
Blood footprints

No matter what the baron asked, the little beggar simply said, "come for sulla." Little by little, the baron grew impatient, and it seemed that the beggar was really an idiot. He only knew how to change sulla for sulla, and how to find such a clever boy as a messenger.

"Damn it, boy! I'll ask you where Mr. Lawnold is, and you won't tell me!"

The little beggar seemed frightened by the baron's roar. He shivered, holding the baby girl, as if ready to run away. The baron wanted to get angry, but his servant stopped him and tried to persuade him.

The baron knew, too, that if the little beggar were driven away now, perhaps that launid would go away. At this juncture, it is better not to make more trouble and achieve the goal as soon as possible.

Soon after, a servant placed sulla's purse in front of the beggar, who took it and ran away in a panic.

"Hold on! I'm sorry I scared you. I am here, begging your pardon."

The baron, fearing that the little beggar might say something bad to him when he returned, seized him and said something good. Gradually, the little beggar seemed to calm down, although still a little timid, but his hands and feet have no longer panic.

With the baron's hope, the little beggar left the baron's house with the bag containing sulla. Soon, he disappeared into the intricate alleys of the town. When those who followed the baron's orders came forward...

Only the pure white snow fell silently in front of them.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Clatter, clatter, clatter...

The small clatter of COINS hitting each other came from an obscure corner. In front of a beggar, there were five sulla in stacks of ten.

There are 52 suras in all.

The idiot counts the number and puts sulla back in the bag. He picked up the groggy baby girl and rose from the snow.

"Congratulations, you succeeded in two days, the corresponding coin. How does this feel? Isn't it comfortable to cheat and frame, to make yourself feel good?"

Blood pupil stare at idiocy, among them glistening ray of light will all round fluttering snow is about to dye red.

There was still no expression on the idiot's face. He felt neither comfortable nor happy. He didn't even have any sense of his own behavior. For deceit is not a way for him to oppress, nor a means to prove himself, but a means to live. It's like a rat killing a cockroach to feed itself. There's no joy, no excitement, no comfort. No matter is to frame others or to let others suffer misfortune, he just lives like this, just like eating and sleeping as normal.

The emotionless idiot moved quickly to the train station, his indifference making the dark dark seem a bit of a damp squib. Soon, however, his attention shifted from the idiot and he began to enjoy the "scenery" on both sides of the road.

Robbery, murder, these two days ago dare not imagine things, now has emerged. A city that has gone bankrupt is a symbol of lawlessness, and crime has not just sprouted but grown into a towering tree.

"Help! Help me! Please forgive me!"

A girl of fifteen or sixteen rushed out of a nearby alley, her clothes untidy, her face covered with tears, her bare skin covered with black and blue. She rushed out in front of the idiot.

"Damn it, run! Why didn't your father spare us when he demanded payment? Running? !"

Before the girl could fully get out of the alley, three huge hands were pulling her hair, shoulders, and arms. Kong's powerful man mouth grimly smiled to pull the girl back, dragged into the depths of the alley. With tears streaming down her face, she stretched out her hand to the little beggar, begging him to save her.

There was no change in the idiot's expression. Without even looking at the girl, he left in front of the alley and continued on to the train station. No matter from the alley behind came the man's leering smile, or the girl's cry for help voice gradually faint, all this did not let his footsteps slow up half a minute, a little bit.

He had seen it so often that he thought it was a part of life. There is no shortage of rape and murder in sennag's dark side. For an idiot, there is no right or wrong.

"Damn it, bite me!"

In the alley came a man's voice of anger, then, the girl's cry for help stopped abruptly. Thirty seconds later, the three men, who had not even pulled up their pants, ran out of the alley in a panic.

The steps of the idiot continue to extend, in the dark out of laughter, in the flying snow, he continued to travel in this has been close to the destruction of the town, came to the train station, to buy the ticket.

"Blare ~ ~ ~ ~"


The idiot lowered his head and looked at the little baby girl in his arms with his eyes almost merged with snow and ice. She closed her eyes and seemed to be feverish again. The little body was trembling with cold...

Cold? But two days before, she had never shivered like this before. She felt cold... Why is that?

The idiot couldn't think of a reason. He decided not to think because babies' minds are never known. He entered the waiting hall, entered the platform, and stood silently in the crowd waiting for the train to enter, waiting to leave the town.

"Whooo, you damned thing, it's all you! Greedy what petty gain! You give back our home, you give back the money for the children's education! You worthless thing!"

Behind the yellow line came the cries of women. An idiot has no side head and doesn't care about anything else. But the darkness is different, it is very interested to open an eye slit, observing the next thing.

It was a family of four, and the man looked like a wimp of little use, holding the hand of a ** year old girl in his left hand and a travel bag in his right. The woman next to her was holding a boy, about two or three years old, who was constantly scolding her man.

"Speak! You talk! How blind I am to marry a man like you! No use, all I know is to keep my nose to the grindstone. Each of my sisters has married a rich man, but how can I marry you? Now, the only time to play smart, the result of our house all lost! How on earth are you going to make it up to me? You say! You're a jerk!"

Women cry and make noise, regardless of the eyes of others around. Perhaps in anger, she began to pinch the man's arm.

The man endured. He just lowered his head and said nothing. It seems that he really is as honest as his wife said. When his wife saw that the man did not resist, she became more and more angry, and the pinching became bigger and more and more violent. The man's arm was pinched with fingernail marks, but still dare not say a word.

The two children began to cry, and their cries made the woman even more upset. She cried too, and while she cried she said that she hated men, and the movement of her hands changed from pinching to pinching, to scratching, to beating.

With the woman screaming hysterically, the train came. The black bug with the huge chimney sped to the station and onto the platform.

The woman's call and scold sound, by the demon guide train whistle cover. When the train comes close to the idiot...

The man dropped the salute, took his wife by the hand, and jumped off the track with his two children.

The crowd retreated.

The cries of panic were muffled by the loud whistle, and no one heard them. The splashes of blood shot into the faces and bodies of those who had not yet been able to dodge, and made them open their mouths under the roaring sirens, uttering cries of surprise that no one could hear.

Blood, too, splashed in the idiot's face. There is no temperature as if it is cold. His eyes watched, as if nothing had happened, as the train stopped and the doors opened. On the stairs leading to the carriage hung a short length of the boy's forearm, the end of which was dripping blood, and the blood was dripping red on the stairs and back to the ground.

The idiot steps, the expression is still unchanged. He stepped on the ladder of blood to the train.

Dark extinguish is smiling, the pupil of blood color is very appreciative to look at idiocy. He walked along the corridor, a blood footprints broken print. When the idiot finds his seat and sits down, the dark voice comes to him again.

"You are well on your way to taking the first step on the dark road. Haha... Haha ha... Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

The crazy laughter reverberated in my mind, which made me a little upset. The idiot lifted his right hand, which was wrapped in chains, and wiped the blood from his face. He felt a little tired, and for two days he had been almost on edge, afraid that any step of his calculations might go wrong. Now he could finally relax a little and leave the used town.