
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Transfer Student

"the fuck were you?" entering the dorm room, Abdi was the one to greet me. I sighed softly at his words before removing my suit, only to find it covered with blood, a scene which caused all of them to sit up. 

"On my walk, I found an injured girl who I helped take to the doctor... I'm going to bed." I said as I hadn't slept last night. I was up all night searching for treasure, and then adding the stuff which happened today. I was mentally tired. they left me be, allowing me to go through my thoughts before I hit the bed.

today, I have copied many things which I instantly mastered. be it driving, what the teacher was teaching this morning, to the assassin fighting experience, and lastly Riki swordsmanship, I have become a master of many things without even trying.

just so you know, but i'm not overpowered to the point I could defeat the assassin without the need for any of my energy. that assassin I killed took my fist which was strengthened with chakra. unlike in the Naruto world where one needs to gather up their chakra, I controlled my chakra as easily as breathing. I didn't need to think about anything, I subconsciously did it.

before coming here, I had stopped by a tree to test my strength. there I punched the tree with the same amount of power I used to punch that assassin. That punch easily caused the 10-inch thick tree to explode, yet the assassin's flesh wasn't destroyed, only his inner organs.

didn't that mean that the assassin's skin was powerful enough to be considered bulletproof? That was impressive, but it only helped me understand just how powerful I was. without knowing, I fell asleep.

I was only wakened in the morning by loud alarms, we all got up before taking turns to take the shower. we all quickly got ready for class before going our way. arriving in class, I took my seat and calmly waited for class to start.

many eyes were drawn toward me, after focusing on them slightly, I could easily hear what they were saying. it turned out that after yesterday's event with Tyron, he was planning on beating me up today. which was understandable, who would allow anyone to disrespect them in front of a whole classroom and even their girl?

Soon, Lisa also entered. she looked as if she wanted to walk toward me, but I completely ignored her, causing her to only go take a seat. As everyone took their seat, soon Tyron entered the classroom, quickly walking towards me.

everyone quickly pulled out their phones, readying to watch a good show. Lisa seeing this quickly stood up and came to stop Tyron, but she was easily sent flying, causing her to fall and bang her head heavily on a table. it wasn't enough to knock her out or anything, but she began to hold her head in pain.

I just looked at this scene for a moment, before turning to look to the side at a woman who had entered the classroom. she walked past Tyron and walked up to me with a smile,

"I bet you were not expecting to see me so soon," Rin said with a smile, she had on simple clothing. long jeans, with a simple T-shirt. last night I didn't see her beauty well... but as I looked at her now, she was quite the beauty. she had beautiful deep black enchanting eyes, long black hair, and a perfect figure.

Her beauty made everyone wonder if she was a model, but surely not even models could look this beautiful while being all-natural. after all, she had no makeup or anything like that. even Tyron was stunned.

"what are you doing here?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, indeed I expected more time to go over my thoughts. but she found me so fast.

"I'm a new transfer student, it just so happened we have the same classes." She said with a prideful smile, leaving me stunned. she was capable of doing a lot of things within a short amount of time... a bit scary. it was just last night when we met.

while we were talking, Tyron's face grew dark seeing how we completely ignored him. enraged, his hands flashed to push Rin away. but Rin flashed, taking the hand. As she couldn't show off her strength, she instead used Tyron's strength against him. With a simple twist, Tyron fell to the ground, with her foot slamming on his face

"is it wise to fight on your first day?" I asked, to which Rin shrugged slightly. She was a little princess. She could kill a classroom, and the next day she would simply be transferred to another school, without anyone knowing a thing.

Rin let go of TYron, whose eyes were bloodshot. seeing all of the cameras aimed towards him, and how everyone was looking at him. he felt like he was being mocked. enraged, his fist shot towards Rin, who quickly lowered her body while catching the fist and flipping Tyron over,

Tyron landed on the ground, and a long snapping sound filled the room. to everyone's horror, Tyron had landed wrongly on his leg, snapping it. it was a bloody scene that made everyone scream, with the girls screaming louder than Tyron who was feeling the pain of a snapped leg.

Rin was stunned and looked towards me with a stunned look, she didn't mean this. the screams quickly drew a bunch of teachers, and soon Tyron was driven away in an ambulance.

Due to Tyron being the one who started everything, Rin was not held responsible as it could be said she was only protecting herself. well, it looked like the head of the college knew Rin's background and didn't dare to have her held responsible.

Rin went on to sit next to me, since she didn't have her book just yet, she shared mine. a scene that left everyone in the class unable to help but throw looks toward us. Rin was a beautiful woman, easily the most beautiful in this classroom. with how cool she had just appeared within everyone's eyes a moment ago, many already began to have crushes on her.

Lisa sat in her seat, her heart in a complex place while looking at the scene of Rin and Alex talking to each other in a low voice. She was in a complex place, did she love Alex? Why else would she have gone out with him even after knowing his background?

But this was Thompson University, the best college in New York. going here, she was hit with how the rich so easily lived their life. she had to make the choice, did she want to struggle with Alex or use her beauty to get a rich kid? 

Yes, Alex was smart. but after finishing college, he would go through 3 stages. the first stage was finding a place to live. the second was paying off all of his school debt, and lastly, he would need to find a good-paying job. simply having a college degree wasn't enough for him to instantly get a job without the experience and connection needed. 

That night when Alex delivered the condom, she made up her mind to leave him. but that didn't mean she didn't feel guilty, and now seeing Alex with Rin... she felt envious. 

be it male or girl, they would feel the same way in her position. after dumbing someone, only to see them go on to find someone better than you, would it not leave a bitter taste in your mouth? 

the class soon ended, and everyone got ready to leave. Rin and Alex on the other hand remained sitting, lost in their talks. A few came over to try and speak with Rin, but Rin ignored them. Alex did the same to Lisa who tried to build up the strength to say something.

"Alright, for the payment of protecting me, I will give you... $10 billion?" She asked, making me look at her with a weird look.

"you need not worry. my family is worth trillions. Have enough money and you can easily erase yourself from the world. to me, a few billion is nothing, simple money is meaningless. what we instead care for is these things." She said while pulling out a blue crystal from seemingly nowhere. the classroom was empty with only us, so she had nothing to worry about.

I picked up the crystal and closely sized it up for a moment, before nodding in understanding, this crystal used to be some kind of ore that absorbed a lot of QI, causing it to go through a transformation, 

"What you're holding there is something that could power a whole city for a month nonstop," Rin said stunning me.

"After you absorb this, it doesn't give you a similar level of power?" I asked, to which Rin shook her head.

"it's impossible to absorb the whole thing. there are 4 steps to cultivation. first is sensing Qi, and second is learning to absorb Qi into your body, 3rd is taking that Qi and refining it, 4 is following a cultivation art to put the energy to the best of effect." Rin said calmly, 

"while absorbing it, and refining it. a lot of energy is lost. plus, cultivation isn't all about power, it's about changing your body down to the last drop of cells, bone, hair, and so on. It is a quality change of who you are as a person. this uses up a lot of energy." She said softly, causing me to look at my palms slightly... 

"how long does it take those things to form?" I asked, with an interested look,

"Well, there are two types of Qi stone. this one is man-made, we can make 10 every year. meanwhile, in mountains and other places. it would take 100 years for a Qi stone mining ground to form. and those places have to be in locations rich with Qi." She said, to which I nodded slightly while asking more questions.

the Qi stone she showed me was considered a low-grade Qi stone. As for the strength of those assassins, they are considered level 3 body tempering realm cultivators. the first stage of cultivation was the body tempering realm, this is when one takes Qi from the air and uses it to improve their body. It was split into 10 levels

the first level of this realm is already reaching the peak of human capability. those in this realm could easily reach 30 miles an hour, making Usain Bolt's record of 27.5 Miles an hour not look so impressive. 

the second level is a realm beyond what the normal human should ever be capable of doing, from picking up cars, running 50+ miles an hour, and even bulletproof, they could even go days without food or water.

than was level 3 body tempering, these guys could reach speeds of 80+ miles an hour. Their skin is so hard that normal bullets, swords, and other stuff can't even damage it. they are living monsters in human flesh.

these first 3 levels all focused on tempering and improving one body. but now every part of the body. those 3 levels were focused on strengthening the flesh. the next 3 levels, levels 4 to 6 focused on tempering the internal organs, and 7 to 9, one refined the muscles while also building a Qi sea within the dantian. it's there, one would store Qi and no longer need to draw from the outside world for battle, or eating

lastly, level 10 body tempering, which was an overall quality change to one body. but Rin didn't know of the power of those at level 10, so far the strongest people in the world were those at half-step level 4.

one should know cultivation was hard with how low the energy was. just going back 8 years ago, the highest cultivation was only half step level 2. but by the time a level 10 body tempering realm cultivator can be born, the world power would spread cultivation to the rest of the world.

because at that point, the average cultivation could be level 3 body tempering or something like that. pretty much, the higher the cultivation, the more energy one needs for each breakthrough. By the time one could reach level 10, then it would mean the rest of the world could also reach level 1 at least.

"So... when can I start my training?" Rin asked while I got up to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I thought for a moment at her words before tapping her forehead, sending a bit of curse energy into her body. I had her aim all of her senses onto my curse energy

"w-what time of energy is this?" She said feeling uneasy with this negative energy.

"I call it curse energy. It is similar to that one anime called JJK." I said confusing Rin who didn't watch much anime. sighing, I went on to explain. 

Negative emotions such as grief and anger are the foundation of cursed energy. These emotions exist to some degree within most humans and as a result, the vast majority of human beings possess cursed energy. If this amount is higher than a certain degree, it grants the person the ability to see cursed spirits. 

"pretty much, picture Curse energy as your negative thoughts empowering you. if you are skilled enough, you can do something like this." I said while taking curse energy and turning it into positive energy, which left Rin stunned.

"By multiplying negative energy together, positive reverse cursed energy can be created. You are to learn to tap into your curse energy, after which we can go from there in your training." I said calmly, to which Rin nodded. this new energy could be her trump card,

"Also, don't tell anyone. even your family." I said to which she nodded once more, before thinking for a moment and taking her phone out.

"well, should I send the 10 billion over to you? And please stop looking at me like that. I of course don't have 10 billion, it's my uncle who wishes to thank you." Ran said with a smile, to which I just nodded slightly. 

I wasn't shocked that the truly rich people were capable of hiding, unlike Elon Musk, I could see those who truly had trillions, ignoring the outside world, secretly controlling the world, and working on their own things. like searching for immortality or something. it was even more believable if these people knew about cultivation. after all, with cultivation being a thing would they care for worldly fame?

"... how?" I asked as I took out my phone, to see a nullification of a bunch of zeros that was added to my bank account, following a 1. I looked at Rin who was holding her phone,

"I did a small background check on you... well, it wouldn't have been smart to just come here if I couldn't trust you." She said with an awkward smile.

"no, I mean how is it possible you can send so much money? isn't there a limitation... what am I saying. let's go." I said, remembering i'm standing before some of this world's strongest beings. will the rules we poor weak mortals live by affect them?

We soon arrived at the cafeteria, where I went to get my food before going to sit with Collin and the others. I introduced them all to RIn and explained to them how she was the girl I saved last night.

"This is Collin, that Abel. and this is Abdi," I said calmly, to which Collin and the others greeted RIn was secretly throwing looks at each other. they have seen the video of her beating up Tyron, pretty much everyone saw it. along the way here RIn had caught many eyes due to her beauty and the fact she could handle her own against someone as big as Tyron.

"Alex, I called my dad and he recommended me to a good place where you can seal good. but he was interested in what you had, so can you send a picture to me?" Collin asked with a smile, to which I thought for a moment before nodding. Money can change people, that was even more so when one was doing well yet everyone else was struggling.

I trusted my friends, but it was best to keep the fact I was worth billions at the moment. that was enough money for one to sit back and relax for life. forget them, even I would be unhappy if I was struggling and they were sitting back enjoying life. 

I had Nami have images of the gold I collected taken, leaving me to simply send it to Collin. everyone wanted to see the gold, mostly Rin who believed she had seen some of the treasures. 

she took out her phone and sent me a message, leaving me stunned... when she got my number... but then I remembered she was rich. looking at the message, I was stunned. from her words, she was saying that some of these treasures might be related to cultivation but were lost at sea.

'Nami, what is the value of just one of those treasures I collected?' I asked stunned by her words.

"By the time you asked. the most valuable things here are all damaged goods. at their peak, they would have given you trillions of SP, but now it's only 1 to 2 billion. the fact you didn't find it strange that this stuff could remain alright at the bottom of the sea is shocking to me. you need to be more absorbent towards such small things." the system said, leaving me stunned

"Collin stop, do not send that picture to your father," Rin said seeing how I didn't pick up on the meaning of her words. Collin was stunned at her words and looked at me in confusion.

"those treasures are priceless. people would kill for them. and those that would kill do not fear the law." RIn said seriously before looking towards me.

"I don't know how you found these, but you can't go around showing people them. delete the picture," She said leaving Collin with a weirded-out look, but seeing me nodding toward him he was stunned

"she is the daughter of a multi-billionaire, if she freaking out over something like this... you should delete it." I said stunning Collin, Collin froze for a moment before nodding his head and quickly deleted the photo.

"if someone came asking for them, just say a friend sent them to you. I will handle the rest." Rin said with a sigh,

'did he go to the bottom of the sea to get them? but with the pressure down there, how could that even be possible?' she thought, although she didn't know how powerful level 10 body refinement realm cultivators were, they were not so powerful that they could handle the pressure so deep into the sea, even back then when cultivation was a thing, once that battleship sank, no one dared to go get these treasures.

plus, it's said that after level 3 body refinement, the jump in power isn't as great as the first 3 levels. this is because the other organs have to play catch up.

after eating, we all got up and headed towards our next classes with Collin having this uneasy look. seeing my frowning look towards him, Rin offered to send some people to protect his family just in case.