
Murim: Struggle of the Weak

In a world where the strong prey on the weak, one orphaned boy must fight to survive. Abandoned and alone, he wanders the gritty streets, barely scraping by on the scraps of a broken society. But when a mysterious figure plucks him from the gutter and throws him into an abyss-like prison, he realizes his life is about to change forever. Trapped in this dark, forbidding place, he discovers the secrets of cultivation - a powerful system of strength and skill that can elevate him from a lowly beggar to a powerful warrior. But with rival factions vying for dominance and treacherous enemies lurking around every corner, the journey to the top will be fraught with danger. Fueled by the burning desire to rise above his humble beginnings, he sets out on a path of relentless training and unyielding determination. Even if he doesn't possess the innate talent of a genius, he will practice a thousand times harder. Even if his potential is limited, he will crawl his way to the top or die trying. Welcome to the World of Murim, where survival is the ultimate goal and the strong rule. Follow the epic journey of one orphaned boy as he fights to claim his place in a brutal, unforgiving world.

Adamo_Amet · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter no.39 The Spheres of Radiant Obscurity

In the midst of a desolate and eerie island lay a breeding ground for demon beasts. The land itself was an uncanny testament to the dark energy that pervaded the area, taking the shape of a sinister skull. Two jagged peaks rose menacingly, forming what appeared to be the eye sockets, while a narrow strip of land arched down to serve as the nose bridge. The sandy beaches and rocky shores of the island bore a striking resemblance to the teeth of the skull, with their irregular and sharp edges only adding to the sense of unease that gripped any who ventured close.

Surrounding the island was a turbulent sea, its waters a deep, inky black that seemed to absorb all light. Sinister tendrils of mist crept across the surface, swallowing any errant glimmers of moonlight that dared to pierce the gloom. The wind howled mournfully through the crags and crevices, carrying with it the scent of decay and despair.

Upon the jagged peaks, a peculiar scene unfolded as a red-haired boy stood poised, his purple eyes gleaming with determination. The high altitude caused him to pant slightly, the thin air making it difficult for him to catch his breath. However, he refused to let this slow him down or detract from his resolve. He wielded a saber in his hand, its blade gleaming in the scarce sunlight that managed to break through the thick canopy of clouds. The air was heavy with the scent of impending battle, the tension palpable as he faced a sleek and graceful creature.

This demon beast possessed a slender body and long, muscular legs, its fur a beautiful shade of golden brown with black spots scattered throughout. Its lithe form belied the power contained within its supple frame, as it prowled the rocky terrain with effortless grace.

Its most striking feature, however, lay in its metallic fangs. These sharp, curved teeth were made of a shimmering silver-like metal that glinted menacingly in the sunlight. Engraved upon the surface of the fangs were a series of intricate runes, ancient and mysterious. They seemed to pulsate with an unseen power, glowing with a faint and eerie light. A deafening sound echoed through the mountain peak, a deep, guttural noise full of power and aggression.

As the beast roared, it bared its metallic fangs, the runes upon them glowing brightly. Its eyes blazed with a fierce and primal fire, and its ears flattened against its head. Seeing the demon beast's cry for battle, I could not help but smile in response, trying to ignore the dizzying effects of the high altitude.

Perhaps my grin was a feeble attempt to alleviate the fear that gripped my heart, or perhaps it was my own insanity surfacing as I gazed upon the Abyssal Runic Linx. "Hey, are you willing to let me go?" I asked, even as the creature growled in response.

"I'll take that as a no but any change I can bribe you with some milk."

( ~Growl~ )

"Why, I thought cats liked milk?" I exclaimed as I stood my ground against the demon beast, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. Its metallic fangs gleamed with a malevolent sheen, and the runic symbols etched into them seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

The Linx snarled and charged at me with a ferocity that made my blood run cold. Its powerful legs propelled it forward with incredible speed, and I could feel the ground trembling beneath my feet as it approached. I gripped my saber tightly in my hand, the familiar weight of it giving me a sense of reassurance in this moment of peril.

The high altitude made the air thinner, and I felt lightheaded and short of breath as I prepared to defend myself. To compensate for this, I focused on the techniques I had honed through months of practice. The Seven Star Saber Art and the Thunder Hummingbird Art were my greatest weapons against this fearsome opponent.

As the Linx lunged at me, I sprang into action, executing the Crescent Moon technique. My saber traced a swift, curved slash that followed the arc of a crescent moon, gracefully slicing through the air while maintaining balance and control. The deceptive speed and the ability to change direction mid-swing caught the Linx off guard.

I then transitioned to the Thunder Hummingbird Art, performing the Winged Fury technique. I unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast slashes that mimicked the rapid wing-beats of a hummingbird, designed to overwhelm the Linx with speed and unpredictability.

The Linx was not yet ready to give up. It snarled and growled, its eyes glowing with an intensity that chilled me to the bone. I knew that I had to think quickly if I was to emerge victorious in this battle.

I drew upon the Foutte Nebula technique from the Seven Star Saber Art, swirling and evading the Linx's attacks with grace and agility. The dance-like movements allowed me to position myself for a powerful counterstrike.

My hand snaked into the folds of the Nightfall Mantle that I wore, seeking the orbs that I had brought with me for just such an occasion. With practiced ease, I threw the orbs onto the ground, creating a veil of smoke between me and the demon beast. The thick, gray smoke filled the mountainous side, obscuring the Linx's vision and allowing me a moment to catch my breath.

But the Linx was not so easily deterred. The runic symbols on its fangs glowed with a faint yet ethereal light, and I watched in horror as symbols began to form beneath its paws. The runic glow brightened enough to pierce the veil of darkness of the smoke cloud, and I found myself frozen in place as the symbols crawled up my body, threatening to paralyze me.

As I struggled against the encroaching paralysis, I realized that I needed to use more advanced techniques to gain the upper hand in this battle.

The creature licked its lips in triumph before charging through the smoke, and I knew that I had to act fast if I was to survive. With a trembling hand, I activated the Spheres of Radiant Obscurity between my fingers, and a blinding flash of light filled the mountainous side. I closed my eyes, shielding my face from the intense light, and braced myself for the bang that followed.

The sound was louder than I expected, and I could feel the shockwave hitting me like a wave of sound. The Linx, disoriented by the sudden explosion of light and sound, struggled to regain its footing. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, my vision adjusting to the aftermath of the flashbang. The mountainous side was filled with smoke and debris, and I could see the Linx stumbling around, trying to orient itself.

Seizing the opportunity, I leaped into action, employing the Rising Hum technique from the Thunder Hummingbird Art. I delivered a swift upward strike, mimicking a hummingbird's ascent, catching the Linx off-guard and striking from an unexpected angle. The powerful blow connected with the demon beast's jaw, shattering teeth and splattering blood across the rocky terrain.

As the Linx recovered, it launched a frenzied series of attacks, forcing me to rely on my training to stay alive. One of its swipes caught my arm, leaving a deep gash that oozed blood and sent a searing pain up my limb. Gritting my teeth, I used the Tempo technique from the Seven Star Saber Art to manipulate the rhythm of the duel, varying the speed and intensity of my strikes. The disorienting tactic created openings for decisive attacks, which I exploited with the Blossom Burst technique from the Thunder Hummingbird Art.

The sudden, explosive attack imitated a hummingbird's burst of speed and caught the Linx off-guard, breaking through its defenses. The force of my blow cleaved through the demon beast's flesh, causing a spray of blood to coat the surrounding rocks. The Linx howled in pain, its eyes filled with a mixture of rage and fear.

With a powerful blow to its chest, I brought the Linx to its knees, and it yelped in pain. My own injuries ached and throbbed, but I could see the fear in its eyes, and I knew that I had won. Finally, after what felt like hours, the Linx fell to the ground, defeated, its lifeblood seeping into the earth. I breathed a sigh of relief, my body shaking with exhaustion. The battle against the Linx had been intense and grueling, but I had emerged victorious.

Bloodied and battered, I took a moment to assess my wounds. The gash on my arm still bled profusely, and I knew I had to tend to it before moving on. I rummaged through my supplies, finding a bandage and some medicinal herbs that would help staunch the bleeding and prevent infection. As I applied the makeshift dressing, the pain in my arm subsided slightly.

My purple eyes scanned the surrounding landscape, taking in the carnage and destruction that had resulted from the battle. The mountainous side was littered with debris and stained with blood, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in this treacherous land. The high altitude made it harder for me to catch my breath, and I could feel the thin air biting at my lungs as I struggled to inhale.

The demon beast's corpse lay before me, its runic arrays etched in blood and death, a testament to its formidable power. I couldn't help but wonder how it had mastered such intricate formations. It takes hundreds of years for cultivators to even begin to comprehend the language of the runes, but this monster wielded them like a sword in battle, its movements as graceful as they were deadly.

This place was known to be a breeding ground for demon beasts, a land shrouded in darkness and malice. Even still, the idea of an infant wielding such power was deeply unsettling. I brushed aside my questions and carefully stored the beast's remains in my Nightfall Mantle, shuddering at the weight of its malevolence.

As I looked around, I took in the environment. The broken marble on the ground was a solemn reminder of my journey thus far. I couldn't help but sigh as I remembered all the work I had put in to write down all of Alexander's manuscripts in other journals before selling the original to Kunlan after carefully removing the important bits. The modified journals were traded for the items that I needed to survive in this hostile place.

I looked up, drawn by the siren call of the summit. It loomed above me, shrouded in clouds and sunlight. A place of majesty and mystery, a challenge I couldn't resist.

The climb was a torturous ordeal, each step a battle against the unyielding stone of the mountain. The air grew thinner, the trail steeper, and the rocks more treacherous.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of climbing, I reached the summit. The sight that greeted me was beyond description, a panoramic view of breathtaking beauty that took my breath away. I stood there for a long time, my heart pounding with a mixture of awe and terror, feeling incredibly small and yet incredibly alive.

The view from the peak was breathtaking, a mosaic of color and sound that stretched as far as the eye could see. The rustling of leaves mingled with the distant hum of the city below, and the world seemed to pulse with life. I was a tiny speck in a vast and awe-inspiring universe.

With a deep breath, I smiled before recalling the purpose of my climb. Retrieving my telescope from my Nightfall Mantle, I adjusted the focus and scanned the landscape below.

As if a veil had been lifted from my sight, I could perceive everything and everyone on the island, the most conspicuous being a temple-like structure nestled deep within a dense forest. The temple was surrounded by towering trees, their branches forming a canopy that shielded the building from the sun. The walls were constructed of rough-hewn stone, and the roof was adorned with a series of intricate carvings and sculptures. Despite its age and exposure to the elements, the temple exuded an aura of majesty and potency. Inside, the structure was replete with pillars and arches, each adorned with intricate designs and carvings.

Were it not for the prodigious amount of spiritual Qi emanating from it, I could have easily missed it due to how well-concealed it was.


[ Author Note : The Spheres of Radiant Obscurity.

The Spheres of Radiant Obscurity are a type of item often used in combat against Demon Beasts. They are essentially Spiritual Qi enhanced flashbangs that create a burst of bright light and a loud noise, intended to disorient enemies or distract them so that the cultivators can escape or gain the upper hand in combat.

When a Sphere of Radiant Obscurity is activated, it creates a bright flash of light in a 20-foot radius, causing everyone within that radius to be temporarily blinded for a few seconds expect for the individual who activated the Spheres because of a Runic arrays on said individual. Additionally, a loud noise is emitted that can be heard up to 60 feet away. This can disorient enemies, making them lose their bearings or even temporarily deafen them. ]