
Chat with Nanahoshi

"What way is this to introduce yourself to someone?" Nanahoshi muttered as she approached us.

"Y-you! You were there that day, with Orsted!!" Rudeus stammered in fear.

"I rather saved your life" Nanahoshi replied.

"...where is Orsted?" Rudeus muttered.

"I don't know, he's a busy man" she replied unimportantly and then looked at me.

"And who are you?" She asked.

Well...let's see what it was like?...

"Watashiwa Gino" I muttered blushing in embarrassment.

Nanahoshi immediately looked at me and quickly took off her mask.

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"You're also a summoned one?!" She asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm reincarnated just like Rudeus," I said looking at the guy

Nanahoshi looked at him in surprise and Rudeus nodded in fear.

"I see...I see!" she replied with a smile. She quickly began to write something on a piece of paper and passed it to me.

On the paper were written words in Kanji that I obviously didn't understand.

"Which of those two are you?" Nanahoshi asked expectantly.

"I'm not any of them, unfortunately, I'm not Japanese, I was Mexican" I replied

Nanahoshi's smile faltered a little but she shook her head as she looked at me.

"And you? Are you also Japanese?" Nanahoshi asked Rudeus while giving him the paper.

"Yes I am...but I'm not any of them either" he muttered.

"I see...but how did you know I was also from another world?" She asked.

"That's why we're here. We need help from the Dragon God Orsted, and you're the only one who can contact him," I explained.

"You didn't answer my question" Nanahoshi replied frowning.

"Okay, let me explain" I replied and so I explained the whole story to Nanahoshi.

"Hmm, I see, he did indeed mention a few times about his war against that Hitogami guy," Nanahoshi muttered while scratching her chin.

"Yes, and that is why we would like to know if you have any way to contact him, we have already made enemies with Hitogami" I declared

"..." Nanahoshi remained silent for a few moments.

"And what do I get in return? You don't expect me to do this as an act of good faith for my fellow worldly companions, do you?" She said crossing her arms.

"What do you want?" Rudeus asked.

Nanahoshi looked at him with a raised eyebrow for a few moments and spoke again.

"I hate this world, I want to return to mine, one of you two must help me do it" she replied.

"And how can we do that?" Rudeus asked.

"Help me with the tests of these magic circles, I assume that since you are both reincarnated, you two must have mana right?" Nanahoshi asked and we both nodded.

"And who of you two has the biggest reserves?" She asked.

"Hey, well...many have told me that I have the largest mana pool in the world," Rudeus replied nervously.

"hmm I see, in that case, you will help me with my experiments in exchange for me contacting Orsted" she replied.

"Thank you very much Miss Nanahoshi" I replied with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just want to go back to my world" she replied bored.

I just smiled and we left.


"And now what?" Rudeus asked.

Now we had left the tower, he and Nanahoshi had agreed to do the experiments together.

So Nanahoshi called Orsted and furthermore, Nanahoshi said that when she returned to her world she would leave her investigation to Rudeus, which convinced him.

"Just wait, when did he say time?..." I muttered.

"A month..." Rudeus replied nervously.

"What's wrong? Are you scared to see Orsted?" I asked.

"You don't know what that guy is capable of..." Rudeus muttered looking into my eyes with fear.

"That's why I'm calling him first place, only he has the power to challenge Hitogami" he replied with a smile.

"I see..." Rudeus muttered and the conversation ended there.

It would be another month before Orsted returned, so I would stay in Sharia to wait for all that time.

Since I had nothing else to do, I returned to the inn where everyone was.

When I arrived, I saw that Talhand and Cierra were packing suitcases.

"It's time for us to leave," Talhand said with disinterest.

And yes, it's been a full week since we returned to Sharia, and that gave Paul's group enough time to plan their new goals.

Vierra and Shierra would go to Asura with Talhand to sell their magical items that they collected in the labyrinth.

Elinalise explicitly said that she would return to live as an adventurer but promised to visit again from time to time.

Paul and his family would stay in Sharia obviously.

I said that I would stay another month in Sharia with Roxy to get to know the city well.

And then there was Gesse...the bastard wanted to be the first to leave but Paul stopped him so the whole group could have a farewell party.

I was invited obviously, there Paul vented saying that he was indebted to us and that he would always be grateful for our help.

A touching moment...

The first to leave was Gesee...with the excuse that he had agreed to leave with a caravan to the northern territories.

Obviously, everyone believed him except me, so I followed him to the outskirts of the city.

I walked for about ten minutes, always about fifty meters away from the monkey.

The guy looked nervous and walked quickly through the streets of the city until we reached the city walls.

There I started walking faster until I caught up with him.

"gah?!, what the fuck?!" Gesse shouted startled upon seeing me.

"Gino.. w-what are you doing here?" he asked nervously.

"Where were you going in such a hurry monkey?" I asked putting a hand on the hilt of my sword.

Gesse shuddered in fear as he took a step back.

"w-well... I, I was going to..."

"Don't tell me, you were heading to the sacred land of the sword to persuade Gull Farion right?" I said with a mocking smile.

Gesse remained silent as he looked away.

"I see..." I muttered and the next moment I unsheathed my sword at lightning speed, Gesse's head flew off and his corpse fell with a thud.

"It's better to kill the bastard now before he becomes a nuisance..." I muttered to myself.

I spent around twenty minutes burning his body and left no trace of him.

Hitogami's greatest henchman has been eliminated but there are still too many left...

After that, I returned to the inn and had dinner as if nothing had happened.


A whole month passed, and Paul settled into a medium-sized house with his family while Rudeus remained in his dormitories at the university, for my part stayed renting in the same inn with Roxy, I told her that we would still be here a little longer, because I had many pending matters with the people here and then we would return to the sacred land of the sword.

That matter is obviously that I need to talk to Orsted, I can't lie if I say that I'm not nervous, it's obvious! It's that damn Orsted!!.

But Rudeus is not having it better than me, the guy seemed genuinely terrified of Orsted, but it's not something that can be avoided, the guy will continue to be a chicken until he has his character development hehe.

But everything changed exactly thirty days.

It happened right at seven in the morning after I finished breakfast with Roxy, Rudeus arrived and he was visibly nervous.

"Rudy? What's wrong?" Roxy asked bewildered

"Hello, master...I need to talk to Gino" he murmured.

Roxy arched an eyebrow at this and then looked at me.

"It doesn't matter dear, I'll be back soon," I said.

She nodded and kissed me goodbye.

So I went out to the street with Rudeus, and we walked through the streets until we reached the magic university of Sharia.

So we went up again to the tower where Nanahoshi was staying, and this would be the second time I would talk to her.

After knocking on the door three times I opened it and there was Nanahoshi having breakfast.

"Hmm? They arrived early" she murmured.

"I get up early," I said and Rudeus remained silent.

"Is it close yet?" I asked.

"Yes, it's close to the abandoned village in the forest to the east," she said.

"Very well, thank you very much, I promise to reward you for this later," I said with a bow.

"It doesn't matter, Rudeus has been helping me a lot these days, so that's enough" she muttered. To guide Orsted to us, Nanahoshi gave me a ring which is actually a magic item that serves as a sort of locator.

So after explaining the situation to Roxy, me and Rudeus headed to a nearby forest, it wasn't as far as the forest where the teleportation ruins were, but it was still a couple of hours away from the city.


To the east of Sharia City, there was a small abandoned village that had been swallowed by the forest.

About forty years ago, a magical catastrophe had caused the local forest to rapidly expand, the village had been quickly overrun, forcing its inhabitants to relocate, in the intervening decades, the only inhabitants of this place had been the monsters that roamed the forest, and the occasional adventurers who came to marry them.

But on that day, however, a man was heading to that village, a man with silver hair and golden eyes who wore a white leather coat.

The man observed his surroundings carefully as he approached his destination.

He was not riding a horse or carriage, he simply walked, passing through the forest calmly, sometimes his sharp and intense eyes glancing at a compass-like object he carried in his left hand.

No monster dared attack him, many bright eyes watched him from the depths of the forest, but when he came closer, even the fiercest creatures fled like frightened squirrels.

"...is this it?" he muttered

As he reached the outskirts of the abandoned village his compass was pointing towards, the man stopped and studied it in silence for a moment.

"Why would he call me to a place like this?..."

Slowly, cautiously, he set foot in the ruined village, its streets were overgrown with weeds.

Soon, the man stopped once more, he had reached the center of the village, where a well was presumably located.

The man had two men in front of him, one had a look of uncertainty and the other trembled like a frightened lamb.

Orsted recognized them both immediately, they were Rudeus Greyrat and Gino Britzs

Why?, was the first thing that crossed the Dragon God's mind.

Why were these specific individuals here? Gino Britzs was never supposed to have any interest in going out into the outside world, and although he couldn't say anything about Rudeus Greyrat, he still had no answers for what was happening, so he instinctively stood on guard.

The Dragon God advanced with a firm step before these two individuals, Rudeus Greyrat trembled with fear, a reaction to which he was already accustomed, but what confused him the most was that Gino Britzs looked him directly in the eyes, it was not a simple show of bravery, he looked cautious, but from his behavior and his gaze he looked more expectant than anything else, this only confused him even more.

Suddenly Gino Britzs approached him with a firm step, Orsted took a step back while going from a calm position to a combat position to an attack position, staring at Gino.

The boy stopped dead and put his hand on his waist.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Dragon God! We just came here to talk!" Gino said.

Orsted couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this, what would he want to talk to him about?

Suddenly Gino Britzs began to unbuckle something on his waist and the belt holding his sword was untied and thrown aside.

"See? I come in peace, I'm unarmed," he said with a smile that only confused Orsted more but he followed suit and relaxed his posture.

"Don't be angry but I came to talk to you about a sensitive subject..." Gino Britzs said with an awkward smile.

"What is it?" Orsted muttered.

"I want us to form an alliance, an alliance to defeat that bastard Hitogami!!" Gino Britzs said and Orsted's brow furrowed instinctively.

The mere mention of Hitogami was already something to be alarmed about.


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