
Chapter 1:Mist

The air was cool still, the sun not yet visible. Looming trees cast uneven shadows all across the ground, some concealing groaning monsters. Trudging through the grass was a young woman. She kept her gaze on her feet mostly, as if she was afraid to fall into some hole in the floor.

The cool air had seeped into her clothing and even made her hair feel damp. She tugged on the robe wrapped around her slim body wishing it was a bit longer, or even a bit thicker. It barely fell past her knees, which shook slightly.

Thankfully no one was out yet.

No others to see her in such a state. Though she often avoided the others anyway.

Finally, she reached her destination. A shallow cave barely going thirty blocks under the surface world. Such a thing ought to be above her notice, but she swore she had left some coal down here.

"If I get a little more coal," she muttered to herself.

Then she could return home again.

She took out her pickaxe and felt its comforting weight, her mind slipped away with it. Now she was a miner, and this was a cave. A dangerous old friend to her.

She climbed down the slope, stumbling on one of her legs. She ignored the pain of it and kept going deeper.

On the walls though she found nothing but stone and andesite. She mined out a bit of andesite here and there, perhaps even this would appease.

But no.

It was her own fault she was here. So clumsy she had been when she had lost half a stack of coal. She had promised to replace it, otherwise, her sons would be hungry.

She scanned along the walls, nearly at the bottom now and found nothing.

Nothing, nothing and more nothing.

Stone, andesite and stone surrounding her like grey walls. Finally, with a final gasp she fell to the ground exhausted and put her head in her hands.

Her four little sons all alone at home with their father. They needed her.

She picked herself up and dried her eyes on her hands.

When she opened them again she was stunned. Peeking out of the corner of the cave was black speckles. She couldn't believe it, had she missed this on her way in? Overcome with tiredness she had stumbled past?

Ignoring her leg which hurt worst than ever she ran her hands over the ore. They were real.

She took out her pickaxe and chopped away at them, one after another, one after another. She hit the end of the vein and found iron!

Carefully she collected this too. When she finished she look at her goods and felt a small sense of relief. The iron would sell as ingots or as swords, and the coal would mostly replace what was lost.

She closed her eyes and breathed in and out until her heart slowed down. Stuffing away all the goods she turned to leave, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flicker. She turned fast her leg screaming out in agony. Nothing.

She shook her head and made for the exit as quick as her leg would carry her.

Behind her though she swore she heard a gentle hiss, "Mist."

Mist. She shivered. But no one called her that except her children and they weren't here.

"I'm exhausted," she said aloud to herself as if speaking it made it more true.

She left the cave behind and headed for the surface world once more.

Now the sun was barely peeking over the horizon, filling her eyes with light that caused her to squint. How long had she been down there?

She needed to get home!