
Mushoku Tensei - A Second Chance

***SPOILERS for Mushoku Tensei anime watchers*** This fan-fic will contain heavy spoilers for any anime-only fan of Mushoku Tensei. You have been warned. This story considers what may have happened if the Rudeus from the future had been successful in his attempt at time travel. What if Rudeus' attempt at time travel had resulted in him traveling back into the body of his younger self? After researching time travel with the help of Perugius and Nanahoshi, Rudeus makes his attempt only to find himself opening his eyes to see Paul and Zenith doting over their newborn son. Rudeus is essentially given a second chance at life in this world starting with all the knowledge he had accrued. Will he be able to protect his family this time around? Please note this is my first attempt at writing of any sort. I would honestly appreciate any critiques and advice. I don't mind criticism, but please be kind about it.

Coolex · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Legends of the University #5

I continued to work with Zanoba and Cliff once a week teaching them Dragon-God tongue. Cliff was progressing much faster despite Zanoba swearing that he was studying in every bit of his spare time. I have a hard time believing that he's skipping his time admiring his dolls but then again learning the language was his idea.

I, on the other hand, was finally taking things easy for a change. I'm taking classes on intermediate barrier magic and divine strike magic. They are the only schools of magic I'm not experienced in. Despite being the most accomplished mage in this school, it doesn't mean I can't learn anything while I'm here.

Since I had some extra time, one day I followed Sylphy to her 'magical combat' class after we had lunch together.

To the dismay of some of the top students (and relief of most others), Silent Sylphiette was no longer interested in mock duels with them. She had built up quite a name for herself this past year and defeating her had become the ultimate goal of all the others who were aiming for the top.

Despite the fact that Sylphy had been regularly dueling not only upperclassmen but even teachers on a daily basis for the past year, she remained completely undefeated. Well, at least as far as the other students knew. The duel we had as my entrance exam remained a secret... for now.

"Come on, Rudy. Practice with me, won't you? Mock battles with the others are boring. Nobody here can cast without incantations so beating them is way too easy."

I saw one of the professors we were walking past flinch when Sylphy said that. I'm guessing he was one of the teachers she had beaten and was now calling a boring match.

"Sure, why not. Just so you know though, I won't be going easy on you. After all, if you beat me it will officially make you one of the Seven Great Powers."

"Haha! That would be cool, but we both know that'll never happen."

"Don't cut yourself short. You're way more skilled than you realize. If I'm not careful you really will beat me one of these days."

Sylphy couldn't contain her pride as her face beamed a radiant smile.

As the two of us walked up to wait in line for our turn to use the combat ring, the entire training hall got eerily quiet. So much so that we could hear several of the students whispering gossip to one another about us, not that it bothered either of us in the slightest.

"Silent Sylphiette is going to start dueling again?"

"Who's that kid she's paired with? I don't think I've seen him around before. Is he a first year?"

"Quiet, you idiot! You don't know who that is!? That's Kennel Master Rudeus! He's the one who crushed Linia and Pursena two on one and took over their gang!"

"I heard he's got the whole special class under his thumb!"

"I saw him drag the unconscious body of one of the other special students into the supply closet!"

"Isn't Sylphiette in that class? Why would she let him do that?"

"That must be why she brought him here! She's going to teach him a lesson in an official duel!"

"That must be it! Teach that brat a lesson Sylphiette!"

"Yeah! Get him Silent!"

"Silent! Silent! Silent! Silent!"

By the time it was our turn to spar, a crowd had formed around the two of us and had broken out into a chant to cheer for Sylphy. One might think that everyone rooting against me would bother me, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was ecstatic! I was so happy that everyone here got just how awesome Sylphy really was. So much so that I began having doubts about our match.

"Are you sure about this, Sylphy?", I whispered to her. "Everyone here is rooting for you. I don't want to embarrass you in front of your friends..."

"Embarrass me!?", she whispered back. "Don't be silly! They just don't know you yet. Once they see how amazing you are it's you who they'll be cheering for. Don't you dare go easy on me or I'll get mad!"

She hardly whispered that last sentence at all, causing the crowd surrounding us to cheer her on even louder.

I had told myself that I wanted to keep a low profile at this school, but I guess that's out the window now. To be honest I think I already blew it anyway. Ever since my confrontation with Linia and Pursena I've noticed over the top rumors spreading about me at the school.

'It's probably Linia who's spreading them', I thought with a sigh. 'Eh, whatever. This is what Sylphiette wants. It would be rude of me to back out now.'

"Alright then. Go ahead and go all out against me. You don't have to worry. If I get into trouble, I can always cancel out your magic."

Sylphy pouted when I said that last part.

"You're going to have to teach me how to do that!"

"I did promise that, didn't I?"

"You sure did!"

"I'll teach it to you when we get home. It's going to take some practice though."

"I expected nothing less. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it."

Professor Gueta stood at the side of the combat ring and prepared to call the start of our duel. I could tell that he was also excited to see our match.

"Take your stances!", He announced.

Sylphy took out the training wand I had given her way back in Buena Village. I didn't have Aqua Heartia with me so I just stood at the starting spot opposite Sylphy with both my hands in my pockets.

"Who does he think he is!", one of Sylphy's fans yelled out.

"You're going to regret underestimating Silent Sylphiette!", another added.

Professor Gueta called out for the students to quiet down as he prepared to start the match. "At my mark. Three... Two... One... Begin!"

From the start, I kept both my Demon Eyes active. I wasn't going to go easy on her anymore. I did, however, refrain from using disturb magic. It wouldn't be any practice for Sylphy otherwise.

Just like our last battle, Sylphy immediately fired a [Sonic Boom] spell at me right as Gueta called the start of the match and then dashed off to the side. Being nimble on your feet is a good thing, but I hope she doesn't do this same move to start off every single fight. That would be way too predictable.

As I clearly saw her move with my eye of foresight, I simultaneously countered. Without even taking my hands out of the side pockets of my robes, I pointed my finger towards the ground in front of me and cast the [Earth Wall] spell, but modified the wall to curve in a half circle to guide the wind from Sylphy's [Sonic Boom] spell back towards her while leading slightly in the direction she was dashing to. The [Sonic Boom] hit her head on and sent her flying out of the combat ring. I slowed her descent with gravity magic to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Once again the room became totally silent. Everyone was so shocked that it took their minds several seconds to process what just happened.

Professor Gueta was the first to speak.

"Sylphiette has been knocked out of the combat ring. Rudeus Greyrat is the winner!"

"No way...", someone whispered.

"Silent... lost?"

"He didn't look like he was even trying! He never even moved!"

Sylphy got back up and walked back into the ring as the crowd of students surrounding us parted ways for her to pass.

"Wow, you predicted my move perfectly. I didn't expect it to come flying back at me!"

"Well it's the same way you started our last battle. You have to mix up your strategy at times."

"That ended way too fast. Let's go again!"

It didn't look like anyone was going to complain about us taking another turn so Professor Gueta agreed and counted down for us to begin again.

This time Sylphy fired a [Water Arrow] spell to start off and instead of breaking out into a run she held her ground and prepared herself for a counter attack. Using a [Wind Blast] spell, I blocked the [Water Arrow] causing it to pass by my side and splash harmlessly against the Anti-Magic Barrier surrounding the Combat Ring.

I countered with a [Water Cannon] spell which Sylphy was prepared for. She summoned an [Earth Wall] to block the attack, but using gravity magic I redirected my spell to curve around her [Earth Wall] and land a direct hit, once again sending her sliding back outside the ring.

"Woah! Did you see that!?"

"He made his spell change directions!"

"How is that even possible? I don't remember our instructor mentioning anything like that when we were learning the [Water Cannon] spell."

Once again the crowd of students began gossiping about our match but Sylphy did seem to mind. She was already walking back into the ring as she used her magic to dry her clothes.

"Again!", she demanded.

I obliged.

The two of us spent the entirety of her Magical combat training class dueling one another. I won every match of course, but each time she would try something new and last just a little bit longer. Our matches completely disrupted the class as nobody else was even bothering to practice anymore as they were all too engrossed in watching us spar. Even the other teachers watched from the balcony in awe.

From that day forth Sylphy always asked me to come to class and practice with her after lunch. In addition, I helped her back at the house to begin learning [Disturb Magic]. We could often be found sitting on the living room couch while I had a quivering ball of water hovering above one hand as Sylphy tried to disrupt it.

Life was pretty easygoing. Things were going great and we all seemed to be enjoying ourselves. That was until one evening while Sylphy and I were in the Livingroom practicing, we heard a blood curdling shriek coming from the adjacent room.

I ran to the source of the scream to find Lilia on the ground with a spilled tray of refreshments beside her. She was crawling back in fear of the man standing at the top of the stairway. It was Dragon God Orsted.

[Legends of the University #5: The Boss is the strongest]