
Chapter 88 Qiao Family's Visit (2)


She took out each gift one by one, made a note of each giver's name, and then tore off the sticky note.

"Got them all memorized?"

Qiao Chutian looked at her with a hint of surprise, "The gifts were bought according to each person's preferences, they can't be given to the wrong person!"

"I've got it memorized!"

Mai Xiaomai wasn't naturally gifted with a good memory, but after studying medicine, she had developed a method for rapid memorization, capable of instantaneously recalling over a hundred items, let alone just over ten gifts, each with distinctive features.


No longer doubting her memory, Qiao Chutian and she carried the gifts toward the main house.

"Brother, sister-in-law——"

Before they even approached the house, a girl in a red dress came rushing out cheerfully...

This young girl had playful light brown curls, fair skin, eyes crinkling into crescent moons when she smiled, and wore a vibrant red dress that made her look exceptionally beautiful and lively.