
My Annoying Class

As Earth crumbles, a mysterious god grants random Essence rankings. Mai, a C-rank healer, faces a betrayal, awakening in a space offering powers. A journey to Hell unveils her hidden potential, leading to her return with newfound strength. As disturbances escalate, facing soul-sucking angels, Mai discovers a game-changing ability that alters the course of humanity’s fate. What to expect: - Fast pace - Action - Comedy - Fantasy - Amateur style The story is inspired by Berserk, Solo Leveling/Only I Level Up and Mookhyang/Dark Lady.

MissAlbedo · Fantasy
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26 Chs

24. Encountering Mayor August (18+)

*Warning! This chapter is for 18+ only! *

The next day, Mai stood and stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She looked at her hands, studying them closely and noticed that the small wounds and scars she had acquired from all the handwashing had healed. She looked at her reflection again, scrutinizing her face carefully.

"I had bluish circles under my eyes before. They're gone. My little wrinkles are gone too. Is it because I've healed people?"

Would she become younger by healing more? She shook her head.

"That's a silly idea."

She was reminded of Liam's words yesterday.

"I might as well get reevaluated."

She went to the town hall, and because she hadn't booked an appointment, she was directed to the queue for those who showed up without one. She sat in a large waiting room with many others, staring at her phone, looking at Liam's number. She might end up spending the whole day here and be sent home when they close. She didn't like to ask for help, even though Liam's words sounded good to her.

Suddenly, she overheard a conversation and looked to her left, seeing a large, thick man in a black suit. It was Mayor August, whom her mother had spoken highly of. He was known as the city's most compassionate person due to an incident where he had held an open free feast for the residents. An insignificant person like her wouldn't catch his attention. Suddenly, she was reminded of her mother's words, "he likes girls." 

Mai was a woman, not a girl, so she had long expired; no one would want her exactly like a Christmas cake. It wouldn't hurt to try. She stood up and walked slowly to the mayor, who suddenly looked at her.

He studied her from head to toe and blinked a few times. "Can I help you with something?"

"I know it's wrong, and I'm embarrassed to ask, but is there a way to skip the line?" Mai coughed lightly, and her face slowly turned red, as Mayor August noticed.

He broke into a smile. "We can figure that out if you have a cup of tea with me."

Only them together? Mai furrowed her brows and was about to shake her head.

Target locked. 

Huh? Her heart skipped an extra beat, and she thought she had misheard.

She bit her lip and declined immediately. "Maybe another day. I forgot I had another appointment."

Mayor August grunted. "Have a good day, miss."

He turned around and walked away slowly with the group.

Warning! Your target is running away. There will be severe penalty if your target escapes.

"What the..." Mai's heart was pounding in her throat.

She hurriedly ran to Mayor August, turned on her charm to the maximum, and played cute.

"I would like to have that tea anyway if it's okay."

Mayor August stopped and turned around, smiling at her as he licked his lips and gestured for her to come closer.

"This way."

They walked through several corridors down to the basement, passing through more hallways until they suddenly stopped in front of a door.

Mai looked down the corridor, furrowing her brows. All doors looked the same, and she couldn't remember the way back. What on earth had she gotten herself into?

The group quickly left them, and Mai and Mayor August entered the room. It looked like a large lounge with a red velvet sofa, dimly lit but just enough to see around.

"Take a seat." Mayor August pointed to the sofa, and Mai sat on the chair opposite, nervously looking around as if studying the place.

"It's a beautiful place."

Mayor August sat across from her, and there was a sudden knock on the door.

A woman came in with a tray of drinks, making Mai furrow her brows. That wasn't tea!

"I don't drink alcohol." she revealed.

Mayor August smiled and commented, "If you drink it, you can be evaluated immediately."

Mai bit her lip as she saw drinks being placed on the table. 

Mayor August lightly patted the sofa to his left, signaling for her to sit next to him.

She sat next to him but only at the edge, keeping as much distance as possible. She took the cold glass and held it towards him.


They clinked glasses quickly, and she chugged it down, making a face. She hadn't drunk alcohol since her early twenties, and she didn't miss the taste.

Suddenly, her head started pounding, feeling like someone was hitting her hard with a hammer. She bit her lip and looked at Mayor August, who had taken off his blazer and was unbuttoning his shirt.

She furrowed her brows. Really? She wasn't a naive young girl and had dated many guys in her life.

She coughed lightly. "I..."

Suddenly, everything started to blur, and her eyelids became heavy. She placed her hand on the left side of her chest and tried to heal. Unfortunately, it didn't work, and she clenched her teeth. She needed a Dispel or Purify here.

Mayor August leaned slowly towards her, and she felt his hands trying to grope her.

Mai still had one move left.

Slave activated. Your opponent is too strong, and your skill has been negated.

Seriously? That Slave skill is useless!

As Mayor August stuck out his tongue, she could smell his foul breath, and she grimaced. When he tried to kiss her, she kicked and hit him hard in the face.


His nose made a loud sound as he recoiled, and she raised her eyebrows. Did I get him?

To her shock, he began to readjust it.


Her heart beat faster, and she furrowed her brows.

"Are you immortal?"

"Baby, I'm a king here and soon to be a god." Mayor August burst into loud laughter and leaned towards her again.

He licked her cheek and kissed her with his large, cracked lips.

Mai closed her eyes and was about to strike at him again but felt that her arms were heavy.

Fine, let it be over. She had no hope left.

Your opponent kissed you first. Your punishment will be transferred to your opponent.

What? She couldn't believe her ears, and her heart pounded, and she opened her eyes, feeling a slimy tongue lick her right cheek.

A black droplet appeared in front of her, flying slowly into Mayor August's forehead, unnoticed by him. Suddenly, a small black dot appeared on his forehead, expanding, and growing larger, and it spread across his entire face and down his neck.

Mai's heart was pounding in her throat. What the hell? Was it contagious? With her last ounce of energy, she desperately tried to kick in all directions while swinging wildly. Damn, he's heavy. He's heavier than a stone. When she felt his head against her neck, she clenched her teeth and sincerely prayed for whatever was out there in the universe. I promise to be a diligent and good girl in the future. She closed her eyes and waited.


Mayor August's eyes turned bloodshot, and he pulled his head back, froth flowing from his mouth, now resembling a wild animal.

Mai's heart was pounding. What the hell is going on? Just as she was about to open her eyes, it happened.



Suddenly, Mayor August moved away from her, and she opened her eyes. He was against the wall with a large hole formed. She blinked and sat up, looking around.

"Mai? What are you doing here?" In front of her stood Victor with Allan.

She lifted her eyes and tried to run towards him. She attempted to stand with support from the table but lost balance and fell forward onto the hard stone floor.


She landed in Victor's arms, feeling his warm body. She could smell his pleasant body odor, reminiscent of a flower bed, and she broke into a smile.

"I won't ask what you're up to. You probably have a good reason for it." He helped her up, staring deeply into her eyes, which were now half-closed.

"I can strangely still think clearly even though I can't see or sense a damn thing." Mai admitted, holding onto him tightly.

Suddenly, her hands trembled. This had never happened before. If he hadn't shown up, she would have ended up in a different situation. She suddenly had a strange feeling in her stomach and felt cramps crawling inside her. She bit her teeth together, cringing and hunched over, holding her stomach with her left hand. Suddenly, her body became warm, quickly developing into a burning sensation. She felt something happening below, and it dawned on her. Am I... aroused? It's impossible. Who the hell would be aroused by being attacked by a fat, disgusting pig?

"I'm horny," she said, shocked by her choice of words. "I mean, I'm wet and tig..." 

Suddenly, she struggled to speak, and her tongue felt numb.

Allan coughed and commented, "I think she's drowsy."

Victor looked at Mayor August, who had fainted from the hard fall.

"Let's clean up quickly before anyone notices anything."

"My barrier is still holding." Allan commented, holding his hands in front of him.


Mayor August was caught in a golden sphere and floated from the floor towards them.

Mai sensed what was happening but wanted to see the final result of her punishment.

"Don't kill him, please," she mumbled.

"He's infected, so we have to get rid of him," Victor explained.

"My punishment on him. I want see it," she mumbled again.

Victor chuckled and said in a gentle voice, "Sleep."

He lifted her in a bridal style and gave Allan a quick nod.

"Listen..." Mai's eyes grew heavy, and she fell asleep.

"It's good Ezekiel or Liam isn't here," Allan commented, coughing lightly.

Victor looked at Mai and furrowed his brows. "Why didn't she ask us for help?"

He looked at Allan. "isn't it normal to use your contacts?"

"Maybe she just hates people. Who knows?" Allan answered, shrugging.

He waved his right hand.


A large golden magic circle appeared beneath them, and they sat on it as it floated out of the room with Mayor August hovering with them.

"With her powers, anyone else would have bragged about them. Why does she keep them to herself?" Victor mumbled, looking at Mai lying in his lap.

He took out a white fur blanket and placed it over her.

When Mai woke up, she was in her own bed, causing her to sit up abruptly. The sound of her TV was on in the living room, and she quickly got out of bed. Her heart pounded fast. Is it a thief? What about Kenta and the other animals?

She noticed she was wearing her nightshirt and had bare legs. She furrowed her brows. Would a thief undress her?

In the living room, Victor sat on the couch with Kenta sleeping next to him, covered by a blanket. Allan was in the armchair, looking up at her, and at his feet on the carpet, the fat rat was sleeping.

He smiled at her. "Did you sleep well?"

Mai breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought it was a thief."

Victor looked at her body and commented, "You know you're not wearing any clothes."

Mai looked down at herself and furrowed her brows. "I am wearing clothes."

She hurriedly put on proper clothes and made dinner for them, consisting of vegetables, noodles, and chicken thighs. They all ate in silence, and Mai noticed that Mayor August was not present.

"Thank you for saving me. If you hadn't..." Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by strong emotions, tears exploded, and she broke into loud sobs. She tasted noodle soup mixed with sour burps and salty tears and sniffled.

Victor stopped eating and looked at her. "Next time, just ask for help."

"Even if I asked, you wouldn't have made it in time." Mai sniffed and wiped her eyes with her arm.

"True, but Ezekiel can manipulate time a bit if needed." Victor said, smiling gently. 

"He suffers when he uses his ability. I saw it last time." Mai sniffed again and continued eating. 

Allan coughed and interrupted them. "If you give him time, he hasn't lost anything. Something for something."

Mai furrowed her brows and pondered over his words. Were they just hinting at a harmless date? If that was all it took, she would gladly help Ezekiel. A date was just a date.

"Okay, tell him I owe him a date because he brought me to Anya and Walder."

Suddenly, she saw Liam's face in front of her with big, pleading puppy eyes, and she furrowed her brows. Him too? After all, he had helped her get to Marbella, so, of course, she couldn't exclude him. She took out her phone.

Mai: "Do you want to go on a date?"

She pressed send but regretted her choice of words as it sounded too desperate and decided to change it.


Liam: "Sure. When?"

"Damn, he's fast. Why do men respond so quickly?" she muttered.

She looked over at Allan and was again reminded of Mayor August. In the end, she didn't get to see what her punishment looked like on him. She pursed her lips and sighed deeply.

Allan, noticing this, looked at Victor, who shook his head.