
My Amazing Smartphone

In 'My Amazing Smartphone,' follow the extraordinary journey of Akira, a seemingly ordinary boy who, after a tragic accident, finds himself reincarnated in a parallel world resembling Earth but concealed beneath a veil of hidden magic and supernatural wonders. Unaware of his past life, Akira discovers newfound abilities that defy the laws of nature. And the source is a Smartphone? ....................................... NOTE: This novel was originally written by MR. Pervert. But he stopped his work on this book in the middle because of his personal issue. So I picked it up after getting confirmation from him. He uploaded 30 chapter. And I will start from there too. I will also change a few things and add a few things this in the previous chapters too. ........................................ Tag: Incest, Harem, Hentai, Kinky ........................................ Warning: This is a Hentai story with Incest tag. So read on your own decision. It also has a lot of weird and Kinky sexual act. So don't complain later. ....................................... World 1: Twilight X Teen Wolf 2: Solo levelling 3: 4: 5:

Slime_king · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


"Big bro Jin-woo, Now that you have become S rank Hunter, why don't you become the main attack force?" Akira suggested as he drank his coffee.

Jin-woo was surprised when he heard Akira. He respects Akira very much. Even though Akira is his boss, he never treats him like an employee.

It's not just him. He is like that to everyone who works in his guild. This is one of the reasons why everyone in the guild likes him very much.

Jin-woo looked at Akira and nodded his head and said, "I will do as you say, boss." He then looks hesitant as if he wants to ask something.

Akira, noticing his hesitation said "what is it? You can ask me anything."

Jin-woo looks at Akira and asks, "Do you know anything about the System?"

Akira shook his head and said, "No, I am as clueless as you. But I suggest, do not believe it too much."

Akira, of course, won't admit it. He still has his System. He just doesn't know how he is still getting stronger.

According to the story, the Architect's main power is recreation. But to use it, he needs two things, one is the vessel and another is the source.

What he doesn't know is whose vessel he is now. But it doesn't matter to him. As long as he grows, it's fine. If someone tries to take over his body and succeeds, he will automatically count as dead, and he will return back to his world.

He may not be able to return to this world, but he will still have the power he has already gained before the "death."

He has two objects here, gather as many points as he can, and get as strong as possible.

He is not too worried about anything.

He will play along with the Architect. He will let him be on his delusion that he can take over his body.

Jin-woo nodded and said, "Thank you for answering. I will go to my job then." Jin-woo stood up and left the restaurant.

Akira continued to sit there and look outside. 'This world is really fucked up.'

The creator is dead. And the Monarchs are fighting against Rulers. But it's humans who suffer in the middle.


Akira is sitting in front of his desk in his office and takes out his phone and looks at his point.

"Points: 100,000"

He has been selling Mana Stone, weapons from the dungeon and rewards from the system to the phone shop.

It's almost two months since he failed to get Shadow Monarchs ability.

Sung Jin-woo has become the S rank, Hunter. Akira didn't go for the rank upgrade. He doesn't care about rank.

What he cares about, he is getting them from the system already.

He and Jin-ah have officially become a Girlfriend and boyfriend. Sung Jin-Woo accepted him. He already sees Akira in very high regard.

Jin-woo should also be able to awaken his mother soon. He can meet his mother in law then.

His strength has surpassed the current National rank of Hunter. It's what he estimated as he didn't actually fight one.

He was confused about his growth. According to the manga, there is a limit to how much humans can grow in this world.

But he got the answer in a different way. He was shocked when he found the way and also happy to see the reason.

Akira takes out his phone and unlocks the screen. Akira go to the settings and open "my profile"

A screen same as the System opens. He found this by chance. He was checking all the options on the phone and saw this.

He was excited after finding it as this has all of his ability and skill in one place.

But the power rankings here are different from the system. He doesn't have stats points and the power is not in numerical order but in alphabetical order.


Name: Akira Wilson

Power rank: Tier 5

HP: Tier 5

MP: Tier 5


Strength: 5 B

Defence: 5 C

Vitality: 5 D

Agility: 5 D

Intelligence: 5 C

Sense: 5 B


Passive Skill: (???, Continues growth, Beast, Swordsman, One Thought to Thousands Bloodline)

Active Skill: ( Sprint, Vital Strike, Bloodlust, stealth, Mind Shield, Healing, Taunt, Sperm Control)



Human: Curiosity


After observing it for a while he finally understands how this Profile works.

His rank is divided into Tier. And each tier has a power ranking from E to S. E being the weakest and S being the strongest.

When he first saw the profile his tier was tier 3S and slowly it increased in these 2 months. And his growth is also very fast.

[Continues growth: it's a passive skill which allows its owner to grow nonstop. As long as he has a way he will continue to grow stronger.]

This is the skill that is letting him grow without stopping. He was confused at first but after finding the profile on the Smartphone his confusion got cleared.

And it seems he had this skill before he got the phone or came to this world.

He also got a special skill or Ability from a gatcha he played one time in the Shop. He was curious at that time.

As a first-timer, he got a Unique roll with the same price as the normal one. and it seems his luck was out of the roof at that time.

[One Thought to Thousands Bloodline: it's a Unique Item/Skill/Ability. This allowed its owner to have different kinds of Bloodlines in one body.

Note: only one Bloodline can be used at a time. If you use another Bloodline, the owner must switch it.]

This thing cleared one of his doubts. Akira was always confused about Bloodline. Like he has only one body how can he possess a different Bloodline in one body?

Will it still be pure if he buys another Bloodline when he has already one?

The answer was, No. If he buys different Bloodlines, They won't be pure and will be mixed with other Bloodlines.

Some mixtures may turn out good but the same may not. It might even do some genetic abnormalities in his body. Worst of all, his body might break down because of those.

Luckily he didn't buy any Bloodline. It also made him think about those heroes in fanfics he has read. How could they possess different Bloodlines in one body?

After buying two or three, won't those Bloodlines get mixed with others and made another. This may even be harmful to the body.

Akira comes to a conclusion that those are only Fan made fics. The illusion made by fans.

You can see that in many anime, many clans do very hard to not mix their bloodlines. And those who have mixed Bloodline are always with faults or genetic problems.

There is also another function of this Unique skill of his. He can get a Bloodline by collecting the blood directly.

Like he can get some blood from a dragon and inject it into himself and he will get the dragon's Bloodline.

All he has to do is use points to make it purer. This process is less expensive than directly buying a Bloodline from the Shop. He will die from work if he buys Bloodline from the Shop.

It was an item, the shape of a heart. After merging with this item his heart changed and he got this ability or skill.

This is also permanent. He can't take it out or change it.

Akira also bought the sperm control for his mother. He can now have sex without worries. He can even impregnate her without worrying about the baby being genetically defective.

Akira then gets out of the Profile and goes into the 'Shop' Apps.

And start to type on the search option

"Blood of Muzaka from Noblesse"

After that two options appear on the list. One is his Bloodline and another is his Actual blood.

The Bloodline is as always too fucking expensive. It's five hundred thousand points.

Akira is now numb to this price. He looks at the second option and the price is a messily 2000 points for 100 ml.

Akira decisively bought 100 ml of Muzaka's blood.

With a flash, a small glass container filled with red liquid inside appeared in Akira's hand.

Akira bought a syringe from the system. And start to fill it with Muzaka's blood.

Only a few drops are enough. Akira didn't think much and injected the blood into his wrist.

As soon as he injected it, he could feel his new skill acting and absorbing the blood.

After that, he waited for changes. The second pass, minutes passed but nothing happened. Akira looks confused and opens the profile again and checks the race.



Human: Curiosity

Wolf/Fenrir 80%: Transformation, Sonic Howl, Regeneration, Aura Manipulation.


"Hahaha" Akira laugh

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