

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 29

The bustling streets were alive with people going about their work. The sun was descending towards the western horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky.

A subtle, cold breeze was blowing. Though the cold was nothing compared to what the people from our region experience all the time, it was still enough to make this city's people wear warm clothes.


Numerous individuals from my native world would surely relish the opportunity to wander the streets of this medieval fantasy city in such a manner.

"I must say….It surely gives such a fantasy adventurous feeling."

I've been outside on the streets for thirty minutes already. The lively commotion of the crowd hasn't managed to wear me out.

There were so many things, so many food items, I was tempted to try them out.

I didn't just walk in the main streets. There were many lanes adjacent to the main streets.

As the saying goes, "A city's true treasures often reside within its narrow lanes and hidden alleys." I pondered upon this....





While leisurely strolling, I happened upon one of these back alley lanes.

This lane, too, was abuzz with activity. While not as bustling as the main streets, there were still numerous individuals going about their tasks.

Flanked by numerous shops on both sides, the lane's narrower pathways created a slightly cramped atmosphere, in contrast to the broader main street.







"What's that sound?... Did I hear someone shouting just now?" I wondered.

The echoing sounds of screams and shouts reached my ears, seemingly originating from the depths of the alley.

Scanning my surroundings, I noticed that everyone in the vicinity seemed to have heard the commotion, yet they chose to simply disregard it.

'Hmmm...' I speculated that the lack of reaction from the people indicated that such occurrences were probably commonplace in this area.

'should I go there and check it out?' I thought.

After a brief moment of consideration, I shook my head, deciding against pursuing the matter further.

'Forget it, I have nothing to do with this anyway. Moreover, city guards are roaming around here. If something happens they will take care of it. I should probably get out of here. There is no need for me to indulge myself in unnecessary things.'

*Crash- *Boom-

However, just as I was about to turn away and leave the lane, a sudden loud crash echoed through the air, catching my attention.

The abrupt crash startled the surrounding crowd, instantly bringing them to a state of alertness.

Contrasting with their indifference to the earlier screams, this incident seemed to be out of the ordinary. Pedestrians and shopkeepers ceased their activities, engaging in hushed conversations and exchanging whispers as they reacted to the unexpected disturbance.

"What was that sound?..." - Pedestrian 1.

"I don't know….but it came from the direction of James's restaurant right?" - pedestrian 2.

"Yeah! It really came from James's restaurant… And the scream from earlier…" - pedestrian 3.

"I know! That was the voice of Gomuk! That hooligan!" - Pedestrian 2.

"What do you think must have happened?" - Pedestrian 1.

"Maybe the hooligan was causing trouble?" - Pedestrian 3.

"Maybe….Looks like these hooligans are not afraid of the city guards at all. Causing trouble in the middle of the city." - Pedestrian 1.

"Well… it's not exactly the middle of the city though… we are at a back alley…" - Pedestrian 2.

"Whatever…so, do you want to go and see what is happening?" - Pedestrian 3.

"But….what if we fall in any trouble?" - Pedestrian 1.

"Ah,....We will just stand in the side and watch, there will be no problem" - Pedestrian 3.

After talking for a bit more, they nodded to each other and started walking toward's James's restaurant.

Observing the initial group of pedestrians, others joined their ranks, intrigued by the unfolding situation. Surprisingly, even some shopkeepers abandoned their stores to join the growing gathering and investigate the source of the disturbance.

A mixture of nervousness and excitement rippled through the assembled crowd as they eagerly anticipated unfolding events.

I remained in my spot, an observer among the growing crowd, as individuals continued to make their way towards the origin of the crashing sound, one after another.

'Hmm… Well…..there is no need for me to stand here… I should probably leave this place.'

However, an inexplicable curiosity gripped me, compelling me to develop a sudden interest in discovering the cause of the commotion.

A sudden urge maybe….but I felt something very amusing was going to happen if I go there.

I did promise the captain to avoid any conflicts, but my instincts are urging me to investigate,' I mused, torn between my commitment and my growing curiosity.

I don't think I will encounter anything threatening or something…

"Haaaa~ Oh well! F*ck it! I will just go and have a look." I said, not giving a sh*t to my cautions.

I couldn't quite pinpoint the cause, but ever since that crystal flower merged with me, a sense of recklessness seemed to take over. It was as if I had an unshakable belief that nothing could pose a threat to me.

I recognized the arrogance in my behavior—a dangerous trait, yet strangely appealing.

While I attempted to maintain some degree of caution, a part of me reveled in this newfound audacity.

Nonetheless, I reminded myself repeatedly of the importance of caution.



Despite my inner struggle, I resolved to temporarily embrace this sensation of recklessness and hubris..

Keeping my mixed thoughts in mind, I took a determined step forward, joining the group of pedestrians with a grin adorning my face.

[A/N F*ck you and your cautiousness bro….]