
Muse of the Dragon Rider

This is the tale of Lily, a young child from a tiny town who was unexplainably transported to a continent where a prominent academy summoned a gifted magus—selected by a dragon egg to be its rider—every year. Lily begins a journey of magical education and training within the walls of this institution, eventually developing into an overpowered force in the world of magic and dragons. Lily is a powerful dragon rider herself, but why does she being called "Muse of the Dragon Rider"? Author's Note: This novel will be updated daily. Add to your collection so you will be notified. Thanks for reading! :)

Koko_Palibino · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Legendary Dragon Egg III



They walked towards the village. Lily's eyes widened with amazement as she took in the enchanting glow of the lanterns that illuminated the surroundings. It was clear that this year's Tel Am was a grander celebration than ever before, as there seemed to be more people gathered to pay their respects to the dead. As they made their way towards the center of the festivities, the distant sound of music grew louder and more vibrant. Soon, they reached a clearing where a group of people were dancing to traditional music around a towering bonfire. The music was a lively and spirited blend of drums, flutes, and other instruments, filling the air with a rhythm that was impossible not to move to. Lily watched with awe as the dancers twirled and swayed in time to the beat, their movements almost hypnotic in their grace and energy. The entire scene was a beautiful and mesmerizing display of life and joy, a stark contrast to the solemn remembrance of the dead that Tel Am was meant to be.

"I'm happy that we get to celebrate this together again," Lucy said as she glanced at her husband.

Eliot's smile was warm and genuine as he held Lily in his arms. He gazed around at the faces of the people passing by, and his expression became contemplative. "I hardly see familiar faces here," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "It seems like our generation is slowly slipping away."

He remembered his childhood when the village was filled with families who had lived there for generations. He remembered the stories his grandparents told him about their parents and grandparents and the village's history that had been passed down from generation to generation. But now, as he looked around, he mainly saw strangers. The younger generation had moved away to seek their fortunes in the cities, leaving behind a dwindling population of elders.

Eliot felt a pang of nostalgia for the days when the village was a bustling community where everyone knew each other and looked out for one another. He wondered what the future held for Riversville and the memories and traditions handed down through the generations.


Eliot turned towards the voice and saw his old friend approaching him. They've known each other since childhood, and they were like brothers.

"Rob!" Eliot exclaimed as he hugged his friend tightly. "It's been ages since we last saw each other."

"I know. Good thing you're able to attend this year's Tel Am." Rob replied. "Good to see you, Lucy."

Lucy smiled and greeted Rob warmly. "It's nice seeing you here. Eliot has been very busy with his travels."

"We have so much to talk about." Eliot's hand landed softly on his friend's shoulder, his fingers gently squeezing the fabric of his shirt. The two men had not seen each other for a long time, and there was so much to discuss. Eliot's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he turned to face his friend, a broad smile spreading. He could hardly contain his excitement, and his friend could tell that something big had happened. They both knew they had a lot of catching up to do, and Eliot couldn't wait to share all the details with his old friend.

"Yes, stories from your journey deserve a beer." They both laugh. "And wow, Lily has grown so much. She's a beautiful little girl."

"Thank you," Eliot replied, beaming with pride. "We're celebrating her 5th birthday today."

"Happy birthday, Lily!" Robert exclaimed, causing her to giggle. "I remember when we used to celebrate our birthdays together. Those were good times."

Eliot smiled at the memory. "Yes, they were."

"By the way, have you heard about this year's Tel Am celebration? I heard it's going to be different from the previous ones."

Eliot shook his head. "No, I haven't. What's going to be different?"

Robert leaned in and whispered, "I heard a lot of families came to celebrate this year and expected to release hundreds of lanterns to give respect to their ancestors. It's going to be a sight to behold."

Lucy's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds amazing! We have to see it."

Eliot smiled at his wife's enthusiasm. "We should. It's been a while since we last went to Tel Am."

"I agree," Robert said. "It's going to be a night to remember."
