
Don't you Dare

"If I wanted to, I can take everything and I mean everything from your brother with just the snap of my fingers," he said snapping his fingers to make an effect with his voice lowered dangerously.

"Now that I've seen my two children I feel content. It's a shame I can't meet my first son today," his voice was back to normal then he continued. "But whatever, there's always tomorrow and anything can happen 'tomorrow'", he said taking out the cigarette from his mouth and breathing out smoke from his mouth directly onto Xander's face.

Xander coughed profusely, he reached out for his inhaler in his pocket, brought it out, and took a few puffs, he had asthma.

Ava ran and patted him on the back and shot a deadly glare at the man who laughed like a psychotic maniac.

She caught sight of a jug of water on the center table and immediately ran toward it, pouring some water into the glass which she hurriedly gave to her brother, who gulped everything down in one go.

After a while, his cough died down, and he regained himself after a final clearing of his throat with a cough. His eyes were now bloodshot from the effect of the cough.

" So much for being a man, tsk," the man shook his head before he finally spoke again. "Now if you don't mind, I'll go and check up on my beloved wife.

"Don't you dare," Xander immediately blocked him before he could take another step further.

Shock flashed through the man's eyes for a split second before they turned back to their normal state before he spoke.

"Wow, protective, oh my. Now I'm starting to think if I'm her husband or you are," he said and threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

"Leave her alone," he said in an unusual chilly tone.

"Okay fine," the man rose his hands in defeat. "I will leave her," he smiled, "... for now," he added shortly

He left, going in the direction of the stairs and Xander ran to follow him to make sure he wasn't going to his mother's room.

Ava held him on the shoulder before he could take a step further. "It's okay, I'll stay with her tonight," she said and he nodded, giving her a slightly bitter smile which she in turn gave him a nod of assurance.

She climbed up the stairs and ran into her mom's room, locking the door behind her immediately to stop her dad from acting smart.

Xander had already gone up and looked blankly at his mother's closed door, when he made sure that they were both safe, he went to his room and slept off.



The light emanating from the yellow, golden sun shone brightly, creating a beautiful scenery across the morning sky.

Xavier, Xander, and Ava were ready for work sitting down at the marble, glass dining table.

The food was placed before them as they took their cutlery and started digging in.

There was silence hovering over the dining room which Xavier sensed as unusual most especially from Xander who was a chatterbox.

"What happened?" Xavier asked, not directing his question to anyone, in particular, eating his food nonchalantly as usual.


"I asked a question and it has to be answered."

"Dad came back yesterday," it was Ava who spoke.

Xavier paused in his tracks just as he was about to put food into his mouth. His eyes changed and a fleeting emotion flashed through them, but he blinked and it was back to normal as if it was just an illusion.

"And..." she hesitated before she spoke, but Xavier gave her a knowing look of 'don't you dare, speak up' and she gulped before speaking.

As if Xander knew what she was about to say, he shook his head frantically in a pleading manner along with a glare, but Ava knew that Xavier was way more dangerous and capable than her other brother so she gave in.

"Brother Yuhan had... had an asthma attack because of... him," she stuttered lowering her head in guilt and a look of betrayal flashed through Xander's eyes but it was gone before anyone could notice, not even Xavier whose thoughts were already clouded with anger could notice.

Ava gave Xander an apologetic look, and Xander shook his head with an 'it's okay, he was going to find out anyway sooner or later' look.

Xavier stood up abruptly which made the chair almost fall because of the impact, he was about to leave the dining room, and as if Xander knew what this brother of his was up to, he stood up and ran after him before he could take a step out of the dining room and held him by the arm.

Xavier wanted to glare at his brother, react or scare him away, but he could see the pleading look in his brother's eyes which refrained him from doing so.

"Don't worry about mom, I'll stay here with her. Don't do anything to him, please. That's what he wants you to do... to react. But don't give him that satisfaction. I know I have told you countless times that you're a stone-hearted iceberg, and I don't like it sometimes but can you be like that during his stay, please?" Xander said in a firm but polite tone.

Ava was completely shocked with her eyes wide like saucers and mouth hanging, if her mouth was any object it would have long been on the ground.

As for Xavier, shock flashed through his black eyes for a split second at his brother's remark, but it was back to normal as usual. When did this rascal become so mature and rational in thoughts?

Different questions of different sorts floated above his head, he didn't know when he agreed and sat back down in the dining and continued with his breakfast.

After a few minutes, he was done eating and stood up, giving the other two a knowing look before heading for the door for work