
my alfa

vampires and werewolves has been sworn enemies for the past centuries... Vampires has been taking control over the city and werewolfs are vulnerable against them so then it comes when the beatiful daughter of the bloodthirsty monster's leader, Aurora, decide to wonder in the woods to get some fresh air and flee all her fathers bodyguards but she did not know that the crescent wolf pack who has been thrown in the forest for over centuries has got plan for her most precisely their alfa. Aurora is a beatiful 100 years old vampire who was turned at the age of 18. Not only her pretty face gets a lot of peoples attention but also the facts that she is the daughter of the ruthless and merciless leading of the vamps: Tristan Acheron. He was feared by everybody that's the reason no one dares to ask Aurora out or touch her. These r some reasons why she hated her father's ego. Jacob Black. The alfa of the crescent wolf pack. As much as the vampire have control over them he doesn't want to give up on having the city again because, as it said, this city was once inhabited by thef werewolf before the vampires came along in town. He is determined to find a way back to his city and so one day when he sees the astonishing girl out there all alone, it's like his dream just came true. But little did3 he know that his little hostage and him will soon turn to be closer then they thought. A little too close... THIS IS AN ENEMY TO LOVER KIND OF THING!! SOME IDEAS R NOT MINE I TOOK THEM FROM TVDU THERE WILL BE ROMANCE BUT NOT TOO DETAILED UK WHAT I MEAN CUZ I'M A YOUNG WRITER SO I DON'T LIKE WRITING THESE SORT OF THINGS enjoy the storie;)

Jane_Abou_haidar · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2


Summer's already over and I still didn't find a way to get my town back. I've been searching and wondering around for years. What am I suppose to do? I've promised my pack that we'll be back into out home before the end of the year, and here we are, 3 month away from new year. I've began to stress a lot lately. Although my best mate, Aiden has been trying to help and calm me. Today was pretty mich like every other day, I was just grabbing some dry wood with some of the wolfs for the fire because the sky was already dark. As I was walking around, I saw a magnificent young lady who seemed to be lost but surprisingly had a smile on her face. I took a minute studying her. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. She had wavy, tall black hair and amazing curves. She was the perfect woman. But then it hit me, that thing standing there was the daughter of the one and only Tristan Acheron or as they call him" King of Old Bay"( the name of the city it made up by me :D) But not that only, my ticket of glory and out of this miserable life. I could finally see my future at the place of Tristan. Vampires would fall and Werewolf would rise again. But as much as I despise vampires, I could note resist those fascinating ruby eyes. I was gonna make her mine, my queen standing beside me while I rule my town. But first I must start my plan. I waited a couple of seconds before signaling my men to take her. We had a stock of vervain always with us because sometimes vampire would lurk around the woods trying to kill us.


I can't believe I'm finally alone! This was truly the happiest moment in all my boring centurie on this miserable earth. I didn't know this forest very well so I started wondering around just running in the tall grass and between these enormous trees. It was all normal and amazing until I felt someone's gaze on me. I couldn't see anything because if the dark but my sense just tells me that someone or maybe more are staring threw my direction. I tried to find some noise, anything but all I could hear was the wind blowing threw the leafs of the trees. I thought to myself that maybe I'm just paranoid. I've never been out there, at night, all one, so I'm just new to this, I'll get better eventually. But I turned out to be correct. I bunch of men who I think are the werewolf attacked me. I tried defending myself but for no use. They had vervain with them and they started throwing it on me. Eve actually one of them managed to snap my neck. I knew I should've listen to father, I'm just dumb for thinking that I would be safe without him. Forgive me father.

if u don't know what vervain is, it's a plant known to be use against vampire, here instead of garlic or the crucifix, we use vervain. Cuz I watch tvdu lol lemme know in the comments if someone watch it too I really want to know yall u have gd taste in series :)) Don't you think Jacob's so dumb? Mister nobody falls in love with a one look ugh. So annoying. And also plz vote for me tyy!!!