

“ how could you hide such thing from me don't you trust me to handle it the right way “ he spoke, his eyes looked sad with an hint of betrayal “ am sorry” Kelly cried holding her hand above her head “ there is no excuse for your lack of trust Kelly I trusted you I love you I respect you and every decision you take for us and the family I never one day doubted your actions because I love and trusted you , I trust you more than I trust my self how could you?” “ Please forgive me I was so scared of loosing you and our baby” she cried louder Seeing this man cired for the first time in front of her means he was heart broken he never cired not even when his grandmother who he had lived with almost all his life died of cancer “ and even thought, telling me the truth would cause you loose us and everything there is no excuse for your selfishness Kelly I harte liars “ he said again and this time he didn't let a single tears drop his eyes all red “ I was blackmailed trust me I never meant any harm" she cired again while putting her head down she has failed the one and only person who has always been her back bone her strength when she is weak he harte lies and she knew he trust her, he trusted other but they ended up breaking him how could she, what difference is she and those who have offended him and lied too him “ Kelly do you think I would judge you because you were rape by your cousin when you were little. You really do think lowly of me and you never love me from the beginning because love is trust, true love is trust Kelly am not gonna request for a divorce but I need time too get over it, just like a mirror you broke I don't think I could be amended” he spoke is voice low and it releases pain of betrayal and lack of trust. The nightmare she has always fear has come true after years of leaving her past behind her it has resurfaced.

Fejis_gold_James · Others
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38 Chs

Asking For My Number

The next day I quickly wash hanoka clothes and iron his pants and the t shirt I wasn't gonna return his bottle never.

I walk down the school field today it was training section seem more like work out because expect the newbies everyone was in the gym room.

All the girls were drooling over the shirtless males with beautiful abs and muscles and so were actually serious with their gyming .

I was actually standing over looking everywhere looking for hanoka I was so nervous I wanted to apologize for been rude and returning his clothes would be the right opportunity.

after about 10 minutes finally I saw him shirtless I swallowed the plum on my throat immediately he saw me he smile and Wave walking close too me

OMG he look hot I bite my lips to stop me from blushing "hi Kelly"

"hi ,well uhhh ....well I came to return your clothes and I want to apologize for been rude I was just embrass and for not thanking you

for the help am so sorry" I said in an hurry

"why are you apologizing and you look so nervous cut yourself some slack will you " he said and touch my cheeks softly

" well..... hmmm thanks" I said nervously

" can I please at least get your number?"he ask " sure " I said and dial my number on his phone and he immediately called me and my phone range " thanks for the number" he said politely" no problem well this your clothes thanks for the other day "

"no problem I would always be happy to help you" he said and touch my cheeks again

" I gotta to go " I said walking fast fast

" see you around bye " he said and Wave to me with a smile.

Hanoka POV

After been stressed out all day coming out of the the chemical laboratory room was not a privileged as other see it but it was terrifying been top student isn't a privileged like some other students he was force to join the military by his dad he wanted to join the military but he couldn't because he was an only son and his old dad won't let him obvious so he decided to achieve his dream of becoming a military through hanoka.

getting all the results good grades trying his best to make his dad proud but he never felt proud of him nor does he acknowledged hanoka hard work.

sometimes I felt I was never enough burying himself all day in work seem like the only way to stop him from overthinking and becoming depressed he had never had the privileged to be in his own work he had a dream of been a famous singer his dream taunt him but his dad would rather disowned him than let him be his own person and follow his dreams his dad has been everything too me and my siblings been the eldest I do not want to disappoint my dad or my family.

I walk into the cafe not because I had apitite but because I need food too survived I walk up too the chef but my eyes caught a sight of a girl who wore black pant and blue crop top she was black but beautiful I watch as she argued with her friends but I was so concentrate on her feature especially the way her lips work while talking her long lashes and dark long hair I smile deeply and as I watch the drama between the two friends the waiter gave them their orders I watch her every expression as she looks at her meal as though she was a foreigner and a newbie I stop looking when the head chef screaming at the both of them. I chuckled a little as I saw how embrass she was I debated with my self to sit with them finally I took my tray of food and walk up to them but the first thing I noticed was the firty eyes of her friend Kelly behave as if she didn't care I guess she was a newbie cause almost all the girls drool over me especially when am shirtless in the gym but for the first time I look neglected and rejected and unnoticed like a ghost before her I was curious about her but I kept it low I pretended as if I was actually focusing on my meal but hell no I was secretly glancing at her her friend tried to engage me in a conversation but I was absence minded .

real quick I observe Kelly expression as she drank the green tea but before I could do anything she vomited I quick help her too the bathroom and help her wash her face I got her my clothes to change in.

working out like today wasn't easy I was doing my normal routine I was done and trying to retire back when I saw Kelly I smile but tires to hide the excitement on face she came forward and apologize but I wasn't even concerned about her apologies but the way her lips move while talking I was more than happy but I conceal my emotion she handed me my clothes I touch her soft cheek I just hope I didn't make her uncomfortable and she left I glance back her retrieving feature till she was in no sigh I softly kiss the cloth she gave me and blush.

hello guys please tell me what you think about this book I just feel alone in this please comment I would really appreciate thanks

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