
Chapter 30

Logan's POV

"Crystal." King Luther called softly but Eva didn't answer him. I could sense her worry that maybe he's just like her parents. "Do you really not remember me? We used to play together." He coed trying to gain a reaction from her but Eva just clutched my arm tighter.

'Father, take him away.'聽I mi dined my father so as to not seem rude. I want it to appear like it came from him and not me.

"Alpha Luther, how about we go talk in my office? I'll explain everything." My father said as he came to stand next to us.

King Luther's gaze turned towards my father and he nodded hesitantly with a sigh.

"And Eva and I will go rest, we had a very eventful day." I announced as I snaked my arm around Eva's lower back bringing her closer to me.

"Yeah, you guys seem tired. Well discuss everything in the morning." My father said as he lead king Luther up the stairs towards his office.