
My Alien Romance

Janiey · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

Chapter 06

I am wowed at the beauty of the building infront of me. The walls are painted silver with red smudged here and there that gives it a unique look. The windows are the normal earth mirrors. Despite it being during the day, there are neon lights around the smaller windows which seems to reflect making the surrounding looks dimmer.

The building is huge than Mars communication building. By the looks of it I am sure this building was also built by the use of their technology and their people. It is not like I do not think Earth people can not build such but they don't allow us with something 'too worthy.' per the rumours. We just have not reach the level in our technology and creativity.

"Will you keep starring forever. We have a meeting to attend to. Do not make it postponed again. I will not let my father lecture me because of being late. Keep the mask and gloves on you. We wouldn't want you being the next patient." He says with his serious handsome face.

Damn him! Can't I just appreciate the view.

I roll my eyes and follow him inside the building. I had wanted to ask him why we weren't accompanied by security but since he was not talking to me because I said I preferred George's company than his.

"Do you have the presentation with you ready?" He asks not even stopping for me to catch up.

"Yes." I say pressing my laptop which is in my left hand.

"Aren't we there yet?"I ask trying my best to catch his long strides. I am not a fan of long walks though I had won many trophies and certificate just by running. They are useless now. All I need to do is follow the new system and survive with the remaining million people.

"Stop complaining. We are here." His voice is cold.

I turn and I see a conference room full of people. First thing I notice is that not everyone is wearing white and black. Conrad lied about the dress code.

My eyes scan the people inside. I notice every alien is seating with a human next to him or her. I count and there are eight humans and eight aliens aside from those who are seating infront of the others.

"Hurry up!" Conrad snap.

I roll my eyes at him and walk ahead leaving him behind. I take a seat behind a female alien. Conrad hard glare is on me but I ignore him.

"Greetings everyone." I say when Conrad is seated. His serious face looking at the oldest alien infront.

Everyone turns their heads to inspect who is disturbing their silence. Most of them respond. I feel Conrad pinching me on my thigh. I do the same to him and smirk.

Two can play the game.

I can feel the aliens listening in my head. I block them.

"You are calling for attention little human." Conrad whisper next to my ear so I am the only one who can hear him.

"I just greeted. No big deal." I say with a shrug. I am sure the alien and the terran infront of us heard me.

"Am talking about you mind talking and then blocking. When you block while someone is listening they will know." His breath fans my neck. I try not to squirm on my seat.

What is wrong with my body. It screams touch me atleast my mind is a tad reasonable.

"Its not me who prys on other people's mind without asking for their permission. And stop talking on my neck its ticklish." I tell him moving myself inches away from him.

He is about to say something when someone on the front clears their throat. I look up and it's the alien that Conrad was looking at. Am sure he has only noticed him and others looks like a blurr to him.

"Greetings everyone." He starts the meeting.

They do know how to greet after all.

I think loud and am sure the alien who was talking heard me. He glance at my direction and then he looks at Conrad. His gaze lingers a bit before he continues.

"Welcome all. We were to have this meeting but two groups weren't able to make it to the time so we had to put off the meeting. Lets start. Before we do, please lets introduce ourselves as it is human tradition. I will start and then we will go around for everyone to get a chance. My name is Morrowind Cunnington Vogel. Next please."

I turn my attention to Conrad. These two seems to be related. Something is definitely amiss.

"Are you alright?" I whisper to Conrad.

"Why would you ask that? And stop drawing attention towards us." He is stiff, his face is serious though his dimples still scream sexy.

I feel the disc on my skirt pocket vibrates. Such a thing has never happened before. I am itching to find out what is going on.

"I need to check on something." I tell Conrad.

"Introduce yourself." He says. I look at him and slowly my eyes sweep around and I notice it is my time to introduce myself.

"Apologies. My name is Patience Andrea."

The leader draws attention back to him by coughing. With that the meeting continues. I had been so focused on the disc that I did not hear Conrad's intro. I am forced to note down important information since am the assistant.

After the introductions Mr Vogel then gives us an update of the situation. There are other people who have been running away from the Basements. There are people who are communicating with those outside the base and they get infected. He concludes that someone is working with there are enemies among us.

Before taking his seat he speaks of an earthling in possession of circa-tech. Painfully slowly I turn to Conrad. I did not expect he would rat me out.

"Just rumours." He whispers. Releasing the breathe I'd be holding I mutter a thanks'.

Almost all the aliens in the hall starts to converse with the aliens next to them. Even after Conrad assured me that they have no clue am the one, he turns and exchange words with the alien from the financial department.

Every department is given time to present their presentation.

Conrad gives the presentation when it is our turn. I am forced to also stand infront of the meeting with him.

Just after IT centre presentation next is the Medical centre. A handsome man who looks somewhat familiar stands for his presentation. Next to him is someone I did not expect to see here. My sister!