
No Mercy

Millions of corpses lay dead, even unable to approach the portal, all of them weaker than ants in Gilgamesh's eyes as he flew halfway through the portal, launching attack after attack with his most powerful treasures, and this continued for several minutes.

Moments ago, just the body of a huge whale had been shattered by a sweep of the EA sword in Gilgamesh's hand. If his blows were more powerful, this place would collapse entirely, so he limited his strength to 30% at all times to avoid destroying this precious place.


Rivers of blood formed, emitting a strong smell of decay, and the creatures that had been torn apart on the ground tried to move unsuccessfully. Fatal wounds had left their bodies completely weak, unable to move, let alone emit a sound.

Gilgamesh moved at a brutal speed, preventing any creature that wanted to move more than a hundred meters from the portal from succeeding. This couldn't be called an invasion; it was a massacre on an unprecedented scale.

Cirdian, who was witnessing this change, was shocked by the result. He had believed that Gilgamesh was strong, but not as much as he was showing. He had only killed millions of creatures, his speed, strength, and combat performance defied all logic.

"It can't be..." Cirdian, seeing how Gilgamesh taunted and didn't let anyone escape, shattered all objectivity in his life.

Medusa, who was standing on a flying carriage, looked at the old elf and said, "You must be very confused, even with your age, you've never before seen true battles between people who can rival gods. In his past history, Gilgamesh was a King of Heroes; even someone like me couldn't get close to the greatness of that man's past. I can honestly say that there is no one who can match him on the battlefield, even when facing the most powerful in this world."

"In the Demon-Human War, there were battles of this kind, but I had never been in the presence of such brutal and bloody ones as these," Cirdian felt weak from witnessing such scenes.

Medusa, on the other hand, said, "They are our enemies; they want to invade us, so it's normal to kill them all."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Powerful enemy attacks were aimed at Gilgamesh's body, but no matter how many hit him, none could penetrate the defenses of his golden armor. Nothing could break or even scratch his armor, so the idea of harming him slowly faded within the enemy ranks.

The weight of Gilgamesh's powerful attacks left huge craters opening in the ground, causing the dark creatures themselves to fall into the disaster and die buried under the debris and earth.

This sudden change in the battle surprised all those rushing to this end of the place. No matter how strong Gilgamesh was, he had shown nothing more than his physical abilities and those thousands of swords shooting towards the enemy every second.

"You damned heretic!"

At this point, Gilgamesh stared at the other end of the portal, which was supposed to lead to another world. His eyes were truly terrifying, much more so than the creatures from the abyss, and he walked step by step towards the portal where dark creatures kept pouring out. Every step Gilgamesh took caused the ground to sink, creating large craters that shook the earth for kilometers around.

Right now, under the powerful pressure released by Gilgamesh, none of his supposed enemies could stand in his way for more than ten seconds because the next moment they were torn apart by the attacks of his mighty sword.

"Kill him!"

Feeling that the same situation was about to repeat itself once more, an army on the other side of the portal had prepared in advance, and many powerful forces were heading towards the exit where millions of dark creatures' corpses lay motionless.

But when those creatures charged at Gilgamesh, there wasn't a single one that didn't stop in fear at the sight of Gilgamesh's mad gaze while he tore his enemies apart. There was no way to describe it with words; the feeling of being completely trapped in a small box with a ferocious beast could somewhat describe what was happening in the surroundings.

Two beings, each three meters in size, also felt as if an invincible predator was watching them. Only someone who had killed hundreds of thousands of living beings could emit such terrifying pressure and intent to kill.

"You're just a human!" A furious voice echoed from deep within the portal, and the two figures observed by Gilgamesh attacked with their fierce weapons.

Gilgamesh roared thunderously, "Come all or die like dogs!"

This time, Gilgamesh rushed towards the portal and passed through it, raising his EA weapon as a powerful concentration of magical energy crashed directly into both enemies.

Boom! Boom!

This time, space showed signs of breaking, right now Gilgamesh was reliving the moments when he faced true rivals much stronger than he was and defeated them all. At this moment, his gaze had lost any semblance of humanity; only the desire to kill and destroy remained.

The two weapons of the three-meter-tall beings could not withstand Gilgamesh's onslaught. However, these weapons that clashed with EA could not match its greatness, so they shattered after the first impact. At this moment, Gilgamesh, with his armor, was an invincible being, while his Enkidu chains restrained his enemies before they were killed by sword attacks at an unmatched speed.

Under the shock of the clash between the EA sword and those two weapons, the hands of those beings who could easily be sword gods were shattered by the first impact. This caused the three-meter-tall beings to frown but feel nothing but a flash as a reddish attack split them in half.


At that very moment, a wave of attack came from the depths of the world and headed towards Gilgamesh, who, with just a swing of his sword and the release of energy, split that attack in half.


Gigantic stone giants headed towards Gilgamesh, but with a single swing of the Enkidu chain, these two enormous creatures couldn't move and halted their steps. The golden ripples that began to appear crushed hundreds of thousands of creatures per minute, the swords launched like meteors pierced dozens of enemies before coming to a stop.

"How dare you invade my world!" A dignified voice shook the darkness, and Gilgamesh, who was in the midst of killing, stopped, although his ripples kept attacking.

"Come and face me. I heard that the people of this world want to invade mine, so I'm just doing the same to you. To me, you're only ants I don't want to deal with in the future, so I'm just taking out the trash," Gilgamesh's voice echoed throughout the world submerged in darkness, causing all the beings of this world to hear him.

"You're just like us, a conqueror. We shouldn't feel pity or fear in making an enemy of our level. This is our nature, so seeing that we're both the monarchs of our worlds, let's fight, and the victor will swear not to invade the other's world for a million years," the voice speaking stopped at the level where Gilgamesh was flying and revealed its form.

"You have a human appearance but have been consumed by the strange energy of this dimension. It's no wonder others don't kill each other having a superior existence like you... although you're still an ant," Gilgamesh smiled coldly and said, "So let's fight, let's see who's stronger, and prepare yourself because I'm going all out."

"My name is Alaius, Monarch of Shadows and Governor of the world within the darkness," Alaius said as he wielded a sword weighing hundreds of tons.

This time, Gilgamesh would fight at full strength. Ever since he could remember, he had stopped underestimating his opponents with considerable strength. He used to do so, which caused significant injuries to his body that affected him in subsequent battles.

"Let's go!"

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