
Mushoku Tensei: Artorius

A man from our world dies and then finds himself reborn in the world of Mushoku Tensei as the younger twin brother of Rudeus Greyrat. Follow his adventures as he journeys through the world filled with demons, magic, monsters, and gods. MC will have the appearance and abilities of Arthur Pendragon (Proto Saber) from the Fate Franchise -Natural talent and unparalleled skill with a blade. -Charisma that will draw in comrades, and helps to charm the ladies. -A master of riding and driving any type of transportation. Note: This story will contain several AU elements.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Magic

-Two Years Later-

(3rd Person: POV)

Before Arthur and Rudeus knew it two years had passed since their reincarnation into their new world.

During that time nothing much had happened.

Except for the that fact that both twins had taught themselves how to read, and had started teaching themselves how to use magic.


While lying on the floor of one of his houses rooms Rudeus read through the book pertaining to magic opened on the floor in front of him.

Arthur right by his side doing the exact same thing.

As Rudeus flipped to a new page in the book Arthur finished turning the page.

Once he did so he returned his attention the new page Rudeus had turned too.

Seeing this Rudeus couldn't help but put a soft smile on his face.

'Heh, this kids alright.' Rudeus thought. 'In my old life my little brother was the worst. But Arthur is completely different from that guy. He's nice, minds his own business, and doesn't say anything even when he sees me do weird things.'

Honestly Rudeus was wary of Arthur at first, considering his experiences with his siblings during his previous life.

But slowly he is starting to warm-up to his brother.

Noticing Rudeus smile Arthur turned his head in his direction. "Hey brother, why are you smiling like that?" He asked.

"Oh, no reason in particular." He replied.

"Okay." Arthur replied.

He then went back to studying the pages of the magic tome.

Excited that he was finally taking his first steps in learning magic.


(Arthur: POV)

Once Rudeus and I began studying magic the time suddenly began to fly bye.

Now that we had something to focus our attention on.

Other than eating, sleeping, and tuning out the screams of Paul and Zenith as they humped like rabbits almost every night.

To say listening to their shouts of passion during sex is not fun would be an understatement.

You know the fact that between them they only had two kids, well three now I am here, really astounds me.

I'm also surprised Zenith can walk upright every day with how close she and Paul are to breaking the bed almost every time.

She probably uses healing magic on herself to take care of the soreness, but that is only speculation.

Moving on from my new parents sex life, just like in the original story Rudeus and I first started with the spell [Water Ball]. We both also used chantless casting.

Though unlike Rudeus I began reaching myself how to use wind magic.

Since the technique I want to re-create requires that I know it.

The two of us practiced our magic, and we grew our mana capacities.

Then just like in the anime Rudeus one day lost control of his magic and blew a hole clean through the room we used for our magic training.

Standing next to Rudeus I watched as Paul examined the destruction he managed to cause. Which is nothing compared to what my brother will be capable of in the future. I mean he's a guy who has the potential to become one of this worlds [Seven Great Powers].

That's not a claim just anyone can make.

"What could've done this? Monster attack maybe?" Paul asked himself.

Meanwhile Zenith was eyeing me and Rudeus, along with the beginner magical tome on the floor. Seeing this she instantly connected the dots. "Sweeties, have you two been reading this book?" She asked. Picking up the tome from the ground.

"Yes, we have mother." I instantly answered.

"We're sorry." Rudeus immediately spoke after me.

Considering he doesn't really know anything about this world yet.

Hearing our words Zenith put a huge stupid grin on her face.

Making Rudeus flinch.

But me? I decided to match that grin with one of my own.

"Eh, brother why are you smiling like that?" Rudeus asked me after noticing me copying Zenith's smile.

"I just felt like it." I replied.

Deciding to mess with him a little.

"Right." Rudeus replied.

Meanwhile Zenith started jumping for joy. Drawing the attention of both Paul and Lilia.

"Paul, can you believe this Rudeus did this, and Arthur has been right along side him. Oh, we have to get the both of them a magic tutor immediately." Zenith spoke.

"What, but we haven't even taught them how to read yet." Paul replied. Scratching his head.

"Oh that doesn't matter. Our babies our geniuses. Thus we must nurture their talents." Zenith spoke.

"Now hang on a minute Zenith, we agreed that if we had a boy he would learn swordsmanship." Paul spoke. Crossing his arms.

"But that was before we knew how talented our boys were when it comes to magic." Zenith retorted.

"Be that as it may you made me a promise." Paul said.

"What, but you break your promises to me all the time." Zenith replied.

The two of them begin to bicker like an ordinary married couple would.

'Reminds me of my parents from my old life.' I thought. Feeling nostalgic as I watched Paul and Zenith begin a heated exchange of words.

Only for Lilia to intervene.

"If it's that much of an issue you could have the young masters learn magic in the morning and then have swordsmanship lessons in the afternoon." She spoke.

Easily resolving the problem.

But that's Lilia for you.

Ever the problem solver.

It's why I've come to respect her over these past couple of years since my reincarnation. That's also why I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out a solution to the whole "double pregnancy" situation that will occur in the next few years.

A solution that won't result in Aisha never existing.

Since as much as the whole entire situation was messed up I noticed how Lilia became brighter in the novels and the anime after Aisha was born. So I won't stop her from being born. Though it's not even like I probably could.

Unless I turned Paul into ennuch.

Though if I did that the man might suicide, considering his dick is more of a brain than his actual brain most of the time.

Like in regards to his actions towards Lilia in the past.

Yeah, and this guy is always lecturing me and Rudeus about being "real men". An utter hypocrite.

Which is why I rarely listen to the advise Paul gives the two of us.

Moving on.

Paul and Zenith agreed with Lilia's proposal.

So once it was decided they sent for a magic tutor for Rudeus and I.

Then the day came for our very first meeting with