
Chapter 42 - "You Love Him,"-01

I walk to 2nd period, AP History, expecting the class to be empty as it always is.

Because, as you already know, I always come early.

I know I'm a nerd. No need to point it out.

I hum a random show tune as I push the door open, entering the class.

But to my utter surprise, there are already two occupants; one is sitting on the chair beside mine and the other on my chair.

"Nicole?" I call, when I recognize that mocha skin in her bony arms and the head full of black hair, which is currently hidden partially, as she's lying with her face down on the desk.

The two girls jerk up, and I see the moment the Asian girl beside her startles in fear, before she calms down. My eyes shift to Nicole, and her sorrow-filled expression shows that she's clearly upset about something.

Shit, Is it because of last night?!

"Nicole, I'm so sorry! I never meant to make you upset!" I fret, as I rush down the aisle to our desk.