
My Academic Focused Highschool Life is Disturbed by my Otaku Seatmate

Ken has been focusing on his studies without social life, until a weird seatmate disturbs his peace. How can a non-friendly man interact with a woman of his age?

Derell_SB · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Yesterday, I gained a friend who is a self-proclaimed otaku – whatever that means, and I plan to get to know her more and about that word so I went to school earlier than I usually do.

When I arrived at the classroom, forty five minutes earlier before the first subject, I found Eri arrived before me and I wasn't surprised when I saw her long black hair in pig tails. She glanced at the back door where I entered while her chin was resting on her right hand. I noticed that she was wearing a gold bangle designed with a red gem. I sat on my assigned seat and talked to her.

"Nice bangle, Eri"

"Thanks. This bangle is not just an ordinary bangle. I can call a guardian spirit with it!"

"Okay? Anyway, I went home early yesterday so I forgot about you. What is that word that you said yesterday? What was the term?"


"And what does it mean?"

"It's our term if we are an anime lover. Although the term otaku doesn't limit to anime otaku only"

"and an anime is?"

"What?! You don't know what an anime is?! Don't you have tv at home?!"

"Well, I only watch news and then I read books in my room after."

"Anime is a Japanese cartoon. But Anime and Western cartoons differ in style."

"Cartoons? Like a comic strip?"

"What?! You're so innocent, aren't you? It's like teaching a child how to read! Why don't you go with me after school? I'm going to buy the newest released magazine at the bookstore. If I buy you one, especially the first edition, you may learn different things."

"So what can I get from reading those magazines?"

"Friendship, battles, trust, fantasy, romance… everything is there! It all depends on the genre. I wonder what your life was when I wasn't here yet."

"Well, a normal life, focused on academics and aiming to be the number one student in school so that I can have entrance scholarship when I go to college."

"So, what are your hobbies? Do you play instruments? Or do you draw? Do you play?"

"Well, I only play during physical education."

"Your life is so boring…" Eri said and yawned

"What?! So your life isn't boring, eh?"

"Yeah, by watching anime and reading manga, it's like I knew a lot of people and I was with them during their struggles. And because of them, I learned to draw"

"Really? Why don't you try drawing a portrait of me?"

"Portrait? You are funny. Of course I can draw your anime version."

"Anime version. Now I am getting curious of that. I would really be satisfied if I'll go with you later."

We didn't notice the time and our first subject started. Our first subject was biology and our teacher's discussion was only the spoken form from the book. In short, he didn't know how to teach well. There were no photos or additional information about the topic. Because I have already read the topic from the book, I felt like I know how to explain it better. I glanced at Eri and I caught her glaring at me.

I whispered, "Hey, Eri, what's your problem? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She showed me a small piece of paper and stuck her tongue out. The letter said, "I'm bored, I want to sleep. Make me laugh or I'll really pass out"

Because she said that word – bored, the feeling became contagious and I got bored as well so I tried to do something to make her laugh just like what she said. But no matter how hard I tried, nothing comes into my mind so I wrote random words into my paper and show it to her. "He who teaches evolution has not evolve yet"

She took a glimpse of our short teacher who has thick fur – I mean hair in his arms, a single middle-aged man. Then she looked back at me and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Oh my gosh, Ken! You are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaka!!! Hahahaha~! That's so true!"

I was shocked that she laughed suddenly and caught the attention of our classmates and teachers. Still holding the paper, I felt that someone snatched it from my hand, and when I looked, I saw an angry man behind me.

"You! Go to the faculty room with me."

"But sir, I-" I defended – was trying to defend - but


So, as expected, not only me but both of us were called to the faculty room and were asked for an explanation.

"What were you doing during my class? Making fun of me and not listening to the lesson? So what will you answer in our quiz next meeting, huh?! Do you think you're better at biology than I, your teacher?! Explain now!!!" said the raging teacher.

"Sir, I asked Ken to make me laugh because I was bored in your class" Eri said. I was surprised that she said it frankly in front of the teacher.

"So you are saying that I am not a good teacher, am I not?"

"Yes sir! We can read that book anyway. You're just reading it. We can read too, you know." said Eri in a sarcastic manner. I didn't know that she could talk to a teacher like that if she doesn't like the person.

"And you, Ken, what is your explanation about this paper?" asked the teacher while holding and waving the paper in front of my face.

"I told him to write that, sir!" Eri defended me.

"No, sir. She said to make her laugh so I wrote randomly. It doesn't mean that I was talking about you."

"Both of you two, you should receive a punishment since you said you are bored with my class. Because you might think that you are better than me, you will make a class report about the two chapters in the book. It should be presented during class as TEACHERS and not as STUDENTS. So that you will feel how I feel about being an DISRESPECTED teacher. Two chapters in the book makes one month of discussion. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Let's see how you teach biology in a not boring way. Now, go out."

Because of the punishment, we needed to work together for the class discussion as teachers for that subject. That punishment wasn't really a punishment for me. I enjoy researching so it won't be hard for me. I didn't know how Eri works so I was a little nervous for her.

"Hey, Ken. Why don't we do it together? Two heads are better than one right?" she grinned. I can't say that she was irritating or something like that but I know that I'm not used to girls.

"Let me think of it." I said

"Come on, I'll walk you home and I'll help you with your house chores. We are partners, remember?" she insisted

"Partners? Since when? I don't remember anything about us being partners. In fact, you were the one who made me do a thing to be punished."

"Yeah, I know it's my fault. That's why I'll help you with your house chores while you do our assignment. Of course, I'll help you too. I will cook a food for you" she smiled


"Is that a yes?"

"Of course not. Just go home and do your job and I will go my way and do mine, alone."

So that, after the class, I went home alone and while on my way, I dropped by the supermarket to buy some snack. I saw a bakeshop and looked at a pandan cake. I really wanted one but when I checked my wallet, I only had few coins left.

I arrived home at six o'clock, ate my dinner at took a nap. I got really tired of the commotion earlier that was caused by Eri.

I planned to sleep for two hours and take an all-night study. I was sure that it's not about an hour since I laid on my bed when I heard the voice of my parents laughing and sounding all- lovey-dovey. It was a very rare event so I peeped to check on them.

"So, you are going to stay here all night?"

"Yes, mama, I will help you with your household works as an exchange for my intrusion" the female voice said

"No problem, it's my duty anyway. Go up and do whatever you are going to do. We won't disturb you~" said my mom in a very loving voice. "She called me mama!" my mom whispered to my dad.

"Anyway, here is a pandan cake. I bought it earlier because Ken seemed to like it. This one is for you."

"Oh! You're a very good girl! Thank you, Eri. Have you eaten your dinner?" said my father.

The moment I heard the word "Eri" I rushed down on the living area to check if it's real. I thought I could spend my night peacefully studying but there was a freak in my house.

"Hey, what are you doing here?! I said I'm going to do my job alone! Go home now!"

"Don't be like that to her. She is just concern about you. She is willing to spend all night here just to help and check on you"

"What?! And you believed that?!"

"Look, she even brought a dessert for us. You should give her a warm welcome. Besides, she is the only friend of yours. Bring her now to your room. Hehe…" my father said.

"That is bribery! Throw that!"

"No! You shouldn't waste food! Go up now, go up! We'll just feed Eri then we will not disturb you ♥" my mom said.

What I didn't want to happen, happened…well, please don't think of it the wrong way.

She was in my room and brought some books and dvd while I was browsing the books that she brought. At least she knows the importance of reading materials. She was also browsing the books that I had in my room. Surprisingly, she took the biology book and seriously read it.

"Hey, Ken, do you really know how to do a non-boring biology class?"

"Well, of course! I just need to raise my voice in the most important points."

"That's it?"

"Of course, what else. Our teacher discussed the topic in a monotone voice"

"If you really want to prove that you can do a non-boring class, put some entertainment on the topic"

"Well, I can tell jokes"


"Um… the monkey?"

"The monkey what? That's how we got this project remember?"

"As if you have a better plan."

"You don't trust me, do you"

"Of course!!! I don't!"

"Well, I think we just need to read and research more entertaining stuffs about evolution"

So, the girl didn't talk to me for more than an hour and we researched more topics to be discussed. She was so full of herself. I thought she got the best idea in the world for making a non-boring class. She read a science magazine and wrote stuffs on her notebook – which I didn't look at because I don't care. Later, I glimpsed at her and she was already playing with her mobile phone. She was typing and later giggled.

"If you don't want to study anymore, just get out of my room and go home"

"No, I am actually doing my stuff"

So I got back on reading again and planning to make a visual aid for our discussion – which the teacher didn't do. I got the best stuff right? While planning on the lay out of the visual aid, I took a glimpse of her again and found her drawing something on her notebook.

"Hey, earlier, you were using your phone. Now, you are just drawing. What are you really planning to do here? Just go home already!"

"I said that I was doing my stuff. Seriously."

About thirty minutes later, she talked again. I never thought she can't resist on being silent.

"Ken, do we have a computer projector at school?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Why do you ask? You want our classmates to watch a movie?"

"Not exactly but kind of." She smiled. "Do you have a laptop?" she added

"Yes. I have but it's in the entertainment room"

"Can I borrow that?"

"Go. But use the laptop in the entertainment room only. There is a wifi but don't bring it here. It's really disturbing."

"Thank you!"

Eri went to the entertainment room. It was a good answer that I had the chance to be alone in my room again. Few hours have passed and I was still happy for being alone in my room but I was worried about our entertainment room. I thought Eri is a clumsy girl that could break everything in the entire house if she's alone. I didn't find her things that she was using in my room. Maybe she brought it with her in the entertainment room. I was really curious so I went in that room to check up on her.

Surprisingly, she was seriously typing something in my laptop. Maybe that was what she was writing earlier. She switched tab and I found her in google. Alright, I think she was doing good so I went back to my room.

It was already three thirty in the morning and I couldn't sleep. It was my first time experiencing insomnia. Maybe I was really worried about the girl two doors away. She didn't come back to my room and I wasn't sure if she was still awake or she has already fallen asleep, or maybe she already went home. I went to that room to check up on her. The lights in the house were already off. I sneaked to that room to see if she was still awake. I found her sleeping in that

room. My laptop was in sleep mode too. She was sitting while her head was resting on the table. Her left hand was still touching the laptop while her right hand has fallen on her lap. I consider myself a gentleman so I brought a blanket and put it on her. I didn't mean to peek at her sleeping face but I did. I didn't notice that she was so pretty in sleep. It was like she was a very gentle angel that fallen from the heavens. If not in her "otaku" personality, I might have fallen in love for this girl. Even though she was wearing big eyeglasses during her sleep – which I took and put on the table, it really suits her and looks so cute. I went back to my room and tried to sleep.