
Mutated Evolution

The world has ended. Society has collapsed and now the world is full of danger. A deadly mutagen has infected the world and brought upon deadly and dangerous creatures. Zombies, mutants and disgusting creatures have appeared. MC is no pushover and hates gullible people who rush into danger with no plan. He detests the weak that don't have enough power to protect those they love. Why would they spend time cuddling when they should've been training to get stronger. MC doesn't do things for free and often has hidden agendas when doing things. NO HAREM, probably no romance as well (I'll see if I'm able to write a female character that I don't hate myself, if so expect romance I guess)

Cats_Nap · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


The group drove through the city avoiding even more mutated creatures. Flies that could spit acid that easily melted metal and huge compound eyes.. Birds that mutated larger bodies and were capable of picking up trucks, their metallic talons that could shred through flesh like butter. The zombies were easy prey to these creatures. It was good for the group as they didn't need to stop and fight the hordes in the way, but it also meant that they would be in more danger if those creatures spotted them when they were hiding.

"Just a bit more and we'll arrive at the police station"

The group sighed at those words. They had learnt how dangerous the world has become, if it weren't for Dean's senses they would most likely have been caught and died.

"Stop the car and hide"

How many times had they heard those words now? They were so used to hearing that, that their bodies immediately halted and breath went silent. They parked the car on the side of the road and hid themselves low.

"Do you know what it is this time"

Roxas whispered, Dean shook his head and signaled to stay quiet.

Further ahead, Dean could see a giant figure that was munching on a building. The figure was huge and looked like a stone metal giant. It's large body that stood nearly 5 meters was eating the building and cars that were near. With Dean's perception and full focus accessing the threat of the creature he was able to notice that its size slightly grew while eating.

'It's probably absorbing the materials and building its body'

He furrowed his brows at the monstrosity that it would become in the future. If this creature was left alone and continued to eat unperturbed it might become the size of a skyscraper.

'Though its not like it's my problem to stop it'

Dean had no thoughts of killing it. He did want to study it and try to learn how it's body had mutated to absorb those materials but it was too dangerous for little reward.

"Let's slowly reverse and find another way. The enemy ahead shouldn't detect us from here"

The group left and avoided the giant. It took them an extra hour to finally arrive at the police station.

Cautiously entering the building, the group held their weapons tight and moved in an organised way. Lucas had them learn how to move in an efficient and safe way, similar to how the military would enter a building. Lucas didn't know the exact way the military entered a building but he made logical deductions such as always having a view inside the room. Dean didn't say anything and let them practice their formations.

Harris was the first person to enter the building; his shield was capable of blocking attacks and his large build was less likely to fall from a surprise attack. Alice was the next as her small body could maneuver the best and attack behind Harris. Roxas, Sophia and Kim Hannah were tasked with clean up and would rush the room to attack and expand their area in the room. Lastly Lucas and Abigail would survey the room with their perception and check that no enemies were hiding.

"Phew, can't hyeong just tell us if someone was inside the building"

Roxas complained to the group. Alice pulled his ears and told him to not complain.

"We can't rely on oppa all the time, we need to practice doing this because it's the safest way to enter a building. Oppa and Abigail won't always be there to detect danger for us"

The group could only sigh at those words. They only needed to learn this because they were weak. If one of them had become a mutator or evolver there wouldn't be a need to practice these formations and could just overwhelm their opponents.

The group felt down thinking of their little strength. They entered the building and saw a note on the empty table.

Harris read the note aloud.

"To any that find this note and are alive, the military has set up a base in district 2. Military personnel are escorting and welcome any survivors to the base. Supplies and gear have been left in the storage room for survivor's protection. Please survive and best of luck"

The group were slightly shocked to know that the military was still operational. They had even managed to arrive here and leave supplies. District 2 was roughly 20km away from them. It was a newly built establishment which was supposed to be the next main shopping district for tourists and housing district. The place was huge and was equivalent to a capital city minus the population that hadn't managed to move there since it hadn't opened. Dean told them his thoughts.

"They should've arrived earlier since it would be too much of a problem for them to escort survivors and fight the mutated creatures. They wouldn't have put this much effort into coming here while fighting the mutated"

Kim Hannah asked a question

"Do you think that the base is safe? It shouldn't be able to be safe with the amount of mutated creatures we've seen right?"

"Who knows, if they're rescuing survivors they should have some mutators and evolvers in their ranks. They could have combat mutations which lets them move and rescue more survivors. There's also the fact that they have guns and other weapons that will let them easily kill zombies"

Lucas added some more.

"That place should be rather secure. I saw the design plans once and from what I remember the place was modeled in mind of terror attacks. It's safety is almost guaranteed if the military also fortified the place."

"I guess we should head there next"

Sophia said.

"Let's first go check the supplies and plan from there"

The group nodded and went to the storage room. Inside the room it was full with boxes of ammo and standard grade military grade weapons. Five M11 pistols, three M16 assault rifles and 2 M500 shotguns and a box of grenades.

"It's pretty decent for them to have left these, does anyone know how to use them?"

Dean asked.

The group shook their heads. None of them had fired a gun before and only saw them from movies. Dean also had never shot a gun before. He only knew a rough idea of what they were from movies and games as well.

"Sigh, I guess we can only practice and learn"

The group moved the supplies and distributed the weapons among themselves. Dean took a rifle, shotgun and some grenades, packing it in his bag.

"Oppa, why are you packing the things separately?"

Everyone stopped moving and listened to his words.

"I'm not going with you to the military base"

The group were surprised by his words. Lucas and Kim Hannah weren't surprised though. Dean had given tasks that were meant for him to leave with benefits. Kim Hannah had finished writing down the important things in her notebook and had given it to Dean. Lucas was helped by Dean who instructed him to teach the group formations and clean entries. They could notice that Dean was planning to move by himself and leave the group.

"Oppa, why are you leaving us"

"Dean, don't hold back and tell us why you're leaving"

Harris and Alice had an expression of disbelief at his words. They felt slightly betrayed at Dean's words and actions from before but it all led to him helping the group in some way. They had felt anger at him but his actions had kept them alive, which they couldn't reject.

"I wasn't planning to stay with you all anyway. My path of power isn't something that will let me stay with others and drag me down"

The group felt regret at his words. Once again reiterating that they were weak. Dean looked at Alice and continued.

"I'm sure you know what type of person I am. I never liked to stay with people, you and I can relate with that"

Alice was slightly teary at his words. She had finally found someone who she could talk to with no reserve and thought that she had made her first proper friend.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm only leaving now that you have a goal and the minimum strength to achieve that goal"

"Big brother, I'm coming with you"

Abigail ran and hugged Dean

"No, I'm going to face danger often and can't protect others."

He patted her head and gave her one of his favorite chocolates that he kept in his bag.

"Aunty Sophia will be sad if you leave"

Abigail looked at Sophia and stopped her tears from rolling down her face. She could feel the emotions of the group and clearly felt Sophia's worry for her.

"Don't worry, big brother will come back the strongest"


"Oppa will you leave now"

"No, I'm not really in a rush but I think it's best for you to leave and make your way to the military base soon. We can stay the night and go our separate way in the morning"

Alice left her brother and went to another room to start cooking a final feast. Everyone followed with a simple smile towards Dean, to help with setting up the eating area and to get the ingredients from the car. Harris stayed and talked with Dean. They met each other first and had a good bond with one another.

The group ate the delicious food with happy faces. They didn't want to have their moments with Dean to be sad and moody. They partied and talked about their lives and goals in the future.

Dean couldn't remember the last time that he had such a night. His life was spent in solitude after his parents death. He was cold hearted and had only thought of them as a necessary group to survive. But he couldn't deny that he hadn't grown close with them. They had slowly become friends. They slept happily.

Morning soon came and the group separated with final goodbyes and promises.

'And now it's back to when I can't stand other people'

Dean inwardly sighed at the long goodbyes that they were giving him.

He turned away and a faint smile spread across his mouth. This was going to be the last time that he would see them. In the future when they meet they would be far different and might not even have a good relationship anymore.

'Now I can move freely and do what I want'