
Musician of illusions

A blind boy born into a cultivation world talented in music and illusions. He has a firm heart, a will to grow stronger, and a world to explore. Follow Jiang Mang on his journey to reach the peak and ascend to the immortal world. This is my first story and my native language isn't English. There will be language errors and if you find them just post a comment. When you like the story give it a power stone and give suggestions when you have them.

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89 Chs

Chapter 77

He returned to his cave in the afternoon as he was allowed to rest until tomorrow when he would start his new training regime. He informed his sisters about him breaking the record, while also mentioning to Xiao Liu that he had gained two thousand merits and would soon be able to buy him the illusion type beast king core so that he could breakthrough, which made him ecstatic.

He also explained to his sisters how the formation hall worked and what they would need to to learn level two formations as his master wouldn't teach them any level two formations after they mastered all the level one formations. Sister Chang and sister Bai realized what they had to do to continue learning formations but stayed determined to master the occupation as it could help them tremendously in the future.

The next day, Jiang Mang was heading towards his morning training with his master Jiu. Master Jiu was already waiting for him with a zither in front of him. He asked Jiang Mang to sit down before he started explaining what he would teach to Jiang Mang: " Xiao Mang, now that your basics have been perfected, I will start guiding you on the dao of sound and dao of illusions. You have already found a suitable path for your dao of music. I will not interfere with that path because the foundation of both the dao of sound and the dao of music are the same. "

He then paused his speech before continuing: " The dao of sound revolves around producing and controlling sounds. Those sounds can be used as weapons, to create illusions, to distract the hearing sense, to perform music, and many more things. Your dao of sound should specialize in two ways. The first way is being able to use sound as weapons, while the other is using sound to support your dao of illusions and dao of charm."

Master Jiu had finished his explanation of the dao of sound when he brought up the dao of illusions: " The dao of illusions are by most split up in two types. The first type is mental illusions that attack and trap the soul or the heart of a cultivator. The second type is physical illusions that disrupt all the senses of a cultivator and make them perceive the physical world differently. I, however, believe that an illusion can only be called an illusion if the two types are combined. Xiao Mang, although you specialize in illusions, you are quite bad at bringing your techniques to their full potential. Your Illusion eyes and Illusion song are techniques that specialize in mental illusions while your Illusion paradise is a combination of the two. Your usage of them hasn't scratched the corners of their potential. Your only redeeming point is that the illusions you create are ingenious enough to have allowed you to trap and kill opponents with them."

His master then looked at his disciple, who had turned a bit ashamed by the scolding. He sighed before starting his explanation of the training he would give Jiang Mang: "Your training will consist of three parts. The first is an attack technique qi song to allow you to master a way to use sound as a weapon. The second is to train your Illusion song technique to become a technique specialized in trapping people in a combination illusion. The third is to transform your Illusion paradise technique to become a technique that creates an illusion realm that is capable of attacking both the body and soul. Your Illusion eyes technique will be trained to create a mental illusion that directly attacks the soul. This type of technique is also called a soul attack technique and is extremely powerful when you unlock your divine sense and infuse it in those techniques."

They then started his training, but Jiang Mang would only focus on the first part during the first month. Jiang Mang was taught a qi song that was created by his master Jiu, which was called soundless killing. It consists of three mastery realms. The first realm is producing sound swords, the second realm is controlling sounds to become swords, and the last realm is all sounds kill. His master expected him to master the second realm within six months, while the third required the usage of divine sense and a domain. All the attacks of this technique were silent because they are disguised as normal sounds.

In the afternoon, he followed master Zhu with his sisters to start learning all the methods of charm cultivators. During this first month, she would teach the most common methods and during the other months, she would start teaching Jiang Mang specialized ways of using charm techniques that were all created by herself.

She started explaining the charm dao and its methods: "The charm dao is a dao that focuses on the body and soul. The body can be called a bow while the soul can be called the arrow. The body is the foundation of all your charm techniques, but it is ultimately the strength of your soul and your utilization of it that determines the power behind your charm techniques. Xiao Mang, in the past, you used your soul crudely to force your charm techniques, but that is the most wasteful and most ineffective method. I will first teach you three, the most common method to control your soul, and only when you have achieved mastery in it will I teach you three other things. This means for you two girls that if you want to learn more advanced methods from me that you only have a month.

The method they were taught allowed them to change the shape of their souls and nothing more. It was possible to change their souls that were in human form to become balls, squares, or even threads, but it required immense concentration to even change the shape of a finger.

His master had said that mastery in this method meant being able to change your soul to take the form of a beast. This beast soul form, when used in an attack would double the power of behind the soul.

At the end of the day, Jiang Mang was able to change his hands to have claws. The two girls, however, were only able to make their nails sharper.