
My 5 Personalities Have a Girlfriend

My name is Yuko Yukimura, i'm just a normal guy who transferred into a new highschool. To be honest the reason I moved schools was because all my middle school friends thought I was weird. I have 5 different personalities and I can't control them. Coolnest, Wrathful, Laziness, Smartest, Childish. The weirdest thing is that when I changed schools, they got a girlfriend. I just want to live my school life peacefully.

PONP0N · Realistic
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 : Summer Festival

Hi, this is yuko again. you all must know why I'm wearing a yukata here. today is summer festival and i'm waiting for the girls to celebrate the festival together. To be honest I was really lazy to come here but he forced me to come here because there will be a lot of food here. Erina called me from far away and finally they came together "you girls took so lo-" i was stunning because they're look so cute when they're wearing yukata. i was stop spacing out and i told them to entered the festival. "let's go."

when we entered the festival, there were a lot of people. I asked them where we were going but they all disappeared when I faced back. well, it's a good things for me, i should searching for a bench to rest. "No! we should eat first! i want candy apple!" that was childish who screaming at my heads. right, we get some candy apples and then we resting. i went to the candy apples store and i met Lili, talking about good timing here the childish took over my body and invited Lili to buying some food. i bought so many items, candy apples, choco banana, shaved ice, yakisoba, and etc. we ate on a park bench and we really enjoyed a lot of this food. "oishi! this is too, this is delicious too." we finished our food but we forgot buy drinks. Lili said that she would go buy it and asked what drink I wanted "olong tea, please." she left me.

i waited alone here and laziness took over my body to sleep here. Mona found me sleeping in the bench "geez, how did you fall asleep during the festival." she hold my hands and she dragged me. laziness was so sleepy and he got an idea when he saw an festival mask. laziness bought an ultraman mask and he was sleep walking while Mona dragged laziness who wearing a mask. we doing some walking here and Mona's having a great time with me, until we tired and sitting in the stairs. laziness was turned his face towards mona, "what's the matter?" Mona looks confused and laziness fell down towards her face because of sleeping but it looks like we kissed in the lips between the mask. Mona was blushes and she slapped me hardly and it makes me turned back to normal again. "you pervert!" she left me afterwards and the mask was broken. what the hell is happening here?

i walked alone and i met Mili, she was so happy that she met me and she takes me to play candy mold carving. of course wrathful took over my body and he seems very excited to playing with his girlfriends. i asked him if he can do that because someone like him playing candy carving just can't be possible. "leave it to me!" we arrived at the store and the board says we can get an prize pool if we can carve the candy. i got the umbrella mold and Mili got star mold, Mili breaks the candy but i finished mine. the shop owner gave me a candy as a rewards "huh?! the board said that i can get the prize pool if i carve the candy!" the owner take out the candy and it was a block of candy. "what is this?" the owner said that i can make whatever but the result must be perfect. it's no use, wrathful looked down but Mili was cheer him up. "you can do it." suddenly wrathful get some spirit and he started to carve it, the sweet is dripping because wrathful was so focused here. Mili fell down because her Geta ( Japanese traditional sandals ) was slipped off and her breast was bumps into my hands. Wrathful was screaming and he carving the blocks so fast and he carved a liberty statue. the owners giving me a compliment but wrathful was fainted because of nosebleed.

i turned back to normal and i got the prize pools, it was bunch of candy. Mili was laughing and said it was fun that i've been taking to serious. she said that she wanted to go to toilet and she left me. while i was waiting for Mili, Lisa appear from my behind and she dragged me to play with her. we playing some goldfish catch with paper net and when it's our first try, Lisa got one and my paper net was ripped. "hahaha, you're not talented." smartest took over my body because he doesn't accept that Lisa mocks me. smartest wearing a glasses and a new paper net, he released a terrifying aura and he can take a lot of goldfish with one paper net. "stop it." the owner was begging me to stop but smartest won't stop until the paper net was ripped again. "stop it please."

we finally went from that place and as a result we brought a lot of goldfish. "don't you ever underestimate me again." she was giggled and said that i was awesome. "hey, can i kiss you?" it was so sudden but smartest was blushing and nodded. he moved his face towards Lisa and just as we were about to kiss, the plastic bag containing the goldfish leaked. "ah, wait here. i'll be back." Lisa left me alone because she wanted to save the goldfish first. i walked alone again and i saw Erina was walking limping and it seems that her feet was injured because of her Geta. coolnest took over my body and she was carrying Erina like a princess. "eh?! what are you doing?" she was panicked because i appear out of nowhere and suddenly i carrying her. coolnest kept his mouth silent and Erina was blushes, he took Erina to the bench and applying some bandage to her feet. "if you can't walk, i'll carry you again." she started blushes again and she said to me that she can walk. everyone was gathered here for searching me and they saw Erina was being treated by me, they pouted their cheeks because they're jealous. i turned back to normal and the girls told us that fireworks will start soon.

we went together to a place where we could see fireworks clearly and fireworks exploded, it was so beautiful. if the fireworks are out it means the festival will soon be over. if the summer festival is over, it means school will start again. well, it's not bad for me to celebrate the festival with them.