

"Did you miss me, baby?" she asked as she bit her lower lip seductively. Doesn't this woman have a little bit of shame?

Xavier was already becoming uncomfortable. If only he could be like his brother right now...sigh

"Take me to the hotel, please," she said pouting and batting her long lashes.

Normally he would have rejected or ignored her but he had to cool off. He walked towards the elevator.

'Did he actually agree? Wow, this is new. My charm must be working' she thought as she flipped her blonde hair and ran after him.

He walked toward his car and gave a hand gesture toward his driver and he immediately understood.

The drive went smoothly except for the fact that the woman was using every chance possible to make body contact with him. The car halted abruptly because of the unexpected traffic and she dramatically landed on Xavier, placing her hands on his chest.

He clenched his jaw tightly that he felt his teeth would break. She felt the aura emanating from him the first time she hugged him earlier in the company, she ignored it but this one was feeling way too strong and she quickly withdrew her hand and composed herself, her hands were now on her bare thighs fiddling with the hem of her short gown due to nervousness.

She was relieved the moment the car started moving and they arrived at the hotel in no time


Irish Hills Hotel...

"This hotel is huge," Mia said as she walked inside. She had gone to many other hotels but this one was the biggest so far and she couldn't help but admire it.

Ivy came inside some few seconds later, the aura alone emanating from her made heads turn and they couldn't help but gape at this devilish-angelic beauty.

'Is she an angel? She's so beautiful.'

'No, she can't be an angel, she must be the devil. Her aura is suffocating'.

'Maybe she's a goddess'.

'This lady must be an angelic devil.'

So many thoughts were going through their minds. Usually, people would run to Mia to ask for pictures and take pictures without her permission or they'll ask for an autograph as a renowned actress. But this lady... they were frozen at their spots.

"OMG! Isn't that the president and CEO of the one and only Li corporation, Ivy Li?" a lady whispered to the man sitting beside her and he gasped in realization and used his two hands to cover his mouth with his eyes widened with shock.

The silence was immediately broken with inaudible murmurs as Mia led the way to the receptionist. The receptionist herself was frozen due to shock. No one made her feel like this except for... him.

Mia immediately snapped her fingers to get the attention of the receptionist who was lost in another world. She didn't know whether it was her beauty, her aura, the fact that she was the president and CEO of Li corporation, or all three factors that made her like this.

Mia couldn't get her attention so she immediately pinched the receptionist and she yelped with a loud "ouch" as she caressed the area in which she was pinched

"I'm sorry ma'am," she said as she quickly gave her a VIP card


Just as Xavier was about to enter the hotel, someone called him

"Brother! brother...!" he called out running after him and panting dramatically as if he had just run a four hundred meter race. Xavier could do nothing but roll his eyes inwardly. He knew that his brother used his car to follow him and he was just looking for attention.

"Brother, how could you leave me like that, I... oh, looks like you've got company". he said as he smirked looking at the woman standing beside his brother.

"Hey Lisa, long time no see looks like you're still leeching on my brother up till now. Oh no..." he said as he held his nose. "Looks like you haven't changed a bit. Your perfume... ah geez" he said as he dramatically sneezed making her roll her eyes at him.

"It's so strong. How do you expect to charm any man with it, talk less of my iceberg stonehearted brother" he said as Lisa's ear turned red from embarrassment.

"Change it please," he said as he put his hands together in a pleading manner.

"It's worst than a mosquito spray. Try using mild lavender or vanilla flavor, preferably vanilla. It's really good. Really".

Lisa opened her mouth but before a word could come out, Xander cut in. " I know, I know, 'It's too cheap, I can't stoop so low". He said in a somewhat feminine voice.

"But it's way better than this pest spray of yours" Xavier almost laughed at his brother's remark but he held it in.

"I can't believe that you're not dead by now, given the amount of pest spray you've applied".

"Watch your mouth, Xander!" Lisa warned with her index finger pointed towards him.

"Woah, Woah, Woah I'm so scared," he said as he held her finger and pulled it away from him.

A grin was plastered on Xavier's face but it was immediately gone and it was back to his stoic expression before anyone could notice.

"Let's go," Xavier said coldly and walked towards the entrance. Lisa ran after him as usual and held his hand shamelessly.

Xander just rolled his eyes and shook his head as he went after them.

The moment they entered, everyone went mute. This god, this masterpiece, he's here with that leech again

Some people were drooling, some were scared because of the chilly atmosphere.

As they approached the receptionist, the look on her face was as if she had just seen a ghost. First, it was that devilish goddess now it was the god himself, oh no... this must be a dream. But the actress from earlier had pinched her, so it's definitely not a dream. This is real.

"G-g-good day s-sir," she said but he just walked past her.

Hey lovelies, follow me on Instagram @Laurel Jeon. I'll be posting more stuff and scenes on the book

Lili_Jcreators' thoughts