
Mushoku Tensei Rudeus ff

A guy reincarnated into Rudeus Greyrat's body after dying in the almighty hands of truck-kun

1_Am_Nyan99 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Super Borg

I was now seven years old.

Nothing changed much on my daily routine. Except that I'm now a big brother of the two little sisters.

What can I say?

It's actually fun seeing Dad and Mom having a shared nervous breakdown. Maybe I'm secretly a sadist?

Anyway only my step mother Lilia kept her calm and she swiftly took care of her like a cool maid. As expected of a former Imperial Maid, she's super capable.

Lilia: "This is the right thing, this is actually definitely raising children! It was too easy with Young Master Rudeus! You can't call that raising a child!"

Rudeus: "Oh come one Lilia-san~ You don't have to flatter me like that! Anyway can I also help?"

I said while grinning slightly.

I'm very experienced on taking care of little sisters. I vaguely remember changing diapers, feeding, and bathing my little sister in the past when she's still a baby.

I also helped with laundry and cleaning. It's pretty easy with using Water Magic and Earth Magic. I also use Fire Magic to boil water. It's actually pretty handy, Magic that is.


Let's talk about Dad, Paul Greyrat.

He was good with a sword. These were his skills:

Sword God Style: Advanced.

Water God Style: Advanced.

North God Style: Advanced.

Yeah. Advanced in all three schools. To put that into perspective, they said that it took a talented individual a good ten years of dedication to reach the Advanced level in a given school.

He might have his flaws as a human being, but without a doubt he's strong.

I had seen Dad do battle with monsters before.

Dad: "Hey Rudy, want to come with me? Seeing a real battle would be a good experience."

And I'll be honest, here: It was pretty damn amazing. My eyes were literally sparkling seeing Dad fight.

He was up against four monsters. Three of them were what we called Assault Dogs, canine monsters that moved about like trained Dobermanns. The fourth was a bipedal, four-armed porcine monstrosity known as a Terminator Boar. The boar had emerged from within the forest with the three dogs in formation behind him.

Dad handled them with ease, beheading the lot of them in a single stroke.

I'll say it again: It was pretty damn amazing.

His fighting style had a certain beauty to it—a mysterious rhythm that made your heart race, yet put you at ease while watching.

I had no good way to explain it, but if I had to boil it down to one word, I'd say it was charisma.

Dad's fighting style had charisma. It earned absolute trust from the men in his command, won Zenith's heart and Lilia's lust, and even stoked the passions of young women in the village. He was the most desirable guy in the whole entire village.

Actually I'm already having second thought if I could still switch job classes this late in the game. But I snapped out of it and think about the gruelling amount of effort I put into training my Magic.

At the last minute apparently there was an Assault Dog who managed to sneak through Dad.

Dad: "Rudy!"

Dad was facing with the Terminator Boar, he killed it out of desperation to save me. But in the end he was a split second late.

The Assault Dog came at me baring it's fangs coming to bite me.

It crashed mid air as a light barrier appeared surrounding me, my defensive spell Borg.

Without so much as effort, I simply shaped my Passive Shield Borg into a head of a Dragon and crushed the monster under it's jaws.

I healed the injured guards that came first to intercept and buy time before we came. Sylphy's Dad was among them.

Dad: "Rudy, what did you just do earlier?"

Rudeus: "Oh that? It's my original Magic I created!"

Actually this Magic was inspired by Aladdin's mother Sheba in the Magi series. By turning the defensive magic spell into an offensive magic spell at the same time.

With the complete lack of Magic Grimoires, I could only master my originally created Magics and create variations of the spell.

And I basically recreated a very formidable battle-oriented magic. It's also very flexible and it's effectiveness are off the charts when I use it at its full potential.

If I master this Magic, it's possible I could be at Solomon's level. Or even Aladdin's post-timeskip level.

Well that's all delusions. I don't really have a cheat called [Solomon's Wisdom].

This kind of Magic used in full potential is actually too dangerous and needed certain conditions to be met.

First, the user should have mastered Chantless Magic in different schools of Magic.

Second, the user should have vast amount of Mana.

Third, the user should have the basic grasp of scientific knowledge. At least a middle school graduate level.

Anyone attempting this kind of Magic half-heartedly could risk dying from Mana Exhaustion.

Wait if they just do something in a smaller scale, wouldn't that be fine?

...I have to research this. Sylphy could handle it, as long as I'm there watching over her.

Dad: "Hey Rudy! What are you mumbling for? We're going!"

Rudeus: "Ah! Wait for me Dad!"


Rudeus: "Noooooooorrnnn-chaaaaaaaan~ Aishaaaaaaa-chaaaaaaaaaan~ Onii-chan is baaaaaaack!"

I shouted loudly as soon as my little sisters entered my sight.

Anyway I'm done training for the day.

Isn't it fine to stop training altogether and spend my days doting on my little sisters?

What will practicing swordsmanship and researching Magic will do good for me? Will that make my little sisters love me more?

Alright it's decided...

I'm using Mana to recreate particles of light. When I do this their eyes will stare at it curiously. And they look so goddamn cute!

Rudeus: "Uwahh~ Their cheeks are so soft! Seriously, though. You are just too cute, Norn-chan, Aisha-chan. I could just eat you up!"

I snuggled at them.

Rudeus: "If you're going to grow up, you're going to marry Onii-chan right?"

When I'm playing at them, I could see in my peripheral vision that Mom and Lilia giggling.

Dad on the other hand doesn't look too pleased. He also want to dote on them I guess.

No way! I'm not gonna let any man near my little sisters! Not even you Dad! If they have the guts, then they'll have to pass through me first!

Dad: "Hey Rudy! Sylphy is here!"

What? How dare you interrupt my bonding time with my little sisters?

Dad: "What's wrong?"

You just want them for yourselves don't you?

Rudeus: "Hmph!"

Anyway I left and met Sylphy outside.


On top of the playground. I used the Magic Borg at its simplest form.

Sylphy: "What's that?"

Rudeus: "A Magic that I made. I'm planning on teaching you this Sylphy."

Borg. It is a defensive Magic Spell. It uses Manato cover the user's surroundings to block out attacks with evil intentions. It also blocks out most physical attacks and magical attacks to some degree. Its strength, however, depends on the person.

The most basic out of all the variations I made out there.

For example in Dragonball, Super Saiyan 1 is the most basic transformation. But Super Saiyan 2 and 3 are just different variations of Super Saiyan 1.

Rudeus: "Spread out some Mana from your body and create a force field on a certain radius. Maintain it first by 5 minutes without exhausting your Mana. Understand recruit Sylphiette?!!"

Sylphy: "Y-Yes.! Coach!"

Rudeus: "I can't hear you!"

Sylphy: "Yes Coach!!"

Good. Your enthusiasm and determination will reach you to a greater height.

It was a lifesaving Magic Spell. Different from traditional Magic.

And so that's how I started teaching Sylphy my own specialty of Magic.

The process of learning it though is very hard unless you had a firm grasp of the feeling of creating a forcefield.

It's like how Saiyans from Universe 6 only needed to get the tingling feeling at your back, instead of pure rage and anger.

Though if you ask me, I'm being a cruel teaching this high level magic spell. But spells like this that requires magnificent control and precision, will be needed to train when they're still young.

I'm training Sylphy to be the Ultimate Mage Soldier.

Is this what they call grooming? Dunno, and don't care.

A beautiful elf that possessed incredible Magic Skills, with a unique magic that only she can use. She's despised because of her taboo colored green hair.

She could be a great protagonist material, or even a heroine material on an adventure genre novel. And with that story I'm going to be her master that treated her as a normal person. She made some comrades, and finally at the end of the story they have to fight the main antagonist. And that just so happens to be me, her master that taught her all that Magic. And after that she would beat me with the power of friendship.

Actually I read some fantasy storybooks in our library, and clichéd storys like this was considered to be masterpieces.

Maybe I should aim to be an Author instead to be an Overpowered Mage instead? I could make tons of money with innovative story ideas back in my previous world!

Sylphy: "Rudy..."


My mind had gone wild there.

Rudeus: "What are you slacking off at? Did I say you could rest?"

Sylphy: "But Rudy! I already spent half of my Mana. And I have no idea how to create this 'forcefield' thingy."

Oh? Did I not?

How clumsy of me!

Just telling her to create a sphere shaped forcefield around her in the first try should be impossible.

Anyway I continued teaching Sylphy the feeling and the flow of Mana on creating a forcefield first.