

Keana a pessimistic young adult in the modern world with a troublesome love life oblivious of her capabilities is faced with the disorienting reality of being a combined force of two powerful mythical sections, the Witch-dom and Were-dom after a tragedy. An outcome of a conflict in the time of an ancestor ending in unfulfilled wishes, cumulating into the loop of the cycle where in a generation a reincarnation takes place in hopes of solving unresolved grudges without which forever love is lost. What would you do when you find out your redemption and eternal love is actually your second chance as well as the same cold blooded villain that massacred your first love and family? Marlory a charismatic solitaire grew up in an orphanage in the present world wielding great strength without proper knowledge of his lineage, living the simple life of a human as a leader in the shelter. A role which he was meant for and has been playing unconsciously. An Alpha of the Blood Crescent Moon pack of the old but senior housemate in the modern day. A chance meeting with Keana sets into motion the unraveling of painful history of betrayal, grave loss, antagonism, carried over feud unwillingly; for a resolution by this twos return into time past or continue in loop eternally. What was the Moon goddess and the mother of all Witches thinking to have made such a concession? Can the past be reversed resolved to manifestation in the present without held in bitterness for the breakage of a recursive curse leading to a happy ever after?

Dzifa_Tsikata · History
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18 Chs


My legs had become wobbly. My strength was down to zero instantaneously questionably. The first of it occurrence.I have been strong as the fiddle since I can remember. Kish rush to help me locate a nearby seat yet still! She could not shut it nor trust her eyes. How then, do I believe this person saw my eyes glow when she can't differentiate between realities? she was seriously a blind bat! physically and intuitively. To be sincere, she might as well be going nuts seeing shit! which ain't there.

"Are you really sick?" She compressed! Compounding my distress, doubting the credibility of my current condition. Should a reasonable normal person be asking such question in glare view of my condition?

"You will be the death of me Kisha!" Was all what I could muster strength to whisper. Like magic, fully boosted was me in the next minutes that I wondered if I ever lost any energy at all. I bolt up standing before kish could even say jack!

"What the fuck!" She exclaimed stepping back from me spilling the water she had wanted to offer me in her grip on impulse.

"Babe, I don't just comprehend my body anymore myself." I commented checking me out. I found nothing unusual just the profuse perspiration on my body, I am almost drenched in sweat! That of my own too! I have never experienced such sort. Not even after a tremendous tedious day of adopting My co-workers chores! My whole attire was damp and I don't even know if that counts for anything. Anyways, it was chronically strange. If my system reacted like this, why wouldn't this bug not have questions about me either? Personally, I had questions too, now.

Maybe we were having reactions to something. I mean the same issues thus! an abnormally in view of the symptoms. Kisha was delusional whiles I was fading in and out of strength, running inconsistent temps. And sweating abnormally! Evidently? I am suffering most! As if I was the main target who truly got hit too! Did that guy come to infect us with some sort of disease or what? Here we go again! keana! Cra! cra! me with another stupid serious accusatory allegation against the weird guy.

Did I really resent him that much?! To think the worst of him? 'My system guilt tripping me as usual. Nothing new though! A righteous person must have these mental beat downs for alignment s.' I don't even know what to think anymore, because weird things began evolving since last he came yet I am conflicted within; wanting to defend him as much as convict him. I even feel like ... yearn to see the fool again! Could you believe that? Yup! Certified! I am finally losing it. I might as well pass for the distorted dilution.

"I thought you were sick?"

"I thought so too."

"Are you okay? This is wired. I mean look at you all dripping." She made an accurate observation.

"Not sick kish. Just a little weak."

"You call what just happened 'just a little?' Yet you almost passed out and now you looking like that?" Now I think her eyes and instincts are working to precision after the statement she made. 'i assumed. '

"Yeah! I am beyond baffled myself! Young lady!

"Who do you think you are playing mind games with?" She asked with a hurt tone.

Kisha's POV:

How could Keana be this childish? Here I was, on edge thinking she was actually dying that minutes plus I almost tripped out of suffocating anxiety getting refreshment for her! only for it to be a ruse. What if I had actually fell and broken a vital bone or missed a frontal tooth? 'Gasping in terror whiles rummaging out her face hysterically and inside her mouth grossly to the sickening of kea.'

"what is going on with the leech now? For goodness sake! " Keana inwardly posed as she looked on nauseous.

Oh! the devil is a big fat lair! 'She panicked declaring with vigor synonymous to a staunch believer within when she could easily pass for Lucifer's subordinate.' My fine face would have been messed up for nothing! How then was I going to get all those fine boys ha?! Bloody nemesis of progress! I was even wishing the earth opens up and gulps me down whole should anything happen to her, cause I wouldn't know how to explain to her parents without grave consequences! And it turns out, she was stunting. Does she even know the gravity of what she is playing with? Shit! Kea be tripping inconsiderately! 'scoffs unbelievably.' I doubt it!

If a whole me! Kisha Arthur who wouldn't give up this Earth's enjoyment for anything and also chose severe torment over death if given a choice, could contemplate suicide!? A helpless! Hopeless last resort that is .... due to her feigned terminal drama? It's self-explanatory what extent the situation was and which kind of people we dealing with here.

When did she become this careless! worst of all she wants to involve me in her shit and make me look stupid as well! At least she should have the decency of respecting my intelligence! The fuck is wrong with her! Has she lost her damn conscience? Bullshitting me! Adding salt to my injury in pretence! Acting ignorant. Crazy troublemaker!

How she could stoop that low basically baffles me as at now. What did she want to achieve with the drama? For my fragile heart sake! Give me a heart attack? what the crap is wrong with the silly girl anyways? Was she testing my patience or trying to pay me back for trying to set her up with that guy?

Moreover, there was no trace of concealed smile on her face rather helplessness! Which I have never witnessed in her expression since I have known her. It was as if she was fighting with every bit of herself to maintain consciousness. Yes! kea is a formidable fighter. Never breaking! nor giving up! Just as the metaphorical saying "Black doesn't crack!" She has always had her own. On a lighter note, the darn bitch is heavy! Too heavy for a female that small's weight. Shit! Her Mr. right, which we don't even know when he is to come with this her crappy attitude, has a whole lot of weight lifting to do to keep up. When simply propped on me for support? Meehn! I felt I was the one going to pass out from her weight. Geez!

That notwithstanding, I don't even know why I feel sad she did that. I mean, is it what she actually did or how she was treating me afterwards without an apology? Now I am confused myself! I don't even know what my pian is. Could I be overreacting? Come to think of it, what's with the doused look anyway? She looks like she was beaten by a heavy downpour when she didn't move from where I helped her sit. Was that another trick she was employing into her weak defense? In as much as it feels out of place, if she thought she could fool me any further than she did with that? Then, I am sorry to disappoint her. She missed! Big time! She could have easily dabbed water from the sink or a close by source all over with my back turned. Yet truth is, it was impossible cause I didn't step out neither did she move from her recuperating spot. it was as if she was at once power zapped to strength. However, she looked so bad! the magical recovery doesn't make sense! Hmm!

That much acting skill would have scored an 'A' in performing acts class! And the lead role in an upcoming high budget movie for sure! What a shame it wasn't the course she offered in college. Unadulterated raw talent going waste! Some awful career choice she made back there. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! . Here I go again getting lost in another sub subject deviating from main topic. My flighty mind ability at it peek.

Anyways, back to major concern; the more I ponder this? The more muddle headed I get. First of all, I know Keana is not the type to joke around. She is a tight ass damsel, not in distress though or is she she? Such a pickle! Not to mention with a severe topics such as health. So? Could I be wrong? Yet no one also recovers that fast from gross deterioration too! It could only be faked! to be so! What the hell! is going on here? Is this some sort of test of character or what shit? Or has Keana being sick all this while with a terminal disease without knowing or telling me till now and is about to die? God have mercy! ' Her feature goes through a transition of fright to that of sympathy then bitterness.' Is that why she was avoiding the topic by pretending? Why am I even calling God into this? I know, I am not a believer? Compounding my sins further eeeh? Shoving my soul into eternal damnation even more! If I were, I should just simply agree I already acquired my spot in hell with my actions but for the main subject who is kind of one of them I'd be allowed the privilege to call the name. ' She criticized herself in condemnation once again sliding of course to only catch herself rigorously in the middle of her easily distracted tendency.' Kisha! Kisha! Kisha! 'She repeated in awakening.' Be sympathetic for once! In your life! It is not about you! Nor will it always be! Self centered bitch.

Truth is I don't know what to make of the whole thing. If it'd be a possession, a sickness, a lie or just one of keana's newly discovered sides she is now exploring .... I don't just know but it sure as hell is scary. I feel cheated! My intelligence has been undermined. I feel she simply messed with my emotions and I am not forgiving her. She can pretend all she wants but not me! this time. I am not going to take any bull crap coverup story from her today. It's high time she realizes the severity of some of her mischiefs.

"Mind what?" Holly crap! I had the impression we were done with that ... guess I was wrong. When it had to do with kish? I should never bet all my gold, cause there is no guarantee of certainty. Ever! Jesus Christ! I had hoped when I announced to myself this day was going down in my history books as the worst day? It would get better to redeem itself for good records but No! it seems the day has accepted the declaration like a hopeless prisoner on death row and is bent on making me miserable. "Kish! listen! all jokes aside, I don't know what is going on either nor am I pretending." I told her plainly in all honesty.

"Really? Do you take me to be that stupid?" She fling-back as if she wasn't... daa?! My thoughts with an eye roll.

"I am not ... 'i choke on the rest words as I belch out of a bitter bile eruption in my mouth making my face go sour. God! Am fed up to the point of physical manifestation.' ... and you are not listening. Truth is there's no talking to you right now! Cause it's be a total waste! You have concreted your mind! It's impossible to get through to you! And I have lost too much of too little the energy I had, to throw away the meagre one am managing right now."

"Now I am insignificant ha?"

"Will you stop all the baseless shenanigans?"

"She-na-ni ... what? Trying to grammar bail yourself out right?" If I continue to spice this hot pot source this unbreakable fortified concrete wall of a girl has brewing? We would never be done with it today. I need to wipe my hand and move on. Seriously, I can't come and kill myself.

"Do you always have to nit pick negatively at everything I say? Sometimes, I must confess! You are impossibly unbearable!" I lashed back at her in a harsh tone and walked out on her. I had to find a means to fresh up and change clothes for my hygiene and sanity sake! No one warned I'd be soaked to the foot like a fish this miraculously before I stepped out to work anyways. I ain't got time to be going back and forth with a deaf, dumb and blind! We ended up sitting quietly like mannequins and going through the rest of the day like robots carefully coded making room for each other when we had to by pass ourselves attending to clients that came in afterwards untill the close of the day.

Yes! it was childish but for tranquility, it was best. I couldn't continue to persuade her of what i have no knowledge of. She saw what she believes, she saw! and I can't dispute that fact with her, yet neither will I also falsify a testimony attesting to it; to make her feel good. Thing is she already had her mind made and there was nothing I could or would do to sway her. Dead end!

She held on to her silky tantrums till the day was over. Boy! was I glad the day was finally over. Oxygen it was to my dying brains! I couldn't wait to tell my grandmother of the bizarre day I had experienced. She was most likely to be with the answers I seek for.

Back at the shelter, Malory ruminated the incident which occured earlier in the day worriedly.