
Mushoku Tensei full version

Its the WN Currently, volume upload : 24/24 After anime : chapter 140 (last update : 30/06/2024) Its finish !!! For information, its not my book ! Support a author : Rifujin na Magonote thanks for original post and check a site for specials chapters : novelfree.ml its the WebNovel, buy the Light Novel for more chapters and illustrations.

TadomiKa_Ari · Fantasy
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277 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 4

Another half a year has passed by again.

Recently Eris, who had turned a little meek, has started to get violent again.

Why, why, who's the one that caused this mess?

Even though I feel a little flustered, I notice something.

There are no holiday breaks.

After the evening meal, I call Ghyslaine and the etiquette teacher into my room.

To add on, the etiquette teacher isn't staying inside the mansion, and she comes from her own house from the city to work.

So I had the butler notify her.

"First of all, I'm pleased to meet you, my name is Rudeus Greyrat."

"My name is Edona Leilon, I'm in charge of teaching Eris-sama etiquette."

I place my hand to my chest and casually introduce myself, but Edona returns with a proper greeting.

As expected of an etiquette teacher.

Edona is a middle-aged female and one can see the fine lines on her face.

She has a plump face, with a gentle smile that matches her warm image.

"I'm Ghyslaine."

Ghyslaine is the same as usual with muscles. I point to the chairs to suggest that they be seated. After the two of them sit down, I pour the drinks that the butler had prepared before hand, and go into the topic.

"Today I looked for the two of you for one reason, to discuss the schedule for Eris-sama's lessons."


"Yes, right now she is, training the sword in the morning, has free time in the afternoon, learns etiquette in the evening, it is something like this right?"

"As you say."

Eris subjects have Language, Calculation, Magic, History, Sword Training, Etiquette, 6 subjects in total.

Using modern terms, it's national language, math, Physical education and moral education.

Even though there's no clock, lessons don't continue to progress for hours and hours. Usually lessons are split into three sessions, with breakfast, lunch and tea time as the indicators for breaks.

After breakfast > Lesson > After lunch > Lesson > After tea time > lessons > After dinner > Free time.

There is no hired History teacher, when Philip is free he will come to teach her.

"Because I'm here, even the time during evening can be used, and we have completely made use of the entire day."

"Indeed, the Ojou-sama's lessons have been progressing smoothly, and the Old master is also very concerned."

Isn't that right.

"It is true that the lessons have been progressing well, but there's a problem."


"Yes, learning everything day after day, has caused Ojou-sama to accumulate a lot of stress."

Eris is always in an irritated mood during the lessons in the Math class, after facing some questions that are slightly difficult, she will rush at me.

That's too dangerous.

I don't know when I will be mounted on.

That's too dangerous.

"Even though everything is normal right now, she might lose it in the future, and run away from the lessons or something."


Edona covers her mouth with her hands, nodding earnestly in agreement.

I have never seen etiquette lessons before, but Eris should be paying attention in class.

I heard that Edona is Eris's nursing mother, but I don't know why Eris likes her.

"So I'm proposing that we pick a day and not teach anything every 7 days."

To further add on, there's a calendar in this world, and there are also months and days, but there's no concept of 1 week.

A year has several days that are deemed as rest days, but Sunday doesn't exist.

I use 7 as the number because it's easy to remember, although I don't know why it's so special in this world.

It's seen as a lucky number, and there are 7 ranks in the sword techniques too.

"And the rest of the 6 days, we can proceed with Language, Calculation, Magic, History, Sword Training, Etiquette with 6 subjects."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Please go ahead, Edona-san."

"If you distribute it like that, the lessons for Etiquette will only become 3 times, the wages..."

You're actually thinking about money! But I don't want to blame Edona, since I'm also working for the money.

Edona is concerned about the part where "Will the wages be cut since the lessons are lesser?".

I have discussed this with Philips earlier, and there's no problem.

Furthermore the wages are paid monthly, even if there's a class missed, the wages are still given.

Of course, if there's not even a single class taught, there will be probably be someone being fired the next month.

You don't really need to say it out loud right?

The people who don't understand the world should be sacked earlier.

"Of course things wouldn't be distributed like that, Language and Math only need to be taught twice a week. However there's no meaning if you don't train in the sword everyday, even though magic lessons need to be learned everyday But there's a limit in using mana, so you don't need too long to train it, so I plan to spend the extra time for Language and Math classes."

Even though this was planned out, it starts out like this.

"Today I use the waterball X times, the water fell down Y times. Then how many times can I still use the waterball" -- A question like that.

A question based on the number of times Eris and Ghyslaine used.

Compared to staring at the numbers in the room, I am using more of the practical stuff, since it's something that is related to them.

Since you can't see the number of times you used mana, the right answer is that it is difficult to answer it with certainty.

Well, the more mental calculation you used, the more you will get used to it, making the brain is the goal.

The lesson for voiceless incantations and science is also planned to start in the near future.

But I need to wait for her to grasp Language and Math first.

"I'm a little sorry to Edona-san, the etiquette lessons have to be cut to 3 to 4 times a month."

"I understand."

Edona nods readily to agree.

And thus, 1 day has 3 lessons, 6 days 18 lessons. The distribution for Etiquette is 5 lessons, Sword Training 6 lessons, Language 2 lessons, Math 2 lessons, and Magic 3 lessons.

I feel there's not enough time for the lessons, but since the lessons are mostly about repetitive training, I'll think about it later.

"If there are situations when you are unable to teach, please inform me."

"Can you explain in detail?"

"I'm always at the mansion, once I'm free I'll do classes, so if you want to go on a long leave that's also okay."

"I understand."

Edona keeps smiling, I don't know if she really understands.

"Furthermore, I want to have a meeting every month on the first day."

"And why is that?"

"If we teachers can coordinate better, we will be able to handle things once there are things that have gone awry. That's what I think. Even though there's no real need to, but this is to raise effectiveness, just in case. Is that not possible?"

"No, I didn't mean that."

"Rudeus-sama is actually so small, but you're very considerate of Eris-sama's well being."

I kept feeling that she's finding me funny in her eyes. Oh, whatever.

With that, I get a break.

Part 2

After 1 week, we come to our first rest day, and Ojou-sama sits uneasily, fidgeting.

It's the first time that she's free the whole day.

After I greet Philip, I decide to go to the city to have a walk, and I didn't know when Eris and Ghyslaine are at the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Roa's city 'Let's sight see~'."

Hey! I did that in a pose like that.

"Let's sight see... That means you're going to the city alone?"

"Do you see anyone else?"

"You're too mean, I have never gone out alone before."

Eris stomps on the floor angrily.

"If it's Ojou-sama alone you will get kidnapped by someone right?"

"Didn't you get kidnapped too!"

Ah, it's something like that, I got kidnapped, too.

But I'm also a member of the Greyrat's family, perhaps I can be ransomed for money.


"If I'm kidnapped, I can escape on my own."

I smile as I say that, and see Eris raise her fist.

I quickly take a pose to defend myself, but the punch didn't seem to come.

This is rare.

"Take me too!"

Oh, so it's something like that. Up till then the punch has always come first before talking, Ojou-sama has grown up.

Of course I didn't have any reasons to refuse, compared to moving alone, two people are safer together.

"Then, let's move out now?"

"Is it really okay?"

"Ghyslaine will be coming along right?"

"Yes, my duty is to protect Ojou-sama."

Right at the meeting, Ghyslaine doesn't understand the idea of a rest day at all.

Therefore, it's better to let her stick closely to Eris.

She's originally hired to be a guard, that's something to be expected.

"Wait a while for me, I'll go prepare, Alphonse! Alphonse!"

I look at Eris running wildly in the mansion, her piercing yells are like before.


I turn my head around as I hear Ghyslaine call me, she's standing right beside me.

I look up, and she's nearly 2 meters tall, I think even when I grow up I can only look up at her.

"Don't be overconfident in yourself."

I am given a warning.

Was it because I said I am able to return on my own?

"I know, I just wanted to make Ojou-sama more hardworking."

"I see, then if there's anything just call me out, I'll save you."

"Hmm, at that time, I'll release another huge firework."

I think back to the kidnapping incident.

"Ghyslaine, have you told Ojou-sama something like that?"

"Hmm? Tell her what?"

"You should add on, that she can only scream at places where she can be heard."

"I got the message, but what is it for?"

"During the previous kidnapping, Ojou-sama's yells nearly got her killed."

"... If I'm able to hear them, I would have gone over."

But, she was really absurdly quick during that time, if it's Ghyslaine she will make it in time no matter where she is, and her ears are very good.

Furthermore, Eris's call for help is not Philip and Sauros, but Ghyslaine.

This woman is really reliable.

"You need to inform her that under certain circumstances she cannot call for help."

Just as I finish talking, Eris is back. Are these clothes for going out, I have never seen them before.

I praise her clothes, and I get a punch in the head.

What did I do wrong?

Part 3

The city Roa in the Fedoa territory is the biggest here, but even though it's the biggest, compared to the entire wheat fields in the village Buina, it's much smaller.

You only need to spend 2 hours to walk one full round around the city's walls.

But this is a walled city, and the 7-8 meters tall walls surround the entire city.

But it's not a perfect circle, due to the ground's shape, and I can't confirm the exact length.

It's probably around 30 kilometers.

It completely doesn't feel big, and cities that are surrounded like this should be very few. Even though I have never been to any other walled cities, I am very clear that it's not an easy task to create a wall this big.

If there's a magic to create walls like this, it will certainly be king ranked or emperor ranked.

Or is this built by hand from scratch?

As I think about it I leave the noble's gathering area, and arrive at the wide space where many people are passing through.

This stretch is the area for the merchants, because it's very close to the nobles' territory, there are many beautiful shops.

But I can see some rare open field merchants.

I peek a few looks at the expensive merchandise that is lined up.

"Welcome young master, young lady, please take your time and peek."

I enjoy the RPG-like item shop's Ossan's words, and look at the merchandise.

I record the goods down onto a piece of paper, and truthfully, it's all strange products.

The aphrodisiac is 10 gold pieces, record, record.

"What are you writing, I can't understand it at all!"

Eris screams in my ear, on that day that ear nearly went deaf.

I look down, and realize that I have subconsciously written in Japanese.

"I just want to write down a little, it's enough for me to understand it."

"Just tell me what you're writing."

Ojou-sama's really peremptory, but I don't have any reasons not to tell her.

"That's the name of the merchant goods and prices."

"Why are you investigating that?"

"Investigating that is the basics of the net game."

"Net... what is that?"

I think even if tell her she will not understand, and I just turn to another topic and point towards a product; a small accessory.

"Look, you see this? That stall is selling for 5 gold coins, you can buy it here for 4 gold coins and 5 silver coins."

"Ohhh, young master, you have good eyes, the things that I'm selling is cheap right?"

I ignore the Ossan and turn towards Eris.

"Eris if you haggle the prices here to 3 gold coins, and then sell at the other stall for 4 gold coins, how much can you earn?]

"Hmm, let me think, 5-3+4, 6 gold coins!"

Oh my god, what are you counting.

"No, wrong, the right answer is 1 gold coin."

"I, I got it already!"

Eris pouts to one side.

"Do you really understand it?"

"We originally have 10 gold coins, isn't this 11 gold coins now."

Woah, you finally got it. Wait, isn't this addition?

Well never mind, I'll praise her in any case.

Her pride is really strong, she will only improve if she gets praised.

"Woah, you got it right, wow, Eris's really smart."

"Hmph, of course."

"Erm, young master, that's called resale, it's not something to be praised, you can't do that."

"Don't worry, I won't do it. If I really want to do it, I'll tell the other side you're selling 4 gold coins here. I'll take 1 big copper coin as information fee."

The Ossan shows an exceedingly unhappy expression and looks at Ghyslaine for help, but Ghyslaine is paying full attention to the things I'm saying.

Having understood that saying anything else is a waste of time, the Ossan droops his shoulders and sigh.

Sorry about that, since we're just looking around, please let us off.

"Even if we're not doing any buying or selling, we need to know the various prices of things."

"So what if you do know the prices!"

"An example, even if you don't go to a shop, you can guess the price."

"What use does that have?"

What use?? Erm, when you resell you can earn money… ah no. Alright, I'll leave the spotlight to Ghyslaine.

"Ghyslaine, what use do you think this has?"

"...No, I don't know."

Oh sheet, really? You don't know? I thought you really understood it. Whatever, I'm not teaching anyway.

"Is that so, then it really might not be of any use."

In the end this is a lesson for myself, even if I don't understand it's okay.

If I see a market, I'll first investigate the products' information.

I have always done this so it can't be wrong.

Even though I think of it like that, this is the first time I'm personally checking prices out, so I can't really be sure whether there's any use to it.

"If it's possible there's no use to it, why do you still need to do it?"

"Because I think there's a use for it."

Eris has an expression that looks like she can't accept it.

It's not like I can answer every question.

Some of the things require your own thoughts instead of them being taught to you.

"Try thinking on your own, if you think it's useful, then learn from me, if you don't, just laugh at me."

"Then I'm the one who's going to be laughing at you right?"


"Why are you laughing now!?"

I get punched again, sniffle.

I check out the surrounding merchants, but the prices at the higher classed merchant doors are too high, I'll give it up.

Part 4

I slowly move towards the outer city, and the prices of the merchants' goods have a distinct change, going down from the price of 5 gold coins to around 1 gold coin.

It's still a little expensive, but it's something that I can afford.

The customers have certainly increased, from people who look like nobles to adventurers.

Since it's around 1 gold coin, I can still barely afford that price.

When I record down the prices to my notes, a shop suddenly enters into my eyes; it's a bookshop.

When I enter the store, I notice that it's surprisingly quiet.

You can say that it's a shop that mainly sells erotic books.

There are two bookshelves that have the same titles with 2-3 books placed together.

A book is roughly 1 gold coin, with some of the books kept in a glass cabinet.

The average is around 8 gold coins, with the most expensive with a price tag of 20 gold coins, is that the shop's most valuable treasure?

The owner recognizes me as a person who's not a customer, and he doesn't greet me.

His judgment is correct.

I take down the book's title, and the owner looks at me with suspicion.

Arara, there's no problem, I didn't touch the books.

Plus I didn't take photos.

An encyclopedia is around 7 gold coins, if 1 gold coin is around ¥100,000, you need ¥700,000.

On my home's mother, what sort of absurdity is this...

But as expected, the encyclopedia books seem to be really expensive. The must-see book <<Shigu's Summoning Magic>>, needs 10 gold coins.

My monthly salary of 2 silver coins doesn't allow me to fulfill the conditions of buying this.

The most expensive book is the <<Asura's kingdom royal court's etiquette>>, this book has no meaning at all to me.

"What are you looking at that's so interesting?"

Eris asks me, probably bothered by the fact that I'm only looking and not recording.

"No, I'm thinking they aren't really interesting books."

"I heard that people say that you like books?"

"Where did you hear it from?"

"From Otou-sama."

Philip hmm? I did ask him to let me look at the study.

"I, I can help you buy a book."

"You're saying it so easily, do you have any money, Eris?"

"Oji-sama will give me!"

Indeed. But spoiling her too much isn't good.

Even though I want it...

Even though I want it!

"I don't want it."


Eris pouts, she does that when she's unhappy.

If her mood continues to deteriorate, she will come after me like the devil.

But it's still fine for now, she still has her senses about her.

"Eris cannot give out money freely."

"What do you mean?"

Eris eyebrows knit together, she's getting more irritated because she doesn't understand.

Lately I can gradually gauge Eris's Fury-O-Meter.

How should I go about this. When it comes right down to it, is there any meaning to let the girls from noble families learn the importance of using money?

"I'm teaching Eris right now, do you know how much money I get?"

"... 5 Gold coins right?"

"2 silver coins."

"That's cheap!"

Eris shrilly exclaims, and on one corner is the owner with an you're-too-noisy expression.

"Not at all, my achievements are poor and my age is small, as well, it's quite appropriate for me."

Plus there's the fact I will be paid the fees to go to university.

"B, but Ghyslaine has a salary of 2 gold coins. Isn't Rudeus teaching me a lot of things?"

"Ghyslaine has the accomplishments and the rank of being a Sword-King. She's even acting as your bodyguard, therefore Ghyslaine's salary is higher."

Plus there's the bad habit from Boreas Greyrat's family.

If it's from them, they will do something like 「Girls from the beast races shall receive special treatment!」.

"Then, how much salary can I get if it's me?"

"You don't know magic, your sword techniques are not up to par, and without any accomplishments, Ojou-sama's salary even if it's the highest it can go, it won't cross 1 silver coin."

Eris's becomes speechless, and in addition to the above, she has never received pocket money before.

"When you want to buy something for someone, please earn the money with your own hands and talk about it later."

"I got it..."

Eris's droops her head with a rarely seen cheerless expression, if she's always like that I will have an easier time...

"Well, you can ask Philip-sama for some pocket money."


Eris raises her head, I feel as if her affection-O-meter to me has gone up.

Well, even if she's not given any pocket money, giving her anything whatever she wants is spoiling her too much.

It's best to give her a bit of money and let her learn it herself.

After recording some of the important book names I walk out of the book store.

I have an overall impression after spending a day to take a look at the things I want to buy.

Part 5

When I look up to the skies, there's a castle floating up.

It's mixed amongst the clouds, but the fleeting appearances are definitely there.


I point up to the skies, and the surrounding people look up to that direction, but soon lost interest in it.

Hah? You saw that right? Only me? The only person who saw that Castle in the Sky is me?

Father's a liar?

"Are you seeing that for that the first time? That's the 『Armored dragon king』 Perugius's sky fortress."

Do you know that Lady... Ghyslaine!

But coming back to the topic, sky fortress.

Woah, that's really damn cool-.

"What's Perugius?"

"Don't you know that?"

I seem to have heard it before, but I can't recall it.

"What's that?"

Ghyslaine, with a little surprise on her face, tries to choose her words.

But this time Eris crosses her arms and appears in front of me.

"Let me teach you!"

"If you would please teach me."

"Alright! Perugius is one of the three heroes that defeated the Demon-God Laplace."

Eris says that with pride. The Demon-God Laplace, I seem to have heard from somewhere…?

"He's really, really strong, leading 12 followers in the sky fortress to Laplace's fortress."

"Wow, that's really amazing."

"Incredible right!"

"Ojou-sama is really learned, thank you."

"Ufufu! Rudeus still can't make it!"

If I refute her now, I will definitely get beaten. I learned that a long time ago.

Due to that, I went back to investigate.

After inquiring Philip, I got to know there's a book with information somewhere around here, and after much effort I finally find it.

And once I see it, it's actually the same book as the one back in the village Buina.

<<Perugius's legend.>>

I once firmly thought that it's a fairy tale, but it seems to be History.

"Armored Dragon-King" Perugius, no one knows where he comes from or where his upbringing occured. That year, the young him without any fame, was brought in by the Dragon-God Urupein to the Adventurer's guild, this was the earliest record.

Perugius shows his might within a very short period of time, partying up with the Dragon-God Urupein, North-God Kaaruman, the Twin-Emperor Migus・Gumis, and defeated every enemy.

Because Perugius is treated like a younger brother, it wasn't known when he was given the title of "Armored Dragon" amongst the "Five Dragon Warriors" working for the Dragon-God.

He's used his abilities during the Laplace battle without reservations, and he used his token magic, creating 12 familiars, which are

- Void

- Darkness

- Brightness

- Wave

- Life

- Earthquake

- Time

- Roaring storm

- Destruction

- Observation

- Insanity

- Atonement

Controlling the strongest familiars and summoning the ancient sky fortress called "Chaos Breaker", they began to fight Laplace to the death.

But even with all that, it still fell short and didn't manage to kill Laplace, ultimately they were only able to seal him.

After seeing his strength and the "Chaos Breaker's" dignity, the title "Armored Dragon King" started to spread.

The Asuran kingdom for the reason of acknowledging his efforts, decide to establish a new age title.

This is the current "Armored dragon year". (To add on, this is the Dragon Age year 414.)

The "Armored Dragon King" isn't working for any kingdom or governing any territory, and flies around the world with Sky Fortress "Chaos Breaker".

Nobody knows his intentions.

But really 400 years, hmm, is he really still alive?

It's not an empty fortress flying around aimlessly with no directions right?

If there's a chance I will definitely take a look.

Part 6

The second day.

Eris mood is good enough to reach the point of surprising people, perhaps it's the reason of playing the entire day yesterday.

Or perhaps it's related to just going only to the higher class stores.

Regardless, looks like setting a rest day is a correct thing to do.

"Bring me out to play the next time!"

Eris does her usual pose, her face slightly blushing.

What's the reason for blushing?

Anger? Humiliation? What? Can it be embarrassment?

How's that possible, it's that Eris!

"I say…"

My expression is a little troubled, and Eris grits her teeth, and twists her waist, both her hands grabbing her hair and says.

"P, please bring me out nyan?"

"Okay, b-bring you out, I'll bring you out alright, please don't do that."

I stop her in a hurry, that's really quite cute, but it's terrible for the heart.

I feel that I will be receiving a karma-O-meter for that, and when the karma comes back to haunt me it will be paid by punches.

"Hmph! It's good that you understand."

Eris brings her hair back, and before the hair settles, Eris sits back on the desk with a plop.

"Then, you can continue with the lessons."

"You're full of energy today."

"Because, if I'm not a good child, you won't bring me out right!"

O, Ojou-sama is so sensible!?

"T, that's right, I'll bring you out if you're obedient!"

I finish the lesson today with moved emotions.


Name: Eris Boreas Greyrat

Profession: Granddaughter of the lord of Fedoa

Personality: A little violent

Talking to her: She will listen for a while

Language: Able to read many things

Math: Knows subtraction

Magic: Currently learning the elementary rank

Sword: Elementary ranked in the Sword-God style

Etiquette: Knows the common greeting

The people she likes: Grandfather