
My All-Star System

Aden flair with a life full of tragedies, got cheated on by his just-made girlfriend who proposed to him herself, weeping his eyes out in a nearby park, complains to god about his whole life, and finally decides to help a troubled dog and become a man figure he never had in his own life. But then ... Truck-kun ends all his miseries in a flash. ... Miraculously it isn't the end but rather the beginning of his new life with the most powerful system. [This is my newest work... my only work... my first work, so please leave a review and comments on how I can improve my writing.]

ScaredyKat · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Before it all began



The system's users are categorized based on their skill sets, which are divided into three major categories, ranked into six rarity grades and three special grades.

The three major categories are:

Bloodline Grade: These are special skill sets that are passed down from generation to generation and cannot be learned by an individual.

Unique Grade: This category includes skills that are exclusive to one individual and cannot be learned by another person.

Forbidden Grade: This grade includes skills that can cause harm to the user or are extremely difficult to learn or acquire.

The rarity grades are ranked as follows:

E: Lower Common Grade

D: Upper Common Grade

C: Basic Grade

B: Rare Grade

A: Super Rare Grade

S: Ultra Rare Grade

In addition to these grades, there are also three special grades:

Divine Grade: Skills that can only be acquired by divine intervention or through divine heritage.

Demonic Grade: Skills that are granted by a demon or come from demonic origins.

Arcane Grade: These are skills that have a mysterious or otherworldly origin, and their power and effects are not fully understood.

System users are also divided into specific types based on their skill sets, which are as follows:

Star Type: These are individuals with a high affinity for more than one type of skill set.

Medical Type: These individuals have a high affinity for medical-type skill sets.

Illusion Type: These individuals have a high affinity for illusion-based skill sets, skills that can deceive and control the senses.

None/Physical Type: These individuals are technical users with low or no affinity and rely on physical talents and skills that revolve around physical enhancements.

Control Type: These individuals have a high affinity for control-type abilities, utilizing puppets or inanimate objects.

Spiritual Type: These individuals have a high affinity for summoning or beast-taming talents.



Observing all the happy couples around him, a teen finally breakdowns.

"Why… why always me?" Aden laments, reflecting on his life throughout the years.


Aden had lived quite a tragic life until now, something that could amuse the god of tragedies. To begin with, his mother died soon after giving him birth, and his dad ran away and abandoned him; he then got adopted by a family who used him for minor crimes and thefts and left him again in the orphanage as he got older, despite his immaculate lack of talent and disastrous luck he was got chosen for the Shojou Scholarship program*.

Aden had thought that getting into such a prestigious academy would change his life... he was utterly mistaken, bullied, and looked upon for lack of any skill system or talent, getting punishments and detention now and then, and the modest facilities were now his daily routine.

The only peak of joy he felt in his life was getting proposed to by Sana to be his boyfriend, Aden had finally found someone who liked and loved something that gave him the will to work and study harder, but then…

~ ~ ~

*a few minutes earlier*

On his way home, Aden noticed Sana talking with some guy he had no idea about. He thought he was just one of her many male friends whom she said not to worry about.

He was about to call out Sana from afar but then heard their conversation.

"What do you want from me now? Aren't you happy with that B*tch!" Sana shouted at the guy in an angered tone.

"Sana! I am sorry for cheating on you, after Claire cheated on me with someone else, I realized how wrong I was to you."

"I promise I will never hurt you again…Please come back to me." the guy said and conjured a Rose from thin air.

"Sana, be my Rose, I'll be your Jack, please don't let the Titanic of our love sink."

"Heh! Sana won't fall for such a cheezy line." Aden thought from behind the bushes and laughed, "Your Titanic is already underwater."

"So Cheezy, but okay." Sana replied," Besides, My new boyfriend is a moron!"


At that very moment, His heart shattered into a million pieces or one could say it sank. He stood there as if his world had completely stopped. He couldn't believe Sana would do such a thing to her as she was the one who proposed to him in the first place when he had absolutely nothing.

Now he was broke and broken.

~ ~ ~

(Back to the present moment)

"Why… why always me?"

"I hadn't even kissed her yet."

While thinking about all of this, Aden noticed a dog running from some children, "My life is like a dog, nay even worse... No! Not anymore, I won't let that dog end up like that." with those words, Aden had now decided to save the dog from the children. He immediately got up from the bench where he was sitting, tearing up like a baby to become a man.

"Hey, annoying little kids! Stop troubling that little dog, you have no idea how many problems his life already has!" said Aden with his eyes and nose oozing out the liquid.

Boy 1: "Dude! That guy is pretty weird."

Boy2: "Yeah, Let's go!"

And the boys left the dog alone. Aden approached the white labrador and said "Whitey in this world, I will treat you right, like a father I never had." and hugged the labrador. The dog, however, freed itself from his arms and ran away.

"Hey where are you going White!" called Aden and began chasing.

Boy1: "Phew! That was close"

Boy2: "Yeah"

Finally, the dog stops, "Ah! There you are!" Aden approached the dog to hug him again, but he hadn't realized; the dog had stopped on the road.

A truck crashes over them, giving them eternal peace from all their miseries.

"…Literal son of a b …" Aden mumbled before closing his eyes.

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