aspirations, and a world to explore. I wanted to become an independent woman, to carve my own path, and to fulfill my ambition of becoming a writer.

My grandparents had been the most persuasive in the discussion. They had shared tales of their own enduring love, of how they had navigated life's challenges together. To them, marriage was the ultimate union, a bond that could weather any storm.

"Niha, my dear," my grandmother had said, her eyes filled with tenderness, "sometimes, destiny has plans for us that we cannot foresee. Perhaps this is the path you are meant to walk."

But I wasn't ready to accept that. I wanted to find my own path, to chase my own dreams, and I couldn't help but feel like a caged bird.

As I stared at the incomplete poem on my laptop, I felt a pang of unease. It was as if the words I had written were a reflection of my inner turmoil, a search for that elusive soulmate who would understand my desires and aspirations.

I clicked the "Save Draft" button and closed my laptop, leaving the poem hanging in the digital ether, unfinished and unresolved, much like my own emotions.

  But as I stood on the balcony, looking up at the same moon that Arjun had gazed upon, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this alliance than met the eye. The cryptic email, the mysterious past—it all seemed interconnected, like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

I whispered to the moon, "What do you have in store for me, dear moon? What is written in the stars, and where does my destiny lead?"

The moon offered no answers, only its serene, unchanging presence. The night was still, the world around me quiet, and the sense of impending revelation hung heavy in the air.

My grandparents tried to convey the importance of family and tradition. They spoke of the strength that came from unity, of the love and support that a family could provide.

But my dreams tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel torn between tradition and the path I had envisioned for myself.

As the discussion continued, I realized that my family had made their intentions clear—they believed that Arjun Rana was the perfect match for me. It was a decision that left me feeling powerless as if my future had been decided without my consent.

The suspense of my impending destiny weighed heavily on my mind, and I couldn't escape the feeling that my life was about to take a turn I hadn't anticipated.

To be continued...