
Music Is Love!?

Ana’s hands quivered when the chair she sat on was pulled over and the man leaned closer, almost towering over her while she sat on the chair. ‘‘Ana, do you remember what I told you before leaving?’’ Yu Lin Shen smirked. He leaned even closer to her ear and asked sensually. How could she not remember what he told her? Those words were kept and treasured in her heart for so long. ‘‘Yu Lin Shen, behave yourself. We are in the office, anyone can walk in at any time.’’ Ana said, trying to act cool. ‘‘Don’t worry. I made sure everyone left and…’’ Yu Lin Shen bit her ear adding, '‘I locked the door so there won’t be anyone disturbing us.’’ Ana’s heart started beating faster when she heard those words. She didn’t dare to look Lin Shen in the eyes because she was afraid her own body would betray her. ‘‘I read your moments a day ago and you said you wanted a baby after visiting the children’s center. So… I came back immediately without a second thought. Tonight… let’s make that baby together, Ana.’’ Lin Shen touched Ana’s chin and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

Purplebride · Urban
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225 Chs

A jerk three times in a day 3

''You are not talking about me, right?'' A voice asked and Ana turned.

''You… were you following me?'' Ana stood up and walked towards Lin Shen with the cup of ice cube.

'Don't humor yourself. I am here to get a cup of coffee while on the way'' Lin Shen said and walked to the counter.

Jessy looked at Ana and walked over to the counter. She entered inside and spoke to Lin Shen, '''Mister, what do you want?''

'A cup of coffee, black with little sugar. Too much sugar can give one early wrinkles'' he said and turned to look at Ana.

''What? Are you referring to me?'' Ana asked as she glared at him.

''To whom it may concern. Do you take a lot of sugar?'' Lin Shen retorted back with a sarcastic grin.

''None of your business. Black coffee, no wonder your soul is so dark'' Ana muttered.

''What did you say?''

''Sir, your coffee'' Jessy said when she saw Lin Shen turning to face Ana. He looked at her and picked the coffee.

''The coffee is on her, for wasting my precious time. See you soon'' Lin Shen said and smirked.

''Hey! Why should I pay for your coffee? Jessy, if you don't take money from him, I am not paying for no one's darn cup of coffee'' Ana yelled.

''Okay, okay. Relax. The coffee is on me. Ana, sit down'' Jessy pushed Ana back on the chair.

''I am so angry''

''Calm down and talk to me. What was that about? Who is that man?''

''Prince of Xing City? I think he is the devil of Xing City. Let me tell you. This kind of man… you should run away from when you see them. Nothing good will come out of engaging with them. They are just going to drive you crazy'' Ana said and fetched a handful of ice cubes to chew.

''What happened between you and that man?''

''He is Yu Lin Shen, the younger brother of you know who'' Ana answered.

''Yu Shiao. He is the younger brother of Yu Shiao, that jerk?''

''Mm and he thinks I am the one who cancelled the engagement''

''Well… everyone in the city thinks you are the one who broke up with him first. That's why they call you the crazy fox on the internet''

Ana gave Jessy a stern look and she chuckled.

''That is what the internet is saying. I am not the one saying that. But I didn't know Yu Shiao had such a handsome younger brother. He is even handsome as compared to Yu Shiao''

''Hey! Whose side are you?''

''You, I am on your side. I am just appreciating a beauty''

''Forget it. I am stressed and I feel like I've grown ten years older after meeting that boy. This is the second time I am seeing him. I swear if I meet him again, then I am the jerk!''

Jessy stood up and went behind Ana. She placed her hands on her shoulders and started massaging her.

''Say, my empress. Your stepbrother was the one who contacted Yu bastard and asked him to make him brother come for the photoshoot. Now that you had a showdown with the Yu junior bastard. Do you think the Lee family will leave you alone?''

Ana sighed and said, ''aye, it's so hard been the black sheep of the family. I can't have enough of anything''

Work hard just to get half back'

Use to… work hard just to get half back'

Ana's phone started ringing. She had used Nicki Minaj's 'hardwhite' as her ringtone.

''Here it goes'' Ana muttered and removed the phone from her bag. She kept it on loudspeaker.

''Hey! You bitch, what did you do to Shen'er to make him angry? He doesn't want to do the photoshoot again. I don't care what you are doing or where you are. Come home immediately. Dad wants to see you'' Andrew yelled into the phone.

''It's late, I will come home tomorrow''


The line went silent for a few seconds before Ana heard her father's voice.

''Ana, come home right now and explain the situation to me clearly'' Lee Guhan said over the phone.

''Yes, father'' Ana replied and hung up.

''It seems you are going to be hearing from not just your father but the witch too''

''If you can't avoid the rain…''

''Then, you get soaked in it'' Jessy ended the statement.

Ana stood up and picked her bag and turned to Jessy. ''I might come home late. Don't wait up for me''


''And, close early. Don't invite perverts by staying up late''

''Alright, my empress. Good luck''

''Thanks, I need it'' Ana smiled and walked out of the café.


Lee Family Manor.

''Dad, I am telling you. She did it on purpose. Ana sabotaged the photoshoot today as a rebellion to you accepting my idea. She is so self-centered and don't mind putting the company at risk. Look at the consequences. If we are not able to convince Shen'er to take up the photoshoot again, we are going to lose a lot of money''

''Stop talking already, Andrew. My head is aching''

''Darling, I told you long ago not to allow this girl work in the company but you didn't listen to me. She knows that she is just working for us so she wants to sabotage us. She is so shameless. She should be grateful to this family. What kind of troubles hasn't she brought us but we still took care of her, gave her good education. She should pay us by working and she is destroying the plans of the company. That shrewd girl is just like her mother. Like mother, like daughter''

''Hump, I said it. The first time I saw her, I knew she wasn't going to bring anything good to our family. She is just bad luck and a stain in our family'' Lee Shanshan, the youngest daughter of Gloria and Guhan spoke as she walked to the hall, filing her nails.

The door suddenly opened and Ana stepped in. She closed the door and looked at them.

''Father, aunt'' Ana said as she looked at them.