
My Annoying Boss [The Ice-Cold CEO]

HyeJin, an aspiring comic artist, is determined to make her comics animated in the successful animation company. When her project was approved, she was over the moon. Everything was set to go her way until she met the perfectionist, bossy, but frankly handsome CEO. Was turning her comic into an animation more trouble than its worth? Will she prevail against all odds or surrender at the face of her Ice-Cold CEO. [DISCLAIMER! The illustration used on the cover doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the rightful owners! Cr: Mr:Love Queen's Choice] [Chapter 1 and 2 has a little plot revision if you have read it]

Yamada_Koharu · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 - Ugh! He’s so annoying!

From the last chapter:

"Yeah! I've been enjoying my day off recently~ I've been taking some trips to many cities with my sports car recently! It's very fun! You guys should join me some day and we can stay in great hotels!", Jisoo said excitedly.

"Ehh.. Maybe one day in the future!", Hyejin said.

"Why? What happened?", Jisoo asked.


"We still have our theme proposal to be accepted by the company, we have been repeating things all over again!", Hyejin said.

"Ohh, Mr. Kim is really strict about it, so I hope that you can give him mercy.", Jisoo said while smiling.

"Haha.. I hope so too..", Hyejin said.

"Soo, what are you guys doing here?", Jisoo asked.

"We're trying this new bubble tea store since it's quite close to our studio.", Haruna said.

"Oh really? It's nice to have a bubble tea store close to your workplace.. I should travel around 1km to get to the closest bubble tea shop around my office.", Jisoo said.

"Yeah, you can visit our studio if we're free in the future.", Hyejin said.

"Sure~ By the way, I gotta go! My brother is calling. Byee~!", Jisoo said while picking up a phone call.

"Byee~!", Haruna and Hyejin said while waving their hands.

As soon as they got back to their studio, they started to work on their opening theme proposal again. This time they tried to make it as unique as possible, and worked harder. They pulled all nighters to finish this proposal.

The next day, Haruna and Hyejin went back to the Seoul Animation office to have another meeting with the animating team. As always, Minho came and checked out his employee's progress to make sure that everything was executed perfectly as he always expects.

"What in the world are you guys trying to do here? A children animation opening? It doesn't fit your storyline at all! You should change it.", Minho said.

"This concept was made to express the personality of the main character, moreover we also introduced everyone to the character's names through this animation.", Hyejin said.

"Since this will be the first opening, its best for you to show how your storyline will be, not your character! Make what people expect from your storyline through this opening! No matter what you're trying to explain here, I'm not accepting your proposal this time.", Minho said.

"But- Mr. Kim, can you please take a look at the whole proposal first before jumping into the conclusion?", Hyejin said.

"I've skimmed through it since Mr. Yamada has told me this in advance before the meeting, and I can't find what you are trying to show the audience through this animation. So I'm not accepting this proposal.", Minho said.

Soon, Minho left the meeting room without a word and continued checking the other employee's progress. 

As soon as he left, everyone's face looked horrified and lost hope since they have been working so hard on this proposal. 

"I'm sorry to say that we should reject your proposal one more time, I'm sure that we can accept your next proposal.", A staff member from Seoul Animation said.

"Yeah, I personally really like your idea. But, if Mr. Kim says no, we have no chance to accept your proposal. We're really sorry.", Another staff member said.

"I-it's really okay. We're going to redo it again with all our might. Don't worry about us.", Haruna said. 

"Yeah, it's okay..", Hyejin said.

As the meeting ended, everyone started packing things up and returned back. Hyejin and Haruna were very sad that they decided to take a little break at night while going to a Korean BBQ restaurant and drank together.

"I'm ordering 4 bottles of soju and packet A please.", Hyejin said.

"4 BOTTLES FOR YOURSELF? Are you crazy?", Haruna worried.

"Yeah, I'm kinda upset right now. I feel like drinking more today.", Hyejin said, "What do you want to order?"

"I want 2 bottles of soju and also packet A please.", Haruna shouted.

"Noted! Please wait for abit~!", A waitress said.

Soon, the waitress came with 6 bottles of Soju, some meats, vegetables, side dishes and sauces. People stared at them weirdly as they only ate all of those when the food is supposed to be eaten by four people. Then they start grilling their meats and eating before they start with their first shot of alcohol.

"To release our stress, let's have our first shots of today! Cheers!!", Haruna said. 

"Cheers!!", Hyejin said.

After drinking two and a half bottles, Hyejin started to be sober and start talking bad things about Minho.

"I've no idea what.. Minho wants.. I'm really.. Really desperate..", Hyejin said.

"I'm sure that Minho wants the best for us and also his company, don't mind about him too much.", Haruna said.

"How am I.. Supposed to be not annoyed.. When he is acting this way?", Hyejin said.

"He keeps rejecting every single proposal we made.. I'm so tired..", Hyejin continued while starting to drink another shot.

"I think you need to stop drinking..", Haruna said while taking the other bottles.

"No! STOP! I want to drink a lot. Please..", Hyejin said.

"No more!", Haruna said while trying to hide the bottles of alcohol.

"NO! I NEED THEM!", Hyejin said while snatching away the alcohol bottles.

"Fine, but please don't drink too much.", Haruna said, giving up.

Hyejin continued to drink and complained, "You.. You know what? That man came to my hometown.."

"Why? Why is he there?", Haruna asked.

"This guy.. He came with.. a Foreign VVIP guest.. Then he started bullying me again..", Hyejin continued while starting to doze off after taking another shot.

"How did he bully you?! Did he make fun of you again?!", Haruna said angrily.

"Yeah…", Hyejin said right before she dozed off.

"HYEJIN?? LEE HYEJIN??", Haruna said worriedly.

"Uhhh she dozed off.. She isn't a good drinker.. Why is she drinking so much??", Haruna said to herself. "I should start calling someone to help me out.", She continued. 

Haruna started calling all her co-workers and Jisoo, but no one picked up. She started desperately calling her acquaintances and accidentally called Naoyuki instead.

"Hello? Mrs. Takaaki, is there anything I could help you with? Are you guys ready for the next meeting for the concept?", Naoyuki said

"E-eh? Mr. Yamada? Hello.", Haruna said, surprised.

"If there is nothing I could help, I'll hang up..", Naoyuki said.

"No, no, no, don't!", Haruna said panically.

"What's the matter?", Naoyuki asked.

"H-h-hyejin is very drunk.. I can't bring her home, can you help me? I-I mean it's okay if you don't want to.. I'll try my best to bring her home myself!", Haruna said awkwardly.

"O-oh? Ms. Lee? Sure I'll help you! Please send me your location. I'll drive you guys home.", Naoyuki said kindly.

"That's a kind of you Mr. Yamada! I really appreciate your help!", Haruna saud gladly.

"You're welcome~! Please wait for me, I'll be there in a few minutes!", Naoyuki siad.

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Yamada.", Haruna said while turning the call off.

Soon, Naoyuki came with his car, wearing a suit and a formal outfit. 

"Mr. Yamada!", Haruna exclaimed

"I'm glad to see you here! Thank you very much for helping me this time, I'll try my best to repay your kindness in the future! Also.. I'm very sorry to trouble you late at night like this..", Haruna said happily.

"There's nothing to worry about! I was about to return home when you called me. Miss Lee's house is in the same direction as mine, so there's no problem! I still remember your addresses, so please enter the car first, I'll carry Ms. Lee for you.", Naoyuki said. 

"O-okay, thank you very much, Mr. Yamada.", Haruna said and entered the car.

When Naoyuki carried Hyejin, Hyejin started mumbling, "You know.. Mr. Yamada is a very perfect man.. He's very kind and handsome.. Anyone who dates him might be very lucky.."

Naoyuki heard that and smiled, "Thank you for your compliment, Ms. Lee."

"Unlike Kim Minho… Although he has perfect visuals.. He's very arrogant..", Hyejin continued.

Naoyuki couldn't help but laugh after listening to that phrase and said, "Minho.. He's such a special guy isn't he?"

Suddenly, Hyejin opened her eyes, seeing a charming prince carrying her back home and said, "You look very handsome.."

Then, she kissed Naoyuki on his lips and slept. Naoyuki was surprised and smirked as he let Hyejin sit in the front seat while putting on the seatbelt for her.

After starting the engine, Naoyuki glanced at Hyejin and let her use his blazer to keep her warm. 

"May I know how much bottles of alcohol did Ms. Lee consumed just now?", Naoyuki asked.

"S-s-she drank around.. 2 bottles..", Haruna said in a embarassedly.

"Ooh, that's quite a lot.. What made her drink like this? Is there any problem she's facing right now?", Naoyuki asked again.

Haruna remained quiet because she didn't dare to speak up to Naoyuki.

"I-It's not like I want to know your personal matters.. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it", Naoyuki hesitated.

"N-no, it's fine! It's just that she's anxious about our recent project. There's nothing to worry about! I'll take care of her onwards", Haruna said, hoping that Naoyuki wouldn't worry about anything.

"Recent project? Is it the animation project?", Naoyuki asked again.

"No, no it's not it! It's a different project!", Haruna said while looking away.

"Ooh, so you guys just started a new project isn't it?", Naoyuki smirked.

"Y-yes, we just started to make a new comic recently, and we are struggling to come up with the perfect concept.", Haruna said. 

Soon, they arrived in Hyejin's house and Haruna decided to have a sleepover in Hyejin's house.

"Are you sure to drop here? I can drive you home though.", Naoyuki asked.

"No. it's okay! I can come home on my own, there's nothing to worry about!", Haruna said. "By the way, Mr. Yamada, thank you very much for your help! I'll make sure to repay you next time!", She continued while bowing.

"Hahaha, you don't need to repay me anything really! I'm just helping a colleague of mine anyway!", Naoyuki laughed. "I'll get going, see you tomorrow!", He continued.

The next day, Hyejin opened her eyes and found herself lying on her bed, completely puzzled. She couldn't remember what happened last night. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, trying to recall any memories. Suddenly, Haruna, her best friend, walked into the room.

"Good morning, Hyejin," Haruna said cheerfully. "Are you feeling better now?"

"What happened?" Hyejin asked, still confused.

Haruna smiled and said, "Don't you remember? You passed out yesterday, and Mr. Yamada helped us to bring you home."

Mr. Yamada? Hyejin vaguely remembered the name.