

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 2

{ MC POV }


While sitting on the sofa, I took a sip of the hot lemon tea that the old man(Joseph) brought for me.

I never liked lemon tea all my life. But still, I didn't deny it now and reluctantly took it.


A sigh escaped my mouth. I looked around the room for the thirtieth time, trying to convince myself that it was just a dream. Only to shake my head and reluctantly accept my situation.

Then I stared at my current body and another sigh escaped my mouth.

Yeah, so basically I have gone through the thing called 'body possession' or 'body swapping' whatever it may be and took the body of this overweight guy. And looking at the situation, I guess, I am experiencing an alternate reality from my previous self.

I am not entirely sure, but I feel like I am not on 'Earth' anymore. Earlier when the old man spoke, I kept on looking at his mouth and I noticed that he is speaking neither my mother tongue nor is he speaking English. But still, I can clearly understand what he said.

But this 'alternate reality' thing or 'not being on earth, didn't scare me as much as possessing the body of a fat guy did.

Back then, I had a very ideal figure. With well-toned muscles and six-pack abs, I had the perfect athletic body. Well, I worked out day and night at the gym and ate all sorts of healthy stuff to gain that figure. And now?…... I am trapped inside this overweight guy out of nowhere, and it breaks my heart.

Haaa~ another depressing sigh escaped my mouth.

'Now what should I do....'

Knock- knock- knock- knock-

While I was lamenting my fate, the door was knocked on by someone.

"Young lord, It's me, Joseph. May I enter?" an aged voice was heard. It was Joseph, the old man butler.

"Ah! Y-yes!" I answered, but my voice quivered at the end due to nervousness.

Joseph opened the door and entered the room, maintaining a stoic expression on his face.

"Young lord, We must be getting ready for the outing. Would you like to do something before that?" Joseph asked me while bowing his head a little.

Well, I don't have the body's original memories, so I don't clearly understand what they are saying. But it looks like they treat me as some sort of lord or master.

Guess, I will need to find out more information to understand the situation and how to act.

I gathered up some resolve and asked him.

"U-um Joseph? Would you mind if I ask you about something" I took an overly polite stance to avoid unwanted problems.

"Hmm?.... What is it, Young lord? What do you want to ask?" replied Joseph, slightly raising one of his eyebrows.

"So, Who am I?" After saying the line, I realized that I messed up. I wanted to slap myself in the face.

Joseph looked at me with a weird expression. Soon after changing back to his stoic face he asked, "What?"

"I-I mean… Uh. I think that…. I have been facing some memory issues since this morning. Yeah, right...and so…... maybe I kept forgetting about this? So… would you mind telling me…..?" I said under my breath. As ridiculous it may sound, I kept praying for this explanation to work somehow.

Hearing me, Joseph's eyes widened slightly.

"What? Are you feeling unwell somehow? Should I call for a medic".

"N-no! I am fine! As I said, I am just facing some memory issues. So there's no need for that....." I took a deep breath before continuing,

"So....w-would tell me…..who I am?"

Joseph gave me a suspicious gaze and said "Yeah, I am calling for a medic". Saying so he turned around.

I hurriedly got up, while my fat body wiggled and tried to stop him.

"W-wait! I am completely fine, there is no need! I just wanted to ask some questions!"

"Are you sure you are fine, Young lord?"


Haaaaaa~ Joseph released a long sigh. ( a/n. Why do all of them sigh so much?)

"Alright Young lord, I will believe in you then."

Said Joseph, with a defeated look on his face.

"So you want me to tell you about yourself, young lord?" he asked.

"Y-yes! Right!" I said.

"Okay," replied Joseph. Then we walked towards the sofa and sat on either side, facing each other.

Joseph began to speak. "So Young Lord, you are Aldrich Gavril, the successor of Gavril Barony. And the son of the late lord Sir Willian Gavril." Saying so he looked toward me as if asking my permission.

'Oh! So this body's name is Aldrich huh…..and a baron….maybe he is some kind of noble or aristocrat.' While pondering, I nodded for him to continue.

"Young lord, you are sixteen years old this year. And officially became the charge for the governance of the barony."

'What!?' I was baffled. And looked at me. 'What does he mean by 16 years old? There is no way in hell this is the body of a 16-year-old…. It looks like somebody in their late teens or early twenties.' But I didn't say it out loud and waited for him to continue.

"So the territory of our barony is located in the Sparta region on the north of Vetriez kingdom. Though it's a bit far away from the mainland, it still is a wonderful place, it signifies the glory of your heritage." Joseph said with a proud look appearing on his face.

'Wait! Vetriez kingdom? Did I hear it somewhere? It sounds kinda familiar to me.' I began pondering on Joseph's words.

As we were talking, another knocking was heard.

Knock- knock-

"Young lord, there is a letter for you. May I come in?" I heard a feminine voice addressing me.

Stopping our conversation Joseph looked at me. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head like a third grader.

Then, Joseph voiced out "Yes Martha. You can enter."

The door opened and a middle-aged woman wearing a maid dress entered carrying something in her hand.

She walked toward me and handed over the thing in her hand. After that, she politely bowed and stepped to the corner for further orders.

I looked at the thing which was in my hand now. It was some kind of letter I guess. The envelope was sealed with some peculiar imprints on it.

Nervously tried opening it. But alas, to no avail. I have no idea how to break this paper seal.

I glanced at Joseph. Joseph, noticing my glance, sighed ( again! I am feeling kinda pathetic right now.) and took the letter from my hands.

"Young lord, please put a drop of your blood in here," he said showing the imprints.

Hearing him say that, I almost freaked out internally. 'WHAT!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN DUDE? BLOOD!?'

I looked at Joseph with perplexing eyes. To which he just stared at me with a dumb look., like I was some kind of idiot, which made it more awkward for me.

"Like.....how?" I asked, feeling awkward.

He slightly narrowed his eyes, "What do mean?.....by biting your finger, ofcourse." He said as if it is a matter of fact.

'THE F*CK!? THAT SHIT WILL HURT DUDE!!" I literally screemed, inwardly. 'Don't you have some tool or other method that would not involve biting off one's finger?.....'

Joseph kept staring at me, waiting for me to make a move. I slightly turned around to see Martha was also looking at me.

In the end, I just sighed and reluctantly did what he said. I bit my finger and dropped a drop of my blood on the envelope. That really stinged. So I immediately put my bitten finger into my mouth to suck on it, in hopes to lessen the pain a bit.

"Here, my lord..."

Martha, who was standing in the side, suddenly passed me a small lotion like thing out of nowhere, I figured it was for my bitten finger. So I put some lotion on my bitten finger, and to my surprise the bitten part healed instantly.

'Oh!! How did it heal so early!?' I exclaimed in my mind.

But at the next moment something even more unbelievible happened. The letter started glowing brightly and the envelope disappeared,turning into small particles, leaving only the letter which was inside it.

'WHAT WAS THAT!? MAGIC?' My eyes opened wide, I was genuinely surprised. This surely was some kind of outlandish phenomenon.

"Young lord shall I read the content and explain what is written here for you?" asked Joseph, waking me up from the trance.

I looked at him and nodded. "Yes, go ahead."

Hearing my answer Joseph began to go through the letter.

After a few moments, he finally spoke up.

"Young lord, It's a message from the Duke Adrodart of the Larchendia empire. It states that lady Angeline von Adrodart will be arriving here in four weeks. He asked you to prepare for the wedding as soon as possible."

"What?! Wedding?"

"You don't remember this either?" Joseph asked.

But I didn't say anything. Seeing me not answering, he sighed(again) and spoke,

"Lady Angeline is the daughter of the Adrodart Ducal house, a prestigious noble family of the Larchendia empire. For some reason, she got entangled in an incident, angering the crown prince and other noble house's heirs. Ultimately causing her to lose her title and be banished from the empire."

He stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes, before continuing. "Afterwards, .....Duke Adrodart asked the nobles of neighboring countries if anybody wanted her hand in marriage....and…and you, Young lord, volunteered for it." he sighed, "Haaaaa….. And it was decided that she will be wedded to you and be sent over here." completed Joseph, a dark look appearing on his face. Upon seeing closely, one could notice that Martha, who was standing at the corner, had her face completely pale.

But I didn't notice any of this. My mind was completely blank. And I screamed in my head.

'Angeline….Adrodrat…..Larchendia..and the crown prince.....WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!?'

My heart started beating extremely fast and sweat was forming on my forehead.