
Chapter 3 : Avatar (2)

I opened my eyes with a start, sitting up as the teleportation circle shifted back to purple.

I hurriedly closed my eyes again and focused on my avatar. Sure enough, the circle began emitting a blue light.

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly as I turned my avatar's head to check the time, finding only about a minute left.

'Can this really work?'

Pondering over the situation, I realized something.

The avatar's body perfectly matched my own. It wasn't an illusion or a separate being but more like a newly grown limb.

The only downside seemed to be the doubled food expenses, as it needed its own sustenance to perform physically.

If my real body included my upper half, including my head, then the avatar comprised my lower half minus the head. Focusing my consciousness on the avatar...

'I can make the teleportation circle recognize the avatar as my real body!'

My head felt like it was bursting with fireworks, a shiver of joy running through me as I basked in the satisfaction of having all problems seemingly resolved.

Then, the magic circle, glowing blue, shone brightly, vibrating.


"The teleportation will commence."

My avatar was transported to another world.


"You have been teleported to the Auterica dimension."

"You can return to Earth via the 'Return' option in the Karma Store."

"Current Karma balance: 0. Karma can be checked in the Karma Store later."

Before I could reflect on the messages seen during the teleportation, my vision brightened, revealing a forest.

The towering trees, grass, and flowers were sights I hadn't seen in years. Having been cooped up at home for two years, and not being one for hiking, it had been ages.

Realizing this, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, finding it hard to breathe.

"Ha... Huff... Hah."

I thought it might be okay. This wasn't Earth, where the accident happened. Since I was summoned to another world with awakened abilities, perhaps things could be different.

But that was a foolish hope.

Quickly, I closed my avatar's eyes and concentrated my mind back on my body on Earth.

Relief washed over me as I opened my eyes to the familiar sight of my room. The claustrophobic feeling, which I had grown accustomed to over the years, surprisingly brought comfort.

But that comfort was short-lived, as a strong sense of alienation soon overwhelmed me. The difference in sensation between focusing on my avatar and my real body became starkly apparent.

The rustling of leaves, the fragrance of the forest, the warmth of sunlight on my skin, and the process of breathing in and out, consuming and expending energy—all felt foreign.


A wave of nausea hit me, and I soon realized the cause.

'I forgot that time flows differently here...!'

With numerous other worlds existing, the flow of time isn't always a precise 1:10 ratio. Based on returnees' experiences, there would be some variance.

But what mattered to me was that the time difference could be at least tenfold. Despite focusing my senses as much as possible on my real body, the nausea didn't subside.

For every breath my real body took, the avatar breathed over ten times. The avatar's metabolism seemed to be working much faster, despite it merely standing still, eyes closed.

'I'm dizzy... I think I'm going to throw up.'

No, this is unbearable. I can't take it anymore.

"Dispel summoning."

Ah... that's better.


After lying down for a while, the nausea subsided.

Peace returned to my mind, and I began to ponder. A sense of accomplishment for having overcome the crisis mixed with a vague sense of loss.

Relieved that there would be no more teleportations to other worlds, I hurriedly checked the message I had sent to my friend.

"Oh... Luckily, it hasn't been checked yet."

I deleted the message and sent another, asking about their well-being. No need to worry them unnecessarily.

Considering how things turned out, not reporting to the Supernatural Management Agency felt like a stroke of luck. Initially, I had planned to report immediately after returning, but circumstances changed my mind.

'I have no intention of committing crimes, but dealing with the hassle is just too bothersome.'

In a way, my ability was perfectly suited for crime. Committing a robbery while masked and then disappearing would allow for the perfect crime. Even if suspected, my real body could provide an alibi.

If I dispelled the summoning, any additional items would remain where they were, but finding a workaround seemed feasible.

'Of course, it's all just fantasy.'

I had just confirmed that I couldn't even step outside in my avatar state.

'Ah... Well, it doesn't matter anymore.'

The crisis had passed, and there were no more problems. By honing my abilities, I could effectively play games meant for two players by myself. That's good enough for me.

And without much thought, I summoned my avatar again.

"Achievement Unlocked! Returned to Earth without using the Karma Store."

"As a reward for accomplishing this feat across dimensions, you are granted the special ability 'Summon Teleportation Circle.' Once a day, you can move to a location you've previously visited via the teleportation circle."

"Your actions have significantly impacted the world. Your Karma has greatly increased."


A message I thought I'd never see again popped up before my eyes.


Karma and the Karma Store.

The means for awakened beings to return to Earth from another world.

Karma is accumulated through various actions like good deeds, wrongdoings, killing, or labor, considering the impact made on others or the world.


"Check Karma Store."

『Karma Store』

『Return (1,000,000) (Unavailable)』

『Enhance Unique Skill (300,000)』

『Enhance Status - Details』

『Current Karma - 1,910,213』

I had forgotten about it in all the commotion, but there was a message about the Karma Store when I teleported. It mentioned accumulating Karma to use the 'Return' option to get back to Earth...

'Normally, you'd accumulate Karma gradually to return, but I ended up filling mine in reverse.'

How to use the Karma is up to the individual. Whether to enhance oneself to gather more safely or to save it all for a swift 'Return.'

Balancing is key. Too weak, and survival is at risk; focus solely on strengthening, and you might miss the chance and meet a sudden end.

"But who would have thought things would turn out this way. 'A feat across dimensions,' indeed."

It seems the 'system' regarded the process of my avatar being teleported to another world and then summoning it back to Earth as a cross-dimensional return.

'Isn't this an error? Is this really okay?'

Sending the avatar in the first place was akin to deceiving the system, and now receiving a special ability made me feel somewhat guilty.

'Ah, the grand, dimension-spanning system wouldn't petty penalize me for this. It's not like I did anything wrong intentionally.'

After all, shouldn't the system not have had such loopholes in the first place? An error in the program falls on the developer, right? I just did my best in every situation!

This self-justification began as an excuse, but as I mulled it over, it all seemed to make sense.

'Right! I've done nothing wrong!'

Feeling justified, I glanced up at the sky once before confidently browsing the Karma Store again, like shopping with a full wallet.

'Since I'm on Earth, 'Return' is meaningless, and the unique skill must refer to 'Avatar.''

I clicked on the details for enhancing status, and a dizzying array of options unfolded before me.

Categories like Physical, Mental, Supernatural Powers, Elemental Force, and more were there, with detailed subcategories under each like muscle strength for upper and lower body, and even specific muscles like biceps and latissimus dorsi under strength.

Agility included reaction speed, reflexes, dynamic vision, and more, similar for other categories.

'...They didn't provide a status window but put a lot of effort into the shop window!'

While browsing the Karma Store with mixed feelings, one item caught my eye.

『Physical - Stamina - Enhance Recovery (10,000)』

I stared at it for a moment before selecting it without hesitation.

The effect wasn't dramatic. Unlike muscle strength, which shows immediate results, recovery is a gradual process.

『Enhance Recovery (20,000)』

I chose it again.

I felt a sensation in my leg. The injury was healing.

Given time, it would eventually heal on its own.

『Enhance Recovery (40,000)』

Once more, I selected it.

My leg tingled.

The recovery period had shortened, and I would be fully healed soon. Though the cost of Karma doubled with each selection, compared to the total I had, this was negligible.

『Enhance Recovery (80,000)』

Again, I chose it.

This injury wasn't just an inconvenience.

It was my pain, a reminder of my family's loss, the scar that had confined me to my room. It symbolized all the negative emotions I had accumulated: sorrow, despair, pain, lack, resignation, and misery.

『Enhance Recovery (160,000)』

So, I selected it once more.

It felt like electricity was coursing through my leg.

Rolling up the trouser leg, I saw the smooth, scar-free skin where the surgery mark had been.

And I knew.

"Your recovery has exceeded the threshold. You have acquired the skill 'Super Recovery.'"

This meant that the limp from my injury was completely gone, and I felt stronger than before.


Realizing I had shed the shackles that had bound me for so long, I was awash in emotion for quite some time before I managed to compose myself.

Of course, not all problems had been resolved. I still couldn't go outside, but now there was hope and belief that I could somehow overcome this hurdle.

The 'Super Recovery' skill, as the name suggests, significantly enhanced my healing ability. While it might not regrow severed limbs, most wounds could heal rapidly.

After calming down, I revisited the Karma Store.

『Karma Store』

『Return (1,000,000) (Unavailable)』

『Enhance Unique Skill (300,000)』

『Enhance Status-Details』

『Current Karma - 1,600,213』

'How much Karma did I earn from that feat?'

Though I wasn't complaining, the amount was bewildering.

Then, my gaze settled on the 'Enhance Unique Skill' option.

The awakening of 'Avatar' was the beginning of all changes.

What more could I do if I enhanced this skill? Perhaps it would help me grow even further.

The development of a unique skill takes the direction desired by the awakened being. While it's possible to refine and improve skills without spending Karma, using the Karma Store can significantly shorten this process.

Now, I even had a risk-free method of traveling to other worlds. Yet, in my current state, it was as good as a chicken rib - useful but not quite usable. Hoping for a helpful direction of growth, I selected the option.

A brief headache later, I initially didn't notice any change. After all, the achievement message had popped up right after re-summoning, pushing my avatar to the back of my consciousness.

But soon, I understood what had changed.

My mind had split in two.

Not literally, but whereas before, one consciousness moved between two bodies, now I could divide my thoughts and control both simultaneously.

My avatar and I faced each other.

Accepting two fields of vision simultaneously felt natural, with no sense of alienation.

"Ah, you do look rather dashing, in a manly way."

"The same to you. Been working out? You're in good shape."

"Of course. The result of consistent effort."

We could now converse smoothly with each other. ...Though it was essentially talking to myself.

To test the extent of this ability, I started experimenting.

We could clap hands facing each other, do push-ups and sit-ups at the same time, clean while browsing the internet, and even play two-player games by myself!

"Ha! I shouldn't be dawdling like this."

It was time to refocus, even after a brief detour.

As my avatar began tidying up the game console, I reflected on the growth of my unique skill.

It wasn't just about becoming adept at multitasking; I could now use separate brains for individual thought processes. This also seemed to significantly boost other aspects like intellectual and mental capacities.

'And there's one more thing.'

Picking up a chair with my avatar, I initiated the dispel summoning.

The avatar and the chair vanished together.

Now, not only could I use equipment with my avatar, but I could also summon and dispel it with items in tow!

While there were limits to the weight that could be carried, it was essentially like having a personal pocket dimension. This ability would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset in the future, leaving me satisfied as I revisited the Karma Store.

『Enhance Unique Skill (400,000)』

Luckily, enhancing the unique skill didn't double in cost.

It seemed I could strengthen it further.

Without hesitation, I selected "Enhance Unique Skill" again. Along with a headache, a message appeared.

"Your unique skill has evolved, unlocking new potentials. You have acquired the special skill 'Mind Hub.'"