
My Account Banned, I Drove Game Developers Crazy

In the cutthroat world of gaming, game developers grew rampant, making this field dirty and chaotic. Game quality was low and only focused on making money. They never bothered to fix the numerous bugs in their games. They put effort into marketing but neglected the players. One day, Zhou Tianhao, who was striving for the highest rank in a particular game, suddenly found his account banned. Upon contacting customer service, he discovered that the company had used robotic customer service to brush him off. When he tried to appeal, he realized that the final decision rested with the company, and his appeal was bound to fail. Unable to find a solution to his account suspension, he became furious and activated the BUG system. From then on, every aspect of the game was filled with bugs in his eyes. Each time he exposed a bug, it forced the game company to expend countless efforts to fix it... As a result, numerous low-quality games began to shut down, and major gaming industry leaders trembled in fear! Ninecent: "Please, please stop playing our games! We promise to make better games! No more acting as intermediaries!" Netunease: "I'll give you money. Just spare our programmers. They haven't slept for a month, and they're going insane!" MiHiYi: "I've hired a thousand more programmers. I want you to join me in creating the most perfect game in the world!"

Heavenly Eye Demonic Dragon · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Why Don't You Light a Cigarette?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

He turned around and saw Zhou Tianhao turn off the microphone. He looked at him and shook his head.

"Before you talk about evidence, you have to talk about logic. Everything is based on evidence. They said that we are pretending. Why are you in such a hurry to prove that we are not?"

"What? Right."

Brother Monkey quickly put away his phone and smiled apologetically.

"It was a mistake. My problem is that I was a little anxious."

Zhou Tianhao looked at the time and reminded, "It's almost time for the live broadcast to end. We can end it now. This kind of thing will be forgotten very soon."

"Alright, I'll turn off the live broadcast immediately."

Brother Monkey was not in the mood to broadcast anymore. He turned on the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for today's live broadcast. Thank you for watching."

When the bullet screen saw that Brother Monkey was going to close the live broadcast room, it immediately clamored.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're too scared to confront me?"

"I'm dying of laughter. I used to think that Brother Monkey was an honest person, but I didn't expect him to do this kind of thing."

"So be it. I've finally figured out the whole story. Brother Monkey revealed the company's secrets for the sake of attention. He got himself a top-notch computer and hired a scapegoat. This way, he can brag about setting a record for the best benchmark in the world. It's not surprising coming from Brother Monkey. He's really a monkey demon!"

"I see. Listening to you is better than reading ten years of books! I've understood it!"

Brother Monkey did not care about the doubts and slander on the bullet screen. Instead, he planned to close the live broadcast room.

However, at this moment, Zhou Tianhao leaned over and gestured for Brother Monkey to wait.

This time, he personally said, "I originally thought that you would only be spouting nonsense, but now that you've presented your so-called evidence, I think it's best to refute now."

Then, under Brother Monkey's confused gaze, Zhou Tianhao took out his phone and opened the V-messenger. Under everyone's watchful eyes, he clicked on the friend verification column.

It was Brother Monkey's ID, and the time was yesterday. They had just added him as a friend.

This proved that the two of them had only met yesterday. How could there be any acting deal?

"Pa! Face Slapping Points +1!"

"Pa! Face Slapping Points +1!"

This time, Zhou Tianhao earned more than 1,000 Face Slapping Points.

However, this was not enough. The bullet comments could still be refuted.

"Who knows if you guys prepared the show in advance? This kind of thing is too easy to disguise. Don't think that just because you're handsome and have a magnetic voice, we'll believe you easily!"

"That's right, that's right. Unless you say a few more words."



As soon as Zhou Tianhao opened his mouth, many people commented that he had a nice voice and was handsome.

However, Zhou Tianhao ignored it. He looked at the bullet screen and said, "Since you said that this is easy to disguise, then let me show you if this is easy to disguise."

Zhou Tianhao smiled and looked at Brother Monkey. "We agreed on a price of 86,000 yuan, right?"

"What? Yes, that's right."

Brother Monkey was completely dumbfounded. He didn't allow him to refute just now, so why was he doing it personally now?

'Didn't you say that there was no evidence?'

Zhou Tianhao knew what Brother Monkey was thinking, but he had no choice. This was a matter of Face Slapping Points. If Brother Monkey was the one to smack his face, he wouldn't be able to harvest the leeks.

It could be seen from the slap in the face just now that Brother Monkey's livestream still had some potential. Although it was not as popular as it had been in the beginning, it should not be a problem for him to harvest one or two more lottery chances.

"Then let's complete this transaction in front of everyone."

As soon as Zhou Tianhao spoke, Brother Monkey suddenly understood. He slapped his leg and said, "F*ck! Wonderful!"

That was more than 80,000 yuan. Ordinary people could not take it out. Using this method to complete the transaction could be used to prove the authenticity of the transaction.

Brother Monkey raised a concern, "While 80,000 yuan is a significant amount, I still run a studio, so spending the money is not a concern. However, it may not be sufficient to prove that we are not actors."

"As long as someone says that we are colluding, the result will not change."

Brother Monkey hadn't shut the microphone during this time. The comments immediately became arrogant after he finished speaking.

"You even said that you're not actors. If you're not, you must have a way to prove it. But now, you can't even think of a way, and you still say that you're not fake?"

"To be fair, that's true. It seems like you guys can't wash yourself clean."

"The hammer has been hammered. There's no turning back."

What did he mean by boosting the morale of others and reducing his own prestige? However, Brother Monkey was not considered one of his own… Zhou Tianhao said helplessly, "Since I said it, there must be a way."

"What is it?"

Brother Monkey felt dizzy and didn't know what to think.

"Just give me the evidence."


"That's right. First of all, the bullet comments say that you're doing this for the sake of attention. Then, can you please show everyone the data of your past live broadcasts?"

When Brother Monkey heard this, he quickly took out his laptop and opened the background of the live broadcast room to check the past live broadcast data.

Sure enough, Brother Monkey's face was filled with excitement when he saw it. He quickly picked up the computer and placed the screen on the camera.

He said confidently, "Today's popularity is a little higher, nearly 100,000 viewers. In the past, if you look at it yourself, most of the live stream would have 80,000 to 90,000 viewers. It did increase today, but not by much. So if you think that I spent more than 80,000 yuan just to increase my popularity by 10,000 to 20,000, then I'll get the admins to ban all of you right now. Will you believe me then? At most, I won't broadcast in the future!"

"Popularity can be increased with money. But spending 80,000 to 90,000 yuan for popularity, it will at least fetch you a million viewers. Even if I'm an idiot, I wouldn't spend 80,000 yuan like this."

After Brother Monkey finished speaking, Zhou Tianhao said, "Your words are crude, but you're not. Is there anyone who refutes you? If there's no one, then we win the argument."

"Pa! Face Slapping Points +1!"

"Pa! Face Slapping Points +1!"

"Pa! Face Slapping Points +1!"

This time, he had earned more than 500 Face Slapping Points.

"Next, you guys said that I'm Brother Monkey's sidekick, right?"

The bullet comments were silent from the start, but the popularity remained high. It was obvious that everyone was waiting to see.

Zhou Tianhao said, "Someone said that Brother Monkey wanted me to be the scapegoat because he was afraid that trade secrets would be leaked. Then this kind of thing is the easiest to handle."

"Ordinary people like us may not have the corresponding channels, but large companies are extremely sensitive to such matters. If it involves business, they will definitely investigate it clearly. Therefore, as long as we report the matter to the platform, we will definitely be able to verify it."

The comments were still silent, but silence meant that they agreed with Zhou Tianhao's decision.

"Coincidentally, I know the official staff of Beep Station. I'll send him a message now."

"No. I can't let you do it."

Zhou Tianhao rejected Brother Monkey's suggestion. "If I let you come, it will only make the water more muddy. Every live stream has a supervisor. You just have to call the supervisor."

"But supervisors usually don't appear easily."

Zhou Tianhao pondered for a moment. "Why don't you try lighting a cigarette?"

Brother Monkey: "???"
