


A Brother [Part-II]

12 Years ago

Youth Detention Centre


The chirping of birds engulfed the warm evening washing the scorching heat of the day. The orange glow flooded the blue sky pronouncing the farewell of a setting sun. Its last ray fell on the high walls of the juvenile before mingling in the mountains beyond the thick forest.

A 16-year-old Vikram stared at last beam of day and sighed when his eyes failed to look ahead of the 15 ft concrete walls. He chose a corner to settle down and marched towards a wooden bench. Thankfully there was a lamppost above the said furniture that will grant him the luxury of reading even at night. The warden doesn’t allow any child to play around after 9 and shuts all the lights except for these lampposts, he doesn’t have another choice but to sit here until exhaustion takes over him and finally retires to bed.