
How I Lost It All pt.1

Authors Warning

Honestly this will probably be the only trigger warning you will get, this will be exceedingly dark, it will include: ****/manipulation/abuse/cannibalism and much more.

Also, if I do make any grammar/spelling mistakes please correct me.

Yeah and I know little-to-nothing about South Korea, I just like the place, people and food there.


In an empty mansion, lies a man, that can make calling him handsome sound like an insult, with a face that can change sexual orientations, and a body that could make Adonis blush in shame. Hair so white it looks as if the door to heaven is opening, and eyes so blue if you look too closely, you'd drown.

So why are his eyes hollow, with little life left in them you may ask?

Flashback (I won't delve into full detail just yet)

In a room full to the brim of photos and decorations there sits a family of 5 all sat around a small Christmas tree, all smiling from ear-to-ear. Watching a slightly chubby 5-6 year old boy, with dashing white hair and blue eyes, and a face so cute it could bring smiles to the face of everyone, as he opens a small present.

However before he could open it, a group of black clothed people each with their own articulately designed, unique cult mask but each with the same symbol in the middle calmly walk through each entry point.

The biggest, probably the boss pulls out a compact phone with the exact same symbol has a large smile on his stupid face as he says with a surprisingly feminine voice "Boss is it the one with white hair you wanted?"

"Yeah thought so, is it okay if we have some fun with him first?" he/she(?) says with a lecherous grin on their ugly mug.

They continuously tremble as the response was heard "Fif-fifty million?!?!"

"Okay, okay we will bring him in untouched, what about the other 4?"

"Alright then I'll-" before he could hear the rest of his vision slowly faded out