Thomas struggles to enter the prestige academy of the capital. Against all luck, he is somehow bestowed a second chance and passes his entry. Later Thomas finds himself doomed to repeat certain events to prevent their certain outcomes. In hope to change the future, he takes advantage of his wits and smarts to overcome any unseen obstacles tossed his way.
With Thomas being flat on his ass and touching the dark liquidy ground that shared the same qualities of the walls, it started to soak in and look like he soiled himself. It would not be far from the truth as Thomas got back on his feet with a tight knot in his stomach.
Upon turning his head back around to the scene, Thomas vomited. There was an unidentifiable corpse sitting there, upright without crumbling. The eyes were gouged out and the bones darkened, not to mention the smell of decay.
The corpse' stomach was ripped upon with all of the intestines and organs spread out all around the ground surrounding the corpse. The odd thing about it was there was no dried blood, only the bones, organs, intestines and horrible smell of decay.
Thomas noticed the vial of fairy-light on the ground with the initials of "T.S".
"Tim…" Thomas formed slight tears.
He then turned and ran straight into the corridor with Corbin.
"CORBIN! Answer me! Are you there?" Thomas screamed upon the top of his lungs without much success of a returning answer.
"Damnit!" Thomas punched the wall then wiped off the liquid with his pink handkerchief.
The liquid left a deep stain on his mother's handkerchief. Thomas continued to run and try to find Corbin. The corridor, unlike the one he ventured in, appeared endless. Thomas decided to check his pocket watch. It had nearly been an entire hour.
However not before long, a strong familiar smell penetrated his nostrils.
"No… no!" Thomas cried out and increased his pace.
After turning the corner, he saw the very same scene he had seen with Tim. The remains of a corpse and both its intensifies and organs spread out on the ground. The bones were scorched and blackened as well with the eyes gouged out.
Tears filled Thomas' eyes and he fell down on his knees after recognizing Corbin's watch.
"Not again! Not again!" Thomas punched the ground multiple times.
The liquid stained his kneecaps and splashed all over his clothes. This was similar to the first time Thomas encountered the demon, his friends were dying and he had to save them. He quickly unsheathed his blade and pointed it towards his own throat.
"If I do it… it might reset, right?" Thomas laughed out hysterically with tears bursting out.
Thomas later lowered his sword and sobbed for a couple of minutes. There was no guarantee if Thomas himself committed suicide for his "Redo" passive skill to proc and give him another chance. Amidst his sorrow and anger, Thomas tried his best to keep his thoughts rationalized.
"The decay is not as strong as it was with Tim, this means Corbin was killed later," Thomas stood back up and went to search for Ashley.
He could not rely solely on his system's abilities. There was still a chance that either Ashley or Emily were still alive. Thomas made haste to try and find Emily next.
It took roughly a quarter of an hour finding her and the scene was gruesome and almost identical to Tim's and Corbin's. The only difference was there appeared to be dried blood and two types. Emily fought back and managed to injure her attacker.
"I am sorry I could not make it in time for you either," Thomas apologized and rushed to Ashley's location next.
Upon returning to the first location, Thomas noticed the smell coming from Tim's corpse had increased drastically in comparison when he had returned from Corbin's corridor.
"What the…" Thomas held his nose to cover up the smell of decay.
There was no time to think about it, he rushed to Ashley's corridor immediately and found her almost instantly by the start of it. Her corpse looked like it was in pain and in anguish.
It was positioned differently than the guys, almost as if it was reaching out towards Tim's corpse. Ashley looked like she cried the moment she died.
A loud couple of steps were heard coming from the first room, right behind Thomas.
[New Quest Added: Defeat The Demon]
[Reward: 50 Exp]
"I can smell it… sniff sniff… the smell is covering your body!" A demon came into sight and spoke very strangely.
"You were not in your corridor, ah! I need to heal more! That bitch injured me! It burns!" The demon cried out.
Thomas stood up and unsheathed his sword. There was no more time to analyze or think about the surrounding details of his four friends. Thomas rushed towards the demon blindly. It was a tall one that resembled an ogre but with horns and a massive stomach.
"Yes come to me! This is more fun than the rest!" The demon laughed and launched with its arms two ooze like attacks.
Thomas only managed to parry one of them, nullifying it, then the other one hit his leg and he stumbled down.
"AHH-- what is this? It burns!" Thomas looked down and saw the clothing melting then it seeping into his skin.
"Boils your blood, warms it up, a nice drink for my human rinds snack!" The demon sang harmoniously and grabbed Thomas.
"Why struggle? It is all over now!" The demon squeezed Thomas tight.
The last thing Thoams could feel before blacking out was his eyeballs popping out and his blood boiling all from the inside.
In the blink of an eye, Thomas was standing with everyone at their set corridor prior to entering them separately.
"It is okay to be scared Thomas, you can run back and scream my name for help," Corbin joked poorly before heading in.
Thomas spaced out and was not able to tell them not to venture in at the time. He turned to Tim who waved him off. It was time for Thomas to figure things out, but first, he needed to at least pretend to have scouted his corridor before heading on back.
Hello! Have not held my promise on uploading daily on this. The thing is my other and first webnovel "Re:Fate" got featured and I have been more focused on updating that one. Also this "arc" will take a bit more focus and time to write, since I need to put emphasis on certain details or it will not come out right with his ability to cheat-death and repeat things. Therefore I will most likely flesh this arc out during the month and spend more time writing it to not mess up any details and then try to resume a daily-release since my other webnovel is taking more of my focus.
Thanks for understanding and hope you enjoy My Arcane System nonetheless!