
My 5 Personalities Have a Girlfriend

My name is Yuko Yukimura, i'm just a normal guy who transferred into a new highschool. To be honest the reason I moved schools was because all my middle school friends thought I was weird. I have 5 different personalities and I can't control them. Coolnest, Wrathful, Laziness, Smartest, Childish. The weirdest thing is that when I changed schools, they got a girlfriend. I just want to live my school life peacefully.

PONP0N · Realistic
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14 Chs

Chapter 1 : Introduction

My name is yuko yukimura, i am a normal boy who wants to live a normal school life. Right now I'm very happy because I just transferred schools and it's my first day i was walking towards the school. I'm on the train and it's very crowded here. I saw a guy acting really weird and he molested a girl here, the girl looks scared and the man holds her hip with his perverted.

"oi asshole! you think because you're grown up man, you can do anything to the youngest?! Get lost!"

different from my appearance I turned grumpy in an instant and my face looked really scary. the man was scared and immediately got off at the next station. The girl has a big chest and she thanked me and I realized that the uniform she was wearing was the same as my school uniform. she introduced herself to me and her name was, Mili. I told her to get out of my sight and not to disturb me. I also left in front of her and I got off at the next station, I went to the toilet and I was back to normal. I lied when I said that I was an normal boy. Honestly, the reason I changed schools was that my middle school friends thought I was a weirdo because I have five personalities and I can't control them.

"damn it! why you come out?!" i talked to myself in the mirror and my wrath personality come out and said it's because the girl's in danger. i said to myself again "no! i can help that girl too. and don't come out again." people that passed me looking at me so weirdly and i moved to the school again. i hope this time my personalities don't do anything that makes me embarrassed again.

"slurrp" i took an ice cream but it's not mine. I ate ice cream belonging to a girl who was wearing a middle school uniform. the girl was shocked and I said that strawberry ice cream is my favorite and I left the girl. i wanna die now, this time my childish come out in a worst place, he's laughing because he wanted an ice cream.

I finally arrived at the school gate and a luxury car stopped in front of the school. a beautiful girl came down and she was walking very elegantly but she stepped on the wet road making her fall. my body moves on its own and saves the girl. "are you okay, young lady?" this time my appearance turned into a cool guy. the girl blushes and she thanked me for saving her, she asked my name. "my name? you'll get it someday." i talked in a romantic ways and that girl seems pumped out and fainted because of me. i left the girl alone and i walk inside the schools.

i sit in the toilet and having a trauma because of my personalities. I called them and had a meeting with my personality. childish, wrathful, coolnest has come out and asked what do i want. "what i want is your ass! please, it's my first day at school. don't make me changed my school again." they said they understand and trying not to make a ruckus again. the bells ringing and i come out from the toilet, i slap my face and i hope nothing's bad happened.

"okay class, this is yukimura yuko he's a new transferred student's here, please get along with him. you can sit in the empty seat."

that's a normal introduction for me and until now nothing's bad happened. i sit in the back seat and beside a window just like a main character in anime doing. i look at my right side and a girl looked surprised while we stare at each other. it's a girl that my wrathful personality saved from the train. I looked to the front to look away from her and in front of me was the girl staring at me too. she was the girl who was saved by my coolnest personality in the front of school. i talked to my personalities in my head. "this is bad, what should i do?" the coolnest said did he wanted to helped me. "helped my ass! you make this situation even worse!" he said again that a man must helped every girl in a romantic ways. "should i helped you?" a childish one appear in my head. "no! not from you." a childish one talked to the wrathful to helped me. "should i make them disappear from you?!" this is not helpful.

"uhm, are you okay? you've been space out."

the girl beside me talks to me and i think her name was mili. i said to her that i was okay and the girl's in front of me was joined the converstation. "so your name was yuko, mine was erina. nice to meet you." she wag her haired and asked for a shakehands. "yes, nice to meet you too." i shake her hands elegantly because my coolnest personality came out again. damn, someone please kill me.

the break time is coming, i run away and i come to the rooftop of this school. i was angry with my coolnest and he said tome to calmed down because the cool boys must best calmed in every situation. "you said you're not gonna coming out again." then he said in elegantly that he can't refuse a shake hands from the beautiful girl. i'm exhausted already even the first day of school isn't over yet then the childish one appear. "hey hey, i wanted to try this school cafetaria food's." i walked weakly to the cafetaria and grab some melon bread's and someone grab it too. the first things i saw was her big chest and round just like this melon bread and it was mili. there is only one melon bread's left and i give it to her and then there is nothing left in this store. i walked away from her but she called me again and she wanted to give this half melon bread's to me.

we siting in our class and there is only two of us in this class. she tore the bread into two pieces and she gives me the half. we eat and it feels awkward here and suddenly she tanked me again for this morning. i said it was no problem and she embarrassing and said "yukimura-san, did you have a girlfriend yet?" my wrathful has appear and scold this girl "huh?! did you make fun of me because i was a loner?!" she said because she wanted to date me. my wrathful shocked because she's wanted to date me suddenly and she said that it was a love at a first sight. i stand up and leave this class and went to the rooftop again, my wrathful grab my shirt and asked "what does this mean?!" i said to calmed down because he can tore this shirt into a pieces then the coolnest appear.

"hey wrath, this choice is yours. if you wanted to be her boyfriend then you can accept her heart easily but if you want to reject her, make sure you don't hurt her feelings. because that's not what cool guys do."

coolnest disappear elegantly like always and the childish one appear and also said he wanted a girlfriend who always fed him with food. "enough already! this is my body, so the one who make a choice is me!" i went to the downstairs to talk with mili but then in the stairs i met erina was slip off again in the stairs. i turned into the coolnest again and grab her hips and she blushes again. "my friend finally got a girlfriend, it makes me want to have one. do you wanna become my girlfriend?" Erina blushes more and she just nodded. it means that i'm dating her now then i kissed her hands and i left from here.

"what the fuck is that?! did you know that you make a disaster for me?!" the coolnest just laughing elegantly and said that i was jelaous because i wasn't cool not like him. i arrived and i opened the door and mili still wait here alone. i approaching her and i said that i want to be her boyfriend. she was so happy and she smiles at me. shit! it was wrathful that saying that to mili, why this happened to me?!

the bells ringing and it's time to go home. i run away again and i said to wrathful why he accepted her feelings, it just not like him who always mad and angry. "well.. uhmm.. it's not like i wanted to be her boyfriend too. it just happened to be." what the hell is this? wrathful becoming tsundere. i walked to the train station again and i stopped at the ice cream store. the reason is my path was blocked by a girl and it was a girl that i met too in this morning. "hey you! how dare you to having my indirect kiss." she means the ice cream before. i turned into a childish.

"ah you. what should i do know? you must take the responsibility."

she is confused why she is the one who taking the responsibility. the childish said because when she gave him the ice cream earlier, he couldn't stop thinking about it. she blushes and said no one can make her embarrassed like this then the childish asked the girl if she wanted to date with him. the girl shocked and he said that becoming a lovers can make a benefit like to treat ice cream each other. the girl was thinking it wasn't a bad idea and accepted it. she told me to come here again tomorrow morning and she left me.

i was waving at her as she left me and i was crying because i had a three girlfriends in one day even i doesn't know the name of the girl i just met.