
Chapter 101 -"We'll Egg Daemon's Bugatti,"-02

I give her a small lopsided grin, and turn to my left, meeting the emerald eyes I know better than my own. She swallows and walks to the edge of my bed, sitting on its foot beside the broken chair which still lays on the floor.

"Tell me." I prod, urging her with my eyes. She nibbles on her upper lip in nervous fashion, a habit that after all these years she still hasn't managed to stop.

"I—I was always in love with you, Mike. That's the truth. At least, I thought I was in love with you,"

My best friend was in love with me.

Was. Not is.

A small part of me notices her usage of past tense.

How did I not notice it before?

She meets my eyes, twisting her hands as she quickly looks away, "But I knew you didn't like me more than a friend, and, I-I knew that if I tried anything with you, I might lose you as a friend."

"No, I would have never stopped being your friend—"