
My 13th Reincarnation: The Gods Won't Let Me Die

After 1600 years and 12 reincarnations, Shawl is reincarnated and forced to save yet another world. When his new family is murdered by a horrifying beast, he's cast into the unfamiliar world as a fragile 14-year-old. Setting off with the expressionless Elizabeth, they aim to hunt down the world's most terrifying monsters. Wait, why are most of his memories missing? --- Since this story produces $0 in revenue, the promotional image is AI-generated. A human artist will be commissioned to illustrate a new cover, should the book ever produce income. The story itself was written without AI.

MadCreativity · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Vale leads me to a small box settled beneath the floating academy. I quickly discover that the box is a lift, as it instantly moves upwards in a straight line. Eventually, it settles on a platform with a walkway leading to the entrance of the large building. I can sense the large concentration of mana coming closer. Vale opens the door and we enter the academy.

I immediately discover the source of the powerful mana. It is coming from an elf that looks to be in his early 20s, though with rather soft features. The man has waist-length white hair, and is wearing a robe that makes him look like a pope. He is also looking directly at me, smiling inquisitively.

"Why, hello there," he says, feigning surprise.

Vale grins, "I should have known you'd sense us coming, Vol."

Unsurprisingly, the elf who greeted us is Vol, the teacher that Vale spoke so highly of. Off to a good start.

"Certainly, I couldn't help but sense that kid's mana the moment he appeared in the city."

Are you serious. "Kid?" Are all elves like this, or just these two?

"My name is Sebastian. Don't call me kid."

"Delightful to meet you, my boy."

My? Boy!? That's actually so much worse.

I sigh.

I guess I'll have to deal with this man's oddities if I want his help.

I ask Vale to wait for me while I talk to Vol in private, and he agrees. Vol leads me into a room, which appears to be his office, and seats himself in a chair. I sit down on a couch opposite him.

"So then, my boy, how can I aid you?"

Okay, how best to approach this? Flattery first, then info, then the request, and end with flattery. Got it.

"Your mana is truly extraordinary. It seems I was right to come here. I need your help."

Flattery done. Next is info.

"I was recently informed that my mana store is damaged. The person who told me is very knowledgeable, but may have reason to lie, so I'm looking for a second opinion."

Now the question.

"Are you at all able to tell how stable my mana store is and, if it is truly broken, do you know of any way to repair it?"

And then end with flattery.

"Vale says you're the best of the best. If you can't help me, I don't know who can. Please, is there anything you can do?"

Very good. Now all I can do is wait. Best not to pressure him.


He's being very silent, and barely moving. His breathing is steady and it looks like he's studying me very closely. He leans toward me slightly, letting out a sigh that smells like mint.

"I'm afraid it's much worse than your friend has lead you to believe. Your mana store isn't merely damaged; It has completely collapsed. I've never seen a mana store in a condition this bad in my life."

I look into his eyes. One of them is bright green and the other is closed tight. He must be using a spell to study my mana.

"Say, the amount of mana you have is very impressive, but..."


"There's something odd about it. It is as though many different forms of mana are spliced together. You are... a most intriguing person..."

It sounds like he's getting a view of the mana from across the different worlds. It's not all the same, but he must be pretty skilled if he can actually tell them apart. Best if I cut him off here.

"So," I begin loudly, snapping him out of his focus, "Can you repair my mana store?"

I already know the answer to this. As it happens, I *have* seen a collapsed mana store before. When I was Number 7, I met a great sage during his dying days. His mana store had collapsed months prior. Even among the greatest mages in that world, there was nobody who could repair it. Here will be no different. I couldn't even do it.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian. There's nothing I can do."

I knew it. The only good thing about this situation is that each body has a different mana store, so I'll be able to cast magic again when I reincarnate. Still, it'll be difficult for me to fight the demon lord like this. Good thing I have Elizabeth.

Before I go, I mention the odd monster spawns to Vol. He agrees that it's most likely due to my leaking mana pool. I guess Gaia didn't lie to me, after all. Under the guise of not wanting anybody to know about my collapsed mana store, I convince Vol not to to tell anybody about it, since it isn't actively hurting anybody yet.


"Well, kid?"

Leaving Vol alone in his office, I enter the great hall to find Vale waiting expectantly for me.

"No luck. Let's go."

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. I really thought he could help."

"Don't worry about it."

Vale and I take the lift back down and walk back through the city towards the gate.

Thinking about it, I guess this means Elizabeth was right. The odd monster spawns are all my fault. To be honest, I'm kind of impressed that she figured that out before me. Maybe she just cares more, or maybe I'm losing my touch. I suppose it could also be the result of the gods meddling with my memories for so long.

I'll have to remember to apologize to her when I get back. She is my friend, after all. And what sort of friend would I be if I couldn't admit when I was wrong.

Vale and I arrive at the gate to Sheere and he opens it for me.

"Oh, kid, I haven't seen my family in a bit, so I'll be staying here for a while. Don't worry, the guards will let you out of Sheere without me."

"Sure, no problem. Goodbye, Vale."

"Come home safely, Sebastian," he yells as the gate closes behind me. Those words sting more than I'd like to admit.

As I step through to Sheere village, I'm overwhelmed by the sounds of yells and running. There are elven guards sprinting around. For a second, I think they're there for me, but they head straight past me, towards the main gate. A well-built elf is yelling orders to several different groups of elven soldiers. What is going on?

I go up to who I assume to be the elf commander, the well-built one giving orders.

"What's happening? Where is everybody going?"

"Huh?" he asks with a more growly voice than I expected.

"Oh, did you just come through from Rosewood?"

I nod.

"It's best if you go back. It's not safe here right now."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"We just got a report that a greater monster appeared in Elsvaert."