
My Adolescent Romantic Comedy Is Incorrect As I Had Logically Proven

My Adolescent Romantic Comedy Is Incorrect As I Had Logically Proven [ Oregairu ] Hikigaya Hachiman is anti social person who believe only himself, but one stupid essy in his High school led him to service club. yukino Yukinoshita come from a big family from Chiba. Yukino Yukinoshita is president of service club . when Yukino Yukinoshita meet Hikigaya Hachiman there's going to changes in there which led them to find their own answer . but what answer ? JUST READ YOU WILL FIND OUT. ___&&&&______&&&____&&&____ Hello guys I'm starting this novel as new it's in my mind to start something new . now for I will continue previous oregairu I just take short break this never going to happen again until it's reach its end . Warning: Massive plagiarism from: My teen rom-com is SNAFU. I don’t own it. It’s the property of Wataru Watari (What a name). Please support the official release.

_EternalAuthor · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2 (Probably)

The next day had me confirming the routine I was going to adhere to for the rest of the school year.

As per usual, Yukinoshita was reading a book.

I moved a short distance away, pulled up a chair, and sat down. Then I took some books out of my bag. I was nearing the end of the third book of the series and could not wait to get started on the fourth.

Sadly it seems like today's paradise was not meant to be as a visitor was timidly knocking at the door. I immediately stopped reading and gave the appearance of a person willing to pay full attention. I had a feeling it was our sensei just checking in on us and I wanted to give the impression that I did in fact, give a damn.

"Come in." Yukinoshita called, facing the door.

"E-excuse me," came a voice that was a little excited and may have indicated some nervousness. The door was then slid open only a little so that a small gap was apparent. The girl slipped her body in through the gap and entered the room. An action that could only mean she really didn't want anyone seeing her come in.

Huh, so it was not sensei. Damn, looks like we were about to engage the service part of the club. Well, the peaceful times were too good to be true.

Her shoulder length brown hair was curled in loose waves that swayed as she walked. Her eyes moved around the room anxiously until they met mine. I guess my eyes were quite frightening as the girl gave a small gasp.

"W-why are you here?!"

I am sorry. Do I know you? Wait, let me rephrase that, should I care?

"…..I'm actually a member of this club."

"Ah I did not think anyone in my class would be in this club" she explained nervously.

Oh a classmate... Frankly, I have no idea. But despite that, she looked exactly like your typical high school girl. I've seen her type around a lot – a flamboyant girl revelling in her youth. Short skirt, three buttons of her blouse popped, hair dyed light brown, and a quick glance at her chest revealed a heart charm on a gleaming necklace. It was an outfit that completely defied the school code.

I've no business with such girls. In fact, I have no business with any girls.

Also, I noticed that the color of the ribbon pinned to her chest was red. In our school, each grade is distinguishable by a particularly coloured ribbon. A red ribbon meant she was in grade 11 like me. So the evidence does indicate that she is actually a classmate.

"Well just sit down for the time being." I said and casually pulled up a chair, motioning for her to sit. Wanting her to get on the topic of why she was here. The quicker we dealt with her, the quicker I could get back to my book and the Prophecy.

"Th-thank you…." She appeared bewildered as she accepted my offer and sat down quietly.

Yukinoshita, who was sitting in front of her, made eye contact. "Yuigahama Yui-san right?"

"Y-you know who I am?"

Her face, Yuigahama Yui's, suddenly lit up when her name was called. It was like being known by Yukinoshita gave you some kind of status. If so, then thank Kami that she did not know me. How does she know this trashy looking girl?

"Yes you are in class F correct? Like Hikigaya here."

"Y-yes, how did you know that?"

"Anyway what can the service club do for you?"

Well not to stereotype but I am going to go with romance. Why else would a girl in this school want to go to a service club. Either that or she is being bullied. No, if she was being bullied then she should have gone to the teachers, the members of the staff are strict on bullying and delinquency. Unless she felt that she was being a snitch but then again, how could we help her?

"I, er, don't feel comfortable discussing my problem with Hikigaya here."

Oh hell yes.

I immediately stool up.

"I apologise for making you uncomfortable. I will leave you in the capable hands of my colleague here."

I turned to face Yukinoshita to give her a nod before making my way to the exit.

"Wait Hikigaya," the ice women called after me. I stopped and turned, so close, just another few seconds and I would have been home free. "I know that Hikigaya may seem like a thug but I can assure you that we have him under control."

Ouch. Paired with the fact that my freedom was crushed brutally, that comment actually stung slightly.

"Oh no," Yuigahama stated, waving her hands around. "I did not mean it about his scary appearances, it's just that I don't want certain people in my class to know that I am here and that I need help with something."

"We should respect her need for confidentially, I shall take my leave then."

"Hikigaya, if you leave I will tell Hiratsuka sensei."

What are you? Five years old?

Yet I paused again, I did not want to deal with Hiratsuka sensei and that hassle, so I guess I am going with the lesser of two evils.

Yukinoshita continued, "Don't worry Yuigahama, whatever you say here will be kept a secret. You have my word."

"…..Hey um I heard this from Hiratsuka sensei but this club fulfils students' desires right?" Yuigahama broke the short moment of silence.

I hope sensei has not been spreading that around I want this place to be for reading books only. Yukinoshita answered Yuigahama's question.

"I believe it differs a little. Ultimately, the aim of this club only lies in lending people a hand. Whether or not that fulfils your desires depends upon you." Yukinoshita's blunt denial seemed somewhat cold.

"How is it different?" Yuigahama asked with a dubious expression.

Ah, like helping a person to study instead of just giving them the answers. Damn. The problem with doing the latter is that the person then doesn't learn how to improve and so fails when the situation repeats itself. That would be fun to watch though.

"Would you give a hungry man a fish or would you teach him how to fish? That is where the difference lies. Essentially, a volunteer does not provide results but a methodology. I suppose 'to encourage independence' would be the most accurate answer." Huh, called it.

Her speech seemed like something pulled straight out of a textbook on morals. An empty principle any goddamn school would preach - 'club activities that allow students to demonstrate their ability to act independently as well as with others'.

"That's kinda really awesome!" Yuigahama exclaimed with a look that said 'You opened my eyes so I totally get it now!' Well that was quick.

"Although I cannot say for sure that I will fulfil your wishes, I will help you as much as I can."

Upon hearing those words, Yuigahama spoke up as though she'd suddenly remembered what she had come here for.

"Hey! Um I was kind of thinking about making some cookies…." Yuigahama said and glanced at me.

Hey! I did not say anything! I did not even think anything, well apart from hurry up so I could get back to my novel.

"Like I said, anything you say here will be kept between us."

"O-ok I want to make homemade cookies for someone in my class so that's why I did not want him to know. However, I don't really have any confidence in my cooking skill so I could do with some help. This is, er, my request,"

"Don't worry," I said. "I would not tell a soul that you want to give a guy some cookies." No seriously, in an hour's time I probably would have forgotten all about it.

Yuigahama gave a sigh of relief before nodding in agreement.

Wanting to get things moving, "So, what are we going to do now?"

"We're going to the home economics room. You're coming with us."

"The home economics room?"

"And what are we going to do there?"

Along with gym class and field trips, cooking training was one of the top three school activities that I hated. Why? Two words, 'group work'. Wait, on the subject of group work. "Why do we have to do that?… Get your friends to help you with something like that." Isn't that one of the few advantages for having friends?

"Um… W-well, it's just that… I don't really want them to know and if they knew about it, they'd make fun of me… Something serious like this wouldn't sit well with them…" Yuigahama's eyes darted about as she answered.

Huh, I thought today's youth cared about love and romance and all that over optimistic crap.

"Ah..." Yuihagama looked downward, at a loss for words. She then gripped the hem of her skirt, her shoulders trembling slightly. "Ah…Ahaha. It-it's weird, isn't it? Someone like me trying to make homemade cookies…like I'm trying to be some kind of girly girl… Sorry, Yukinoshita-san, its okay, don't worry about it."

"Well, if that's what you really want, I don't particularly mind… —Oh, I see. If you're worried about him, you don't have to be. He doesn't exactly have a moral compass so I'll force him to help out."

What has a moral compass got to do with this situation?!

"No, it's really okay! I mean making cookies really doesn't suit me and it would be weird… I asked Yumiko and Mari and they said it's totally old-fashioned."

"...Yes. I certainly wouldn't expect that a girl who looks as flamboyant as you do would make cookies," Yukinoshita said, as if to push the already crestfallen Yuigahama further into depression.

"E-exactly! It's weird, isn't it?!" Yuigahama laughed anxiously as if she was waiting for us to react.

Well if she is looking for sympathy then let me check. Sorry, fresh out of sympathy, how's about agreement.

"You are right, Yukinoshita. A girl like Yuigahama... it definitely seems weird." There we are all in agreement, thank you for stopping by, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

"That's an even more horrible thing to say!" Yuigahama struck the table hard in exasperation. "Hey, I would do it if I put my mind to it!"

Oh, oh crap. Did I just accidently use reverse psychology on her?

"Well, the only thing I can make is curry, but I'll still help you." I reluctantly offered my assistance.

"...Th-thanks." Yuigahama gave a sigh of relief.

"We aren't really expecting anything with regards to your cooking ability. We just want you to taste the cookies and tell us your opinion." Yukinoshita stated.

That's it? Huh so I could read my story while the two of you work and then test the products. Not a bad first request actually. Maybe things will be great in this club. Ha, doubt it.

The home economics room was now enveloped in the smell of vanilla essence.

That was the only thing I noticed before whipping out my book and carried on from where I had left off. The sounds of kitchenware and cooking were slowly drowned out as I fell deeper into my book. Snatches of words did penetrate my mind but I paid them no heed. Though what was that about coffee and aprons?

After a while, a scent of bitterness filled the air. It was so strong that I was brought back to the real world. Was there such a thing as bitter cookies? Possible, the world is a vast place so the odds are that there are people who like bitter food.

I looked over to the duo, only to see Yukinoshita's distressed face.

"W-why?" Yuigahama stared in horror at the abomination in front of her.

"I just don't understand… How is it even possible to make mistake after mistake…" Yukinoshita murmured. I wondered if she was speaking quietly just so that Yuigahama wouldn't hear. Either way, she seemed to have let it slip in her impatience.

Yuigahama took the abomination and arranged it on a plate. "It might look like this, but… We won't know until we've tasted it!"

You don't need to taste test it! It's clearly poison. Do you hate that boy in your class, enough to try and kill him?

"You're right--we've even got someone here to do the taste testing."

I guffawed at that. "Yukinoshita. That's a strange blunder to make…This is what you'd call poison testing."

"How is this poison?! …Poison… Yeah, maybe it is poisonous after all?" Despite her confident retort, she appeared somehow anxious.

Not wishing to die via poisoning, I asked, "Yuigahama, why don't you try again but this time let Yukinoshita teach you?"

Then Yukinoshita opened her mouth. Did she want to disrupt our relaxed atmosphere? "Well then, let's think about how to improve these results."

Please, do not ask the impossible from me, only a miracle could save Yuigahama. Wait, that could be the perfect solution!

"How about Yuigahama never cooks again? Instead of making the cookies why don't you just buy them from a store?"

"Ah, I thought it would be better if I put more effort into the gift for him," Yuigahama said. "He was so kind and caring when my dog died."

Oh so that's why she was making cookies. A gift. A way of saying thank you. My opinion of this trashy girl rose slightly. I could respect that just saying the words 'thank you' is sometimes not enough. Well I think it's time for me to intervene.

"Simply work harder," I stated.

"Hard work is an excellent solution--if we do it the right way, that is," agreed Yukinoshita.

Yuigahama was at a loss for words. An expression of bewildered panic crossed her face until she covered it up with a grin.

"B-but, uh, people don't really do this sort of thing these days… It definitely doesn't suit me, not at all." What really? This flashy looking girl thought that hard work did not suit her? Stop the press, we have got a headliner right here. The world must know of this amazing discovery.

Just as Yuigahama's shy laughter died down, there sat Yukinoshita, radiating a dark aura.

"…Please stop trying to conform to those around you… It's terribly unpleasant. Isn't it embarrassing to place the blame for your lack of ability, your clumsiness, and your foolishness on others?" Yukinoshita's voice was strong.

I nodded in agreement. Sometimes the only way the masses feel good about themselves is by tearing other down. A frequent flaw of humanity.

The overwhelmed Yuigahama fell into silence. She hung her head low, so I couldn't read her face very well, but the way her hand gripped the edge of her skirt betrayed her emotions.

She was definitely an adept communicator--after all, she hung out with the popular kids, and that required both simple good looks and people skills. In other words, she was good at adjusting herself to other people… But that could also mean she simply lacked the courage to be herself if it meant she had to risk ending up all alone.

On the hand, Yukinoshita was just as determined to walk down her own path. She was certainly headstrong in that respect.

When you considered their preferences regarding being alone, you saw that they were each an entirely different kind of girl. If we were talking about who held more power, Yukinoshita was clearly the stronger one. It was a fair argument.

Yuigahama's eyes were tearing up.


I wondered if she was trying to say, 'I'm going home.' Her involuntary, faint speech made it sound as if she was about to cry. Her shoulders trembled, so her voice helplessly trembled too.


"Huh?!" Yukinoshita and I chorused. What the heck was this girl saying…? We inadvertently exchanged looks.

"You really just say it straight… And that's just, well… It's really cool…" Yuigahama was eager as she stared at Yukinoshita. Yukinoshita's expression stiffened, and she fell back two steps.

"J-just what are you saying… Did you even hear me? I'm fairly certain my words were quite harsh."

"No way! Not at all! Well, I mean, your words were harsh and honestly, I was a little taken aback."

"But I really think you were just being honest with me. I've only ever tried to fit in and say what was expected of me, so this is a first for me…"

Yuigahama didn't run away. "I'm sorry. I'll do it again properly." Once she had apologized, she faced Yukinoshita head on.

"…" To my surprise, this time it was Yukinoshita who was at a loss for words. It was probably the first time Yukinoshita had experienced something like that. There are unexpectedly few people who do the right thing and actually apologize. Most just go deep red in the face and get really angry. After all, who would want to admit that they are wrong.

"…Teach her the right way to make them. Yuigahama, make sure you actually pay attention to what she says." Once I broke the silence between them, Yukinoshita let out a short sigh and nodded in assent.

"I'll make one model batch, so you can try and make it exactly like I do." Yukinoshita stood up and quickly began preparations.

I stepped back and pulled open my book, I was waiting for the right time to give my input.

A short time later, an ineffably nice smell filled the room. It was easy to infer that if prior preparations were done perfectly, the end result would be good. And as expected, the baked cookies were a sight for sore eyes. Yukinoshita put them onto plates and handed them out.

"Excellent," I gave my opinion after popping one in my mouth. Good work should be praised after all.

"They're really good… Yukinoshita-san, you're amazing."

"Thank you." Yukinoshita smiled without any hint of sarcasm. "But, you see, I just followed the recipe exactly. Therefore, you should be able to make them the same way. If it doesn't work out, then there's probably some other reason for that."

Minutes past with me still absorbed into my book. Yet I could not help but overhear their discussion.

"Yuigahama-san, that's not how you do it. When you sift the flour, try and make a more circular shape… A circle, I said, a circle. Do you understand? Didn't you learn about circles in elementary school?"

"When you mix the ingredients, make sure you hold the bowl down properly. The bowl is also turning, so you're not mixing the ingredients at all. Don't stir, fold through the mixture."

"No, no, you're doing it wrong. You don't need to add that to enhance the flavour. We can add things like canned peaches next time. If you add something that holds a lot of water, the dough will die. It won't be redeemable."

I knew the cookies were finished as a nice aroma emerged when they opened the oven.

"They're somehow different…" Despondent, Yuigahama's shoulders dropped.

Tasting them showed that they were clearly different from Yukinoshita's. Nonetheless, passed the secret target and were well and truly deserved to be called 'cookies'.

"Congratulations," I started. "You have achieved your goal."

"What are you talking about? These cookies aren't as great as Yukinoshita's. Are you making fun of me?"

"No. Let's focus on what you wanted. You wanted to make home-made cookies, why? Because the point is to put effort in your gift. You have done that. We know you have done that. Most important of them all, the guy you are giving these to will also know this. You will make the recipient think, 'Ah, I see. These aren't exactly well-made, but they tried their best!" then they'll mistakenly think, 'You tried really hard for my sake…'."

"Ah, I see, it is the thought that counts."

"Exactly Yukinoshita, what I'm trying to say is, males are helplessly simple. The fact that the cookies are not perfect will actually add to the experience."

"R-really?" Yuigahama's downcast expression was slowly lighting up.

"As I said if you give off the impression that you tried your best, you will touch a man's heart." There was also the bit about gaining a man's heart through his stomach but I did not want to spend my afternoons helping this ditz.

"Ah… Okay." Yuigahama gave me an indifferent response and immediately turned back toward the door. She put her hand on the door handle and was about to leave, but Yukinoshita called out to her.

"Yuigahama-san, what should we do with your request?"

"Oh, it's okay… Don't worry about it! Next time, I'll try my own way. Thank you, Yukinoshita-san." Yuigahama turned to face Yukinoshita with a smile. "See you tomorrow." She waved and left the room with that… But she was still wearing her apron.

"…I wonder if that really went okay." Yukinoshita stared at the door and whispered to herself. "I think that people should try to reach their own limits and surpass them… That would be what's best for Yuigahama-san in the long run."

There were only two of us left in the room. It was clear who she was speaking to but that did not mean I had to go along with it. I placed my book in my bad and started to leave the room.

"Oh, by the way," I called back to the sole person left in the room. "Good luck washing up." I then got the hell out of dodge.


What I love the most about the service club is that no one really knows about it. I, for one, didn't even know it existed, and it's not as if I'm completely ignorant of our school.

If you consider that even Yuigahama didn't recognise this club, then someone must act as a go-between and lead people here for advice. That someone is Hiratsuka sensei.

Sensei must sometimes send students who have problems and worries here.

Overall, this club is not broadcast to the whole school therefore only a tiny number of people should come for assistance. Yuigahama came here on Hiratsuka-sensei's word; otherwise, there's no way anybody would have come here. There were still no customers, but business was open as usual. Yukinoshita and I were both the sort who didn't mind silence, so the times we just put our all into reading, like we were now, were peaceful. Life is good.

So you can imagine my anguish when that hard knock on the door echoed so loudly.

"Yahallo!" Yuigahama Yui slid the sliding door open with a stupid, insipid greeting.

I had to physically hold back the groan that threaten to escape from my lips.

"Huh? Am I not really welcome here…? Um, Yukinoshita-san… Do you hate me?" Yuigahama's shoulders began to tremble. Please say yes. Think of the peaceful time I could- I mean, we could have.

Yukinoshita sighed as though she was thinking about it. Then she replied in a mundane voice. "I don't particularly hate you… I just think you're a little hard to deal with."

"When a girl says that, it means that she hates you!" Yay for girl code, now please leave. My story just reached the climax where the hero was separated from his party in the fantasy world. I gots to know!

"So, do you need something?"

"Well, you know how I've been really into cooking lately?"

"No, this is the first time I've heard that."

"Well, this is just as, like, thanks for the other day, but I made some cookies…"

The blood quickly drained from Yukinoshita's face. If you thought about Yuigahama's cooking, then the first thing that came to mind was that deep black iron ore sort of thing that she had made before.

Even I got thirsty when I thought of that. Huh, I thought my general apathy to life would protect me from such thoughts but no.

"Well, I don't have much of an appetite right now, so I'm fine, thank you. Your gratitude is enough." Yukinoshita had probably only lost her aptitude just now… But Yukinoshita was kind enough not to say that.

Yukinoshita had politely declined, but Yuigahama still hummed contentedly as took out a package from her bag. It was clearly a cutely-packaged bag of blackened cookies.

"Well, it's actually fun when you try it… Maybe I'll try making lunch or something next! So anyway, Yukinon, let's eat lunch together." Hahaha. Well misery does love company. What was that famous saying again, 'Hell is other people?'

"No. I like eating by myself, so I don't really want to… Also, please don't call me 'Yukinon.' It makes me sick."

"No way… Aren't you lonely? Yukinon, where do you eat lunch?"

"Here, but… Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Ah, okay then, well… I'm free after school, so I'll help you with club activities. Well, like, you know… I'm returning the favor? Yeah, I'm returning the favor, so don't worry about it at all."

"…are you listening to me?" Yukinoshita was clearly lost in Yuigahama's constant waves of conversation. She kept looking to me, as if to say 'Do something about her.'

My thoughts were also thrown into disarray. Please, please, please do not come here after school every day. I had just established that this was going to be my sanctuary.

I knew it was an effort in futility. Honestly, Yukinoshita had sincerely attempted to tackle Yuigahama's problem, so that's probably why Yuigahama was trying so hard to pay her back. The bottom line, we were going to be hosting Yuigahama for a long time.

"What about your other friends?" I asked. Come on, I was aiming for one of the common disadvantages in having friends, the need to know where one is and what they are doing. Wait, what do you mean that is what a stalker does? Friend, stalker same thing right?

"Ah, well they don't know about this and I kinda want to keep it that way."

Oh my, ashamed are we? I don't need to be psychic to predict that this will become a problem later.

Anyway to let the girls solidify their new 'friendship', I closed my paperback book and immediately rose from my seat. I muttered my 'See you later' quietly, so they wouldn't hear, and prepared to leave the room. My heaven was destroyed, time to fall back to the place that has never failed me, home sweet home.

"Ah, Hikki!"

Hearing the bastardise version of my name, I turned around to see a blackened thing flying towards my face. I caught it reflexively.

"I kinda need to thank you too, since you helped out as well."

It was something deep black and in bits. Is she trying to thank me or kill me? Remember I did not actually taste the first deadly batch.

"I don't think I should accept this."

"Ah why?"

"You did this for a boy you like right?"


"Well then, you should not give it to me. Imagine if he saw me with the bag. He might get the wrong idea."

"Huh, I can see your point Hikki..." At this point Miss Cold decided to add her unwanted two yen in.

"Not to worry Yuigahama, I am sure no one would ever assume that a girl would give Hikigaya cookies if she liked him. Mainly because no one would ever believe Hikigaya would receive a gift from a girl in the first place."

"Ah Yukinoshita, Hikki already left before he heard your speech..."

A/N: Butterflies have started to appear...


Hello guys It's been so long since I have not uploaded a chapter. But worry not I will upload soon.

You see I have been working on creating my original novel. Which is not in this account.

It's my first original novel so please 🙏 I asked for your support.

I want you guys to review anything welcome.


Please at least check and give me a review

The novel name is [ Extra Become Demon Prince ]

My second Author's name - Ink_weaver122